Some of these songs will be in the public domain soon. Rights only last 50 years I think in Britain, so, 2012 or 2013 or so, which isn't TOO far away, people can download some of their early songs for free without any legal trouble at all.
Posts: 21898 | Registered: Nov 2004
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I'll split em up this time so no one yells at me.
+1 A day in the Life -1 Here Comes the Sun -1 In my Life
I LOVE Here comes the sun, but to me it has to fit in after 'I Want You' or it loses a lot of it's effect.
I'm having a really tough time between WMGGW and ADITL, good thing some of my other favorite songs didn't even make the list, otherwise i'd be incapacitated.
New Totals:
(14 Points) Here Comes The Sun (13 Points) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (7 Points) A Day In The Life (5 Points) Hey Jude (4 Points) Across The Universe (3 Points) In My Life (3 Points) Penny Lane
(0 Points) I've Just Seen A Face (0 Points) Golden Slumbers (0 Points) I Saw Her Standing There
(15 Points) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (14 Points) Here Comes The Sun (7 Points) A Day In The Life (5 Points) Hey Jude (3 Points) Across The Universe (3 Points) Penny Lane
(0 Points) In My Life (0 Points) I've Just Seen A Face (0 Points) Golden Slumbers (0 Points) I Saw Her Standing There
One more song eliminated. And a new leader.
Posts: 8741 | Registered: Apr 2001
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(14 Points) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (13 Points) Here Comes The Sun (6 Points) A Day In The Life (5 Points) Hey Jude (2 Points) Across The Universe (2 Points) Penny Lane
(0 Points) In My Life (0 Points) I've Just Seen A Face (0 Points) Golden Slumbers (0 Points) I Saw Her Standing There
Posts: 8741 | Registered: Apr 2001
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+1 a day in the life -1 Penny Lane -100000 Hey Jude.(Has your teenaged child ever sang this to you until your ears bled? If so, you know where I'm coming from.)
Posts: 155 | Registered: Nov 2006
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+1 A day in the Life -1 Here Comes the Sun -1 Hey Jude
(13 Points) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (12 Points) Here Comes The Sun (9 Points) A Day In The Life (3 Points) Across The Universe (1 Points) Hey Jude
(0 Points) Penny Lane (0 Points) In My Life (0 Points) I've Just Seen A Face (0 Points) Golden Slumbers (0 Points) I Saw Her Standing There
Posts: 8741 | Registered: Apr 2001
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I want to give Across The Universe some love, but I can't justify in my mind giving any of the top 3 minuses, so I'll go:
+1 Here Comes The Sun -1 Hey Jude -1 Across The Universe
(13 Points) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (13 Points) Here Comes The Sun (9 Points) A Day In The Life (2 Points) Across The Universe
(0 Points) Hey Jude (0 Points) Penny Lane (0 Points) In My Life (0 Points) I've Just Seen A Face (0 Points) Golden Slumbers (0 Points) I Saw Her Standing There
Posts: 5264 | Registered: Jul 2002
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