My face is tense, my arms are tight and un-coordinated, and my nerves are shot; Annie is looking, perhaps a bit flushed, but otherwise, graceful, masterful, and most certainly, in control. That’s right, we’re dancing! A few of us took off to the University of Chicago where there was a free swing dancing lessons, followed by some swing dancing music and a general free-for-all in a beautifully painted room at the top of a wonderful, gothic building. The lesson was very good; though they kept rotating us around so I’m afraid I left the comfortable voice and general knowledge bank in Annie.
Within half an hour of the lesson I’d not only not master the basics of swing dancing, I was literally struggling with the most demanding dancing task of standing still, and the half turn was beyond me. Once they opened up the floor to general dancing my beautiful partner, looking poised and unconcerned, informed that this was the ideal time to forget everything they just told me. Due to the fact that I hadn’t learned it in the first place I figured this should be the easiest task of the night. Of course I was wrong, but at least it gave me some confidence for a few seconds until my shoes went back to squeaking and my body kept tipping over due to wrong feet or some such thing. The others were looking good as far as I could tell, but I’m not the guy to ask, my feet seemed particularly important at the time and the only chances I got to look up from them was absorbed by staring at Noah, elegantly swinging various women around in beautiful arcs.
By the end Annie had got me to move around with the beat every once and a while and we’d do a spin, Annie would kick out her feet, and we’d look like at least half a shining couple. I had a good time, though I was at wits end and past the end of my nerves but I saw Annie smiling and at the end, that’s what counts. I go now, to listen to Tom, wish me luck.
I was really hoping I'd just stay up today and come down to the KamaCon in the late morning/early afternoon. Now, I don't even know if I can do that. Jess and I have no money, and, though Chicago is close by, we won't be able to afford gas to get down there even for a quick visit. So... I'm sorry. I know you guys will have tons of fun with or without me, but I wish I could come.
Posts: 4753 | Registered: May 2002
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Love means to learn to look at yourself The way one looks at distant things For you are only one thing among many. And whoever sees that way heals his heart, Without knowing it, from various ills
I don't know. I wish I were there, but then again, what could beat sitting here on my comp reading about it? Or rather a brief, yet elegantly described, event experiecned by Hobbes. Either way, I will go in a few years yet.
Posts: 262 | Registered: Feb 2004
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Today after eating at um... Bennington's? Ben-something? Zevlag, Eddie, ElJay, Marek, and I were walking back to the hotel when we came across a Party City shopping cart. So ElJay got in it and Eddie pushed her down the sidewalk. ElJay joked that it felt like she was in a pageant and started doing the wave that people in a pageant do. Then we passed a bus stop and she waved to the people there. As we were walking away one of the guys waving yelled, "Where do I get one those?!"
edit: rivka: "ronnie, why aren't we getting reports in person?"
Here's something that I already told people.
On the way back from the Art Institute, when we got to the bus station, there was this random guy singing along loudly to a twenty year old boom box. He danced, the radio DJ broke into the song a bunch of times. (It was a tape, could have even been him) and then he just picked up his boom box and walked off without catching a bus at all. It was like.. the weirdest thing ever.
Posts: 4816 | Registered: Apr 2003
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Bob and I are home safely. Bummed about having to leave early, but happy that we were there and got to meet so many Hatrackers (and see again the ones we'd already met.)
Posts: 9866 | Registered: Apr 2002
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Although this is my first post on Hatrack I am here at KamaCon. I came with Fugu and Blacwolve to see what all of the fuss is about. I am really glad I came. All of the people here are great. Meeting these people has helped me get over my phobia of online friends. Posts: 1015 | Registered: Aug 2004
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I must elaborate on our musical friend that Ryuko reported on. He was an older black gentleman, who looked from a distance like later-in-life Elvis. He was wearing huge gold aviator glasses and mutton chops. The tunes he was blasting from his circa-1984 boom box were straight off the soul train and taped off a particularly obnoxious radio show. Every now and then, paying no heed to Katharina and Jenny Gardener who were boogying down, he would sing along.
Just before the bus approached, he shouldered the boom box and headed down the street.
"You know what that was?" says Tom Davidson; "That was a Soul Fairy."
Posts: 8504 | Registered: Aug 1999
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Hobbes, Annie and Ronnie Reagan are the OFFICIAL KamaCon Trivial Pursuit champions, though they won it by a very narrow margin over fierce competition.
Posts: 8504 | Registered: Aug 1999
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Hey Shani! I am sorry you couldn't be here. How have you been? You should e-mail me and tell me all about everything.
Posts: 1015 | Registered: Aug 2004
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I know allegra too, hehe. I wish I was there but I had fun at Indiana State fair leadership conference.
Posts: 5362 | Registered: Apr 2004
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Hi guys! Lime and I made it home safely. So did xnera! I just heard from her as well. So, yay! It's too bad we had to go...but, hopefully, we'll meet again soon!
We had a blast, by the way. Posts: 3214 | Registered: Apr 2002
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Ryuko and I are back in Minnesota, and she is on her way to work. We made good time, (read: didn't get stopped for speeding,) I only needed coffee once despite a mere 1.5 hours sleep last night, and as we were traveling West we got to watch a beautiful sunset.
It was a fabulous time, so happy to have met everyone I hadn't before and seen again all I already knew. Can't wait to do it again.
Posts: 7954 | Registered: Mar 2004
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Oh, and it must be added that we came across a shopping cart after lunch today, too. So I gave Eddie a ride, and then Andrea hopped on, and then Ken joined her, and I pushed all three of them down the block and into traff... no, no wait, we stopped at the corner.
Posts: 7954 | Registered: Mar 2004
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Kama Con has officially moved to my house for the night, though there are still people at the hotel. The reason why I can say it has officially moved for now is because I have Kama here.
Is that kind of like how no matter where the 'real' Air Force One is, any plane currently transporting the President is considered 'Air Force One'?
Posts: 2689 | Registered: Apr 2000
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I meant to talk to you, Raia, but I had to take a shower. You wouldn't want to talk to me when you could smell me all the way from Jerusalem...
Posts: 4816 | Registered: Apr 2003
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*giggles* It's alright. We can talk another time, perhaps! I would have liked to talk to you too.
Posts: 7877 | Registered: Feb 2003
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