I'm glad we're all interested in the problems of today's society...but Duragon what u say really does hurt me because I know that my people have suffered so much to get where they are today and even now they can't be in one place, Palestinians or whatever title we're giving them now, they need a place too, but I dunno that comment about the Jews and the Nazis really got to me, I feel uncomfortable even saying those two words in the same sentence, but I'm sorry I lashed out, I sounded very stupid and not intelligent in the slightest, but your views, though u are allowed to express them, hurt me
Posts: 14 | Registered: Jul 2003
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Shira, I wouldn't feel bad for lashing out. Right now I'm still pissed. I thought I could only find such deragatorry comments on forums where half the members were trying to prove that Israel has death squads that run around in vans killing people randomly in American cities, but apparently I was grossly mistaken. Horribly bigoted comments can be found even here. Its bad enough to unjustifiably compare anyone with Nazis, but when you compare the victims with their murderers unjustifiably that's just undescribably disgusting.
Posts: 3446 | Registered: Jul 2002
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No, your behavior is not welcome at Hatrack. It astounds me that you can't comprehend how vile your comments are and it seems that if you stand by your comments: "Israel is slowly doing to the Arabs what the Nazis did to them.", then you yourself are a vile human being and I will not take back these comments, because even though they are made in great anger they are made with great reason as well which should be evident to anyone with any knowledge of the Nazis .
Posts: 3446 | Registered: Jul 2002
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lol, its not every day I get called a vile human being. Edit or delete that last post before the Mod does it for you, and think about what I've really said in this discussion and not what you have claimed I said. Trust me, if you continue to talk to people like that here, you will continue to be labeled a troll, and that's not a good thing.
[ August 02, 2003, 01:12 AM: Message edited by: Duragon C. Mikado ]
Posts: 622 | Registered: Dec 2001
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So you didn't provide that quote? Then who did? The magical posting fairy? No, you did say that and it is that comment that I am strongly condemning. If I am mistaken and it is your comment that is acceptable on Hatrack and mine is not then I will more than willingly remove myself from this community.
Posts: 3446 | Registered: Jul 2002
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WHAT QUOTE?!?!?! if you are referring to the original Nazi/Israel thing, I am well within my bounds to state that they are slowly doing the same things. The fact that I did not specify an exact qualification or quantification makes it even more logically valid. Seriously, you need to get a thicker skin.
[ August 02, 2003, 01:15 AM: Message edited by: Duragon C. Mikado ]
Posts: 622 | Registered: Dec 2001
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It's time for BtL to swing in and dole out the only advice he ever does.
Walk away, guys. You've said your piece and then some. You're becoming less and less concerned with the issue at hand and more and more concerned with villifying the other. That's generally a sign that it's time to do something else for awhile. Sleep on it for a bit, this post isn't going to drop off the first page by morning.
Posts: 3243 | Registered: Apr 2002
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I guess in your mind "Israel is slowly doing to the Palestinians what the Nazis did to them" equivocates to "The Israelis are doing to the Palestinians what the Nazis did to them."
You have committed the fallacy of equivocation in your analysis of my argument.
My argument being:
The Nazis forbade Jews to marry Germans. The Israelis are forbidding the Palestinians to marry Israelis. Therefore the Israelis are slowly taking on aspects that were notable of the Nazis.
If you try to imply totality of comparisson as you have that is called equivocation and is a bad rhetoric trick.
Posts: 622 | Registered: Dec 2001
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Sorry, Bob, maybe I'm not in a rational mood (for my own well being), but I sure don't feel like backing down on something that is as offensive as this to me.
Posts: 3446 | Registered: Jul 2002
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Sorry but you must be rational to understand and use the rules of logic. If you try to devolve this discussion to a mere pathos level then I will simply stop posting now.
[ August 02, 2003, 01:22 AM: Message edited by: Duragon C. Mikado ]
Posts: 622 | Registered: Dec 2001
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"Israel is slowly doing to the Palestinians what the Nazis did to them" means to me that you believe that Israel is eventually going to murder 6 million Palestinians. You also said :"I am well within logical bounds to claim that Israel is slowly taking steps toward a policy regarding the Palestinians that resembled Nazi Germanies policy toward them." And: "No, it's not cruel, it's supposed to be shocking, hurtful, etc. to catch attention and make the point that the Israelis are doing some of the same things their very tormentors did to them." It was supposed to be hurtful? Why would you do that? Another: "Raia, in a sense the Americans DID act like the Nazis, however, the reason I believe the comparisson is more suitable with the Israelis is because of the historical relationship between the Nazis and the Jews, and the leading inversion of that relationship and mentality in the Israeli relationship with the Palestinians." Don't you realize the fact that there is a historical raltionship makes it all the more offensive?
For you this thread is a history of unexcusable, offensive remarks.
How does the fact that you added "slowly" make the end result of the statement any less different.
Posts: 3446 | Registered: Jul 2002
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Um, it does not logically follow that because of my statements that I even intend to mean that Israel will fully complete an identical course to the Nazis' treatment of the Jews. All I have said so far is that the chain matches and a slow reproduction is taking place (ie: initial war, then military occupation, then relocation, now breeding controls)
At any point the Israelis could deviate and then the vague qualification I offered would become obsolete. Nowhere have I said that the Jews will wind up killing 6 million Palestinians. That does not even logically follow from anything I said. If you are going to try and inject things like that into people's arguments then that is ineffective communication.
Remember, anything can be implied potential, that is logic does not allow that particular hack in accepted coversation. BTW: I'm still waiting for you to remove the vile human being thing, it's kind of funny for me, but I want it gone just because I don't want people looking to join this forum that that is an acceptable reply to non-committal, well formed categorical propositions.
[ August 02, 2003, 01:45 AM: Message edited by: Duragon C. Mikado ]
Posts: 622 | Registered: Dec 2001
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"Israel is slowly doing to the Palestinians what the Nazis did to them" How is that not an attempt to predict the future, a future in which Israel attempts to exterminate the Palestinians? If not then what does this mean, "I am well within logical bounds to claim that Israel is slowly taking steps toward a policy regarding the Palestinians that resembled Nazi Germanies policy toward them."
[This statement has been deleted by KathrynHJanitor as being outside the bounds of Hatrack River conduct.]
Alright, enough of this, I am sorry but I have to report this. I offered you two chances to see how things are not as you say they are, and you merely engage in more illogical accusations and character slurs.
I still can't believe you called me an idiot or a racist for merely using rules of logic. I didn't even talk about a race doing anything. The state of Israel, though largely Jewish, is not a single race or entity, and even if they were I've made no concrete claims about anything.
[ August 02, 2003, 01:49 AM: Message edited by: Duragon C. Mikado ]
Posts: 622 | Registered: Dec 2001
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Duragon has supported his position well. I appreciate the anguish any comparisons to Nazis bring to the Jewish people.
If you modify his statement to say "This current law in Israel is similar to marriage laws in aperhtid S. Africa, or the South during Jim Crow (my region) or early Nazi laws." then the statement's logic is hard to disprove, although the sentiment may be repugnant to many.
One key piece of data I saw that convinced me was out of 100,000 cases of Palestinian/Jewish marriages, only 20 "incidents" (forgot thge exact wording) occured in years. Data from a link on this thread.
That seems pretty low for a sample of 100,000. And so the law seems more persectory than anti-terrorist. Just my opinion. Posts: 6316 | Registered: Jun 2003
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i feel I havent done anything to help the problem in Israel, only made myself more upset by getting in arguments, I'll just accept that I do not agree with Duragon's view, it even hurts me, but I'm just not even going to open this topic again...the intelligent people need to fight this out, I'm only 14 so it's all new to me but I know what I've been taught so far
*has continued to read thread this morning after going to bed last night*
quote: the only gross and disgusting anything has been yours and Raia's and Shira's remarks
Duragon, I do not intend to reopen the discussion, even if there are a few more things that I could comfortably say. The only thing I want to point out is that not every comment that was made that you didn't appreciate is a gross or racist or disgusting. Just because you found the comment to be in any way contradictory to yours, or a different point of view, does not mean that you can label it gross, racist, or disgusting.
The fact that you overlook your comments, and immediately derail ours makes me believe that your argument is very weak; you're more after making me, Shira, and NFL sound wrong than you are in proving your point because that's what you believe in.
By the way, your constant use of the word "trolling" confuses me greatly. As far as I remember from the last itme something like this was talked about, trolling is pretending to be a few different people and then starting an argument, to see who'll join. I sincerely hope you're not suggesting that Shira, NFL and I are the same person. That would be a gross example of your habit of jumping to conclusions.
Posts: 7877 | Registered: Feb 2003
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No, trolling is just posting in order to solicit a negative response. It's like trolling for for fish, you drag a line in the water behind you and and try to get as many to bite as possible.
[ August 02, 2003, 12:30 PM: Message edited by: Duragon C. Mikado ]
Posts: 622 | Registered: Dec 2001
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This whole issue has been blown out of proportion.
quote: The law, to be in effect for one year, would prevent Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip who marry Israeli Arabs from obtaining residency permits in Israel.
Basically, this law means that you can't expect to live in Israel if you marry someone from Israel. This is a common law in most countries. The US doesn't always let immigrants who get married stay, why the double standard for Israel? If you look at the RPG thread (a couple days ago), the article in there mentions the fact that Israelis originally allowed Palestinians to become residents by marriage to reunite families displaced during the early wars. Now, though, that is no longer necessary. This law merely closes a loop hole.
Posts: 131 | Registered: Jul 2003
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Thus, this is not a Nazi like attempt to curb the marriage of an undesirable people. At most it is just a nationalistic "anti-immigrant" law. Palestinians can still get into Israel as residents...they just have to prove their worth and intentions instead of relying off of a spouse.
Posts: 131 | Registered: Jul 2003
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America does not do that, and this is not just about immigrants, this is race specific to one group of people, the Palestinians. Don't try to oversimplify this.
Posts: 622 | Registered: Dec 2001
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Duragon "Many countries do this" does not mean America. Once again, you contradict yourself. If you're talking specifically about America, your argument holds no water. If not, then what you just said makes no sense whatsoever.
Posts: 7877 | Registered: Feb 2003
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Raia, again you are taking posts directed at other people and other statements and applying them to the wrong points. This is why you;ll find people won't communicate with people who do this.
Posts: 622 | Registered: Dec 2001
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Duragon, I don't believe I'm applying them to the wrong points. I think that I'm applying them to points that you would not like to hear them associated with. That does not make it wrong, but it makes it uncomfortable for you. So you find it easier to blame me for their wrongness, then to accept the truth inside them.
And, about the trolling thing, if I did do so (which I don't think I did, but that's not relevant), then I'm sorry... just remember that if I did, it was probably cuz you were baiting me.
And also, if you think people don't communicate with me, you're wrong. I have not found at all that people have decided to stop associating with me because I say what I feel. I noticed this has not happened to you, even though some have been very tempted. I for one do not think that you should stop speaking your mind, not at all... that is a person's privilege. But you must expect people to argue back.
Wow, you are particularly vicious, you just turned around everything you were doing and accused me of it. This is the second time you have done this. Goodbye, don't ever expect another reply from me.
Posts: 622 | Registered: Dec 2001
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Good point. This is specifically against the Palestinians, but I still think this is more of an "anti-immigrant" policy as opposed to a Nazi-like one. This law doesn't take away rights from residents and citizans, but says that a Palestinan won't become a resident or a citizen simply because their spouse is a resident or citizen of Israel. I, for one, do not think this constitutes a "reproduction control law." That was your reasoning for calling them Nazis.
I don't think it's smart or necessary, but it most certainly is not a start towards genocide or a "reproduction control law."
Hope we can conclude this whether or not you are mad at others.
Posts: 131 | Registered: Jul 2003
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My 2 cents: The Nazis, and Hitler, began the extermination of the Jews because it would gain them public support. The Nazi's could blame the economic down turn on the Jews and thus be responsible of finding a "resolution" to the troubles of the Treaty of Versaille-stricken Germany. Currently Israel is taking preemtive measures to try to ensure the safety of their citizens and residents. Yes, I agree that this is targeting a specific nationality, but look at it from their p-o-v, Palestinian terrorists are attacking Israel day in and day out. They have to do something to prevent these attacks. The law is not so harsh as to ban the marriages, but to not garantee residency. Certain measures like this must be taken if it means less people die. Im sorry, but peoples lives and the decrease in terrorism is more important than marriage. Relocate. Its only effective on the West bank and the Gaza strip.(I believe)
As for the angry verb assault earlier: I can understand the pain caused by those words, being Jewish myself, but I have learned to take that in stride. I am proud of my heritage and faith and would defend it forever, but I have learned not all minds are wholesome to that fact and we must let it go. Only more anger can be caused by bickering. Nothing was accomplished by the arguement. Thats my take.
Posts: 107 | Registered: May 2003
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Duragon, I can't believe you just said that, but fine. OK, so you can't handle someone defending a point that is important to them. Wow, I pity you. Good luck with your life.
I don't think I'll miss your replies very much, in case you were wondering... they seem to be very bad for my blood pressure.
Have fun making people feel like crap, and feel that they have no right to argue a point for which they feel very strongly. Have a nice time, I'm sure you'll have a blast. You're so very good at it.