Please help me out, here. I am just about to finish Ender's Game and I need advice on what to read next. Should the eight books be read in published order? (The Ender quartet followed by the Shadow series) or should one read Ender's Game, Ender's Shadow, Ender #2, Shadow #2, etc?) I'm confused, and I don't want to read any spoilers by looking at book jackets too much. I guess the whole "parallel" novel thing has me confused as to whether I should read in "Ender" universe chronology or in published order.
Thanks everyone for your help!
Posts: 2 | Registered: Nov 2006
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There really aren't any spoilers, so that shouldn't sway you. Published order is fine. The time settings in each don't step on one another (except for Ender's Shadow of course, but its just Ender's Game with more background on Bean). I'd read it like this... Setting order. So, Ender's Game, Ender's Shadow, then the rest of the Bean books, then the rest of Ender books.
However, you can't go wrong in any order really. In fact I just got Ender's Game back from a friend I put on to it, and told him the above, but he opted to go with Speaker for the Dead next. Can't argue with that either. In fact, Speaker is one of the best books I've ever read, so...
I read them all in the order of them being published. All the original series, then the Shadow Series. I concider them two different series, just different views. To me, it almost seemed perfect, to read the entire story (the first "series" of Ender), then to read the Shadow series of Ender.
It is really great to know how the story all ends with Ender (first series), then to go and start the Shadow series and try to figure out how OSC is going to get it all together. It gives you alot more information on the characters.
Posts: 10 | Registered: Jan 2005
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Which ever order you read them in the first time, when you go back and read them again, be sure to read them in the other order.
(Sorry if that was very confusing sounding.)
I had always read the books as EG, then the Shadow series, then the rest of the Ender quartet. Recently though I read them in the order they were published. I enjoyed the rest of the Ender quartet a lot more than I had originally. I'm still working my way through the Shadow books, I'll get back to you later on if they are any better!
Posts: 33 | Registered: Jun 2006
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i personally think that the series are different series in entirety, i suggest the ender series in whole then the shadow series in whole. but in reality, there are no parallels once you get past enders game and enders shadow, past those there are no longer parallels.
translation: i prefer one series then the other. but i also highly agree with MXUP, do just as his name suggests.
Posts: 34 | Registered: Dec 2006
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I posted in a similar thread. Ender series (main focus is Ender) Shadow series (main focus is Bean) I think it's better to stay with the main focus rather than changing..
Posts: 16 | Registered: Aug 2006
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You should read 'Enders Game' then 'Enders Shadow' then read the rest which every series appeals to you the most.
Remember, the continuation of Ender's story takes place 3,000 years later, and picks up as Ender and Valentine arrive on a Scandinavian planet that is part of the 100 worlds. Ender is traveling the known universe acting as Speaker for the Dead. A request goes out for a Speaker and after investigating, Ender decides to go, however, Valentine decides to remain where she is and get married. That act separates, to do warp speed travel time-distortion, but 30 years. ...and so the adventure begins.
The continuation of the Bean (Shadow) series takes place right after the end of the last Bugger War. Without the threat of the Buggers to unite them, the world of earth has gone back to its usually petty and pointless in-fighting, with various political factions fighting for power to control the course of earth.
I find the Shadow Series and easier read. I think the Series is also shorter. Lots of Bean brilliance and political intrigue. We get a very good historical look at several countries and how they develope, or are likely to develope over the course of time. I found it all very interesting and loved the series.
The continuation of Ender's story is also fastinating, but it involve primarily the struggle to understand a new alien species and to find a place to re-introduce the Bugger Queen to a new planet.
You can even mix and match the Series reading one then the other as the mood strikes you. Just remember to read them in order.
I started with Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide, Children of the Mind. They came in a 3pack. Then i read the first books. I think you can read them in just about any order you want and it will not ruin the story.
This title still has me scratching my head. Is that really the right way to word it? I can't figure out a better way, but it still sounds awkward. It kind of sounds like its asking if Ender recommended a specific reading sequence. Posts: 2054 | Registered: Nov 2005
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I prefer the order published. Though it's getting a little more complicated than the disorder of the Chronicles of Narnia.
Posts: 11017 | Registered: Apr 2003
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Thanks for all the feedback. Although, I must admit, I'm still unsure how to handle the reading. It's so daunting to deal with a large series. I have finished Ender's Game and have started Ender's Shadow since my husband brought that book home for me. I will decide when I have finished whether to go back and finish the Ender quartet or to continue to Shadow series.
Anyone else want to share his/her preference?
Posts: 2 | Registered: Nov 2006
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Basically anything suggested above is fine. Blue Wizard's synopsis above sums the two continuations up pretty well.
If you like the character of Ender and more philosophical stuff (along with dealing with aliens) read the "Ender trilogy": Speaker, Xenocide, and Children.
If you like the character of Bean and more political/thriller stuff (along with more Peter-becoming-Hegemon) read the "Bean trilogy": Hegemon, Puppets, and Giant.
I personally read the Ender-centered books next, simply because I liked Ender. But I agree with others that it doesn't matter which sequel trilogy you read first.
Posts: 973 | Registered: Apr 2005
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There's one reason in particular to prefer going the Shadow series after Ender's Game, and then afterwards picking up with Speaker for the Dead. Ender's Game is a magnificent story. The Shadow series is also extremely strong. But the series that continues with Ender's life is, compared to the Shadow books, comparatively weak, especially the final volume, in my opinion. Also, it introduces a lot of strange tangents, such as a new xeno-race called the Piggies, a group of genetically engineered geniuses programmed with severe neuroses to keep them under control, an alien mind that emerged from the ansible lines, and the Children of the Mind of Christ, a seriously quirky religious order. In terms of "sequelness," the Ender series' only link with Game is Ender himself. It's the Shadow series, apart from that, which really continue the story.
Posts: 8 | Registered: Dec 2006
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Personally I find Speaker for the Dead the best of all the books (though I haven't read the last Bean book). I find, unlike Brian R, the Bean books to be more implausible than the Ender books, even with the added stuff Brian mentions.
As for continuing the story, well, I think Ender is the story, as OSC mentions in one of the Definitive Editions, without EG, the rest of the Ender series doesn't work. I think the Bean story is AN interesting one, but I don't think it is the one, IMO.