(The following hugs are firm yet gentle, and certainly non-invasive.)
(((((mack))))) Feel better!!!
quote: As a RomanCatholic, you should have pointed out that ImmaculateConception refers to Mary being born free of the taint of OriginalSin, and not to parthenogenesis.
How weird is it that I already knew that?
Posts: 32919 | Registered: Mar 2003
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Honey, invasive tests are awful, but they do serve a purpose.
They usually cannot see kidney stones on an ultrasound. They have to run a test where they flush dye through your system and take pics of it.
They never found my kidney stones, the doctor diagnosed what happened after the fact - when I went back to her and described what happened it was pretty plain I had passed some kidney stones. Let me tell you, I don't want to go through that again!
What about gallbladder? Any physician mention that as a possibility? CT? Can you check the gallbladder on ultrasound? My gallstones were found during a lap for my endometriosis so I'm not sure.
I do know that a gallbladder attack is excruciating. I had two before my surgery. *shudder*
Posts: 14428 | Registered: Aug 2001
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Belle Gallbladder pain and appendicitis pain are pretty different from each other. Gallbladder pain can radiate through to your spine but is generally much higher and more centered than appendicitis pain. It is in a location that feels like heartburn(I've had the GB pain and that was how I figured out what it was before we went to the ER, the locations of the localized pain compared to appendicitis are very different.)
When my appendix burst I had gone to the ER a total of 5 times... they had no clue each time it was over a period of three days... on the last vist I was actually in the room wating for the doctor when it burst.... they did a surgery and had to remove some over my intestines also because it had become infected..I spent a month in the hospital..and still have pains occasionaly...I feel for you mack.
Posts: 68 | Registered: Jan 2004
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I'm sorry that they haven't been able to locate the source of your pain. I hope they can get something figured out and get you better.
I had problems with non-specific stomach pain when I was about 18. I hurt all the time (without any increase or decrease in pain lever regardless of what I did or didn't do/eat). It wasn't a severe pain, but it was really annoying. They tried tons of tests (upper GI = eww barium, ultrasound = very painful on kidneys) and lots of exclusionary dietary games (that was not fun at all - 1 month of no dairy, no meat, no eggs - and it was the month of my birthday which sucked bigtime - no cake and ice cream for me). In the end they couldn't find any physical cause and decided it must have been caused by stress. Luckilly for me, I only had to endure about 5 months of it before it disappeared as suddenly as it appeared. Here's to disappearing pain!
My baby girl had an upper GI done at less than two-months-old. It was terrible AND they made her fast for like twelve hours! Then, after nine hours of rocking and singing to the starving baby, they came to get her for the tests, and they said this:
"They said twelve hours? She only had to fast for four hours!"