I just finished SotG really late last night-it was great. I'm not sure if this is a **spoiler**, but I was wondering if anyone knows the names of all of Bean and Petra's children? Of course I know that one of them is named Achilles, and I know the ones that stayed with Petra are Andrew, Bella, Petra(Poke), Ramon, and Julian, and the one's that are with Bean are also Andrew(Ender), and Bella(Carlotta), but what is the name of the third child with Bean? I've read the last three chapters over and over and can't seem to find a name for the third child, who I think I read is a boy. Anyone know?
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If it makes you feel any better I noticed that too and could not find the name of that last child either.
Posts: 43 | Registered: Mar 2005
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I want to say that it was Petra or that it was Petra but that Bean would call her Poke and and call Petra the one on Earth or the other way around, but that's just off of memory.
Posts: 74 | Registered: Mar 2005
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yep! i had the same question. I asked the people at philoticweb, and couldn't find the third child with Bean. But someone said that he might have nicknamed him Nikolai, since he's the only other person that was important in his life. If the child was a girl...i'm thinking
Posts: 146 | Registered: Feb 2005
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So for anyone still wondering check page 349 its in the letter beane leaves with Ramon. Bean's Children are Ender(Andrew) Carlotta (Bella) and Poke (Petra) On Page343 when Mrs. Delphiki (bean's biological mom) explains to the children's sleeping arangements to Petra she say's Andrew and Bella sleep in the same room and Julian (Bean's given name) Petra and Ramon are in the other room) And of course on page 314 we find out the child birthed by Randi (Nichelle Firth)who is called Randall Firth but secretly named Achilles Flandres II. That's the names of all 9 of the embryo's.
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Bean named the Little Petra with Petra Poke. If there was another Petra, he'd have to name the third Petra something.
"even though she's isnt with me, the little girl we named after you, when i tell the kids about her, i'm going to call her Poke so they don't get her confused with you..."
There aren't two kids named Petra; there's no need. Bean says, in the quote Jasmine uses, that there is Petra and the little Petra, "Poke" that's with her.
With Bean: Ender Carlotta [????]
With Petra: Andrew Bella Ramon Julian Petra (Poke)
And then of course little Randall, aka Achilles. But no name for Bean's third. Do we even know if it's a boy or a girl?
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CRash is right-those are the same names for all the kids that I came up with. I think the third w/Bean is a boy because somewhere in the book it mentions that Bella (Carlotta) will be w/her brothers. He's probably called Nikolai. I guess we'll have to wait until the next book.
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