I've got to start working on these sooner. Just remember - NaNoWriMo signup begins on Oct. 1. Procrastination is not your friend.
Posts: 2034 | Registered: Apr 2004
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I took that picture at the museum in the Gramodaya Folk Art Center in Pelawatte, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka (where else?). The centre is designed to encourage young people to learn the arts and crafts and keep the traditions alive. Everyone there speaks Sinhales and/or Tamil, and pretty much no one speaks English. No one was available to answer any questions, and there were next to no labels for anything, so I have no idea of anything.
At the National Museum in Colombo, there are more masks - way, way way way more masks and some pretty wild ones - but the labels read "Masks". How helpful.
Of course, locals probably know, so they don't need the labels. It doesn't occur to anyone who works there that a. foreigners might not know b. foreigners might want to know c. labels would help foreigners know d. labels are pretty much the only way that foreigners would learn given that there are no books of any kind in, gee, I dunno, ENGLISH or any language other than Sinhalese or Tamil.
Which is my way of saying I don't have a clue and wish I did.
Posts: 8355 | Registered: Apr 2003
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Okay... I am going to try and get both my Flash Fiction Friday #5 and #4 up tonight, but right now, I am on.... dial up. That's right. I said it. Dial up. (Sheesh, I go from being at a place with barely an internet connection to dialup. Am I working my way up or what?)
Now, I just need to get this idea into a coherant story.
Posts: 822 | Registered: Jul 2001
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Honestly I kinda enjoyed the smaller limit because it forced me to go back and delete some of the redundancy and less interesting parts of my writing. I felt like it made for a more interesting entry, but I guess if most people do not like it, Ill try to keep my stories short and too the point.
Posts: 14316 | Registered: Jul 2005
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larisse, please do. I'm looking forward to reading them. Yeah, I understand about dial up sucking. Sometimes, our high speed internet here is that slow... Sucks.
BlackBlade, part of this exercise, I think, is to learn about tightening up a story, learning how to make every word count. But, you know, that's my lesson. Either way, as long as you're having fun...
Have the Blogger problems worked out? I've been sick with a sinus icky, with no ability to concentrate for more than two minutes on anything because of my headache. But I might be up to it again this week. *pictures a Hiatus/SG-1 crossover* *giggles*
Posts: 21182 | Registered: Sep 2004
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ketchupqueen, the FFF code works fine in Blogger as long are in html mode and click on the "ignore html errors" thingy after it tells you the code is forbidden (or whatever the message is). Or at least it has for me!
T_Smith, I started w/ #2 and no one told me I couldn't participate because I didn't start out on the first one! And I didn't do #5 but I plan on jumping back in--I know I'm not quidscribis but as far as I can tell there are no rules about who can/cannot participate.
Posts: 3149 | Registered: Jul 2005
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I didn't start until four -- I hope that was kosher! I didn't even think to ask if it was okay. Bah.
Posts: 628 | Registered: Nov 1999
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Jump in any time. It's open to absolutely anyone, and please, don't ask permission to join, just do it. Posts: 8355 | Registered: Apr 2003
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This is hard! I've already written 500 words and nothing's happened yet . . . guess it's back to the drawing board! (well, my last entry was short but that was just sort of a fluke/desperation thing--wrote something random and decided "what the heck!" to post it)
Posts: 3149 | Registered: Jul 2005
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Sorry, blacwolve. I think I have you now (unless I'm confusing you with someone else, and that's always possible.) Please check to see if it's done and let me know. Posts: 8355 | Registered: Apr 2003
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Yea it is. I didn't mean to jump all over you, I was just afraid the email hadn't gotten through.
Posts: 4655 | Registered: Jan 2002
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Oh.... don't remind me. I have an idea, but I am not sure I can keep it under 500 words. It's a wacky idea that may involve answering the question about the boy with the bite in “It’s Always Better to Take the Gun” since most of the comments on that story are about what happened to him.
Posts: 822 | Registered: Jul 2001
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Ack! Deadline approaching and I'm behind from last week It doesn't bode well for NaNoWriMo, does it? Posts: 2034 | Registered: Apr 2004
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(much easier to whine and mess around on Hatrack than it is to figure out what to do with that flash story . . . although the alternative is actual work, and heaven knows we can't have that, now, can we?)
Posts: 3149 | Registered: Jul 2005
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Okay... I suck big time. I couldn't cut my story down to 500 words. I couldn't even cut it down to 1,000 words. But hey... I wrote my first fanfiction. That's an accomplishment. Isn't it. Isn't it?
Okie dokie. Here's my #8 entry. I butchered it to get to 99. It is 99 words exactly according to Word 2003 and Roughdraft, but I welcome third, fourth, and nth degree affirmations.
I just joined, so this is my first and I still can't figure out how to put the code on my blog, but you can check it out at http://pecanthunder.blogspot.comPosts: 218 | Registered: Nov 2001
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TimeTim, I got your email - and thanks for playing. There's some discussion about how to get past that error message you get with blogspot further upthread - take a look. Posts: 8355 | Registered: Apr 2003
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Okay. I haven't submitted my story to the actual contest just yet. There was a part of it that just didn't quite gel for me last night. I've finally got it the way I want it, but now I am getting two different word counts. Three if you count the online counter I found. According to Word, I have 98 words. According to another program I have called Roughdraft, I have 99 words exactly. According to the online counter, I have 94 words. I need help.
blacwolve - I'm caught up on what I had. Sorry, I had a killer migraine that was awful, and I wasn't on the computer for a while because of it. Please check if you've been added - I think you are, but I'm sometimes easily confused.
What do flowers, goblins, and Sentient Tomatoes all have in common? Flash Fiction 9! It's up and waiting for you!
Posts: 8355 | Registered: Apr 2003
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Well, over a month later and guess what--I decided to enter this! Here it is.
TimeTim, I tried to read yours but the white on black type hurt my eyes. Guess it's my old age kicking in. I'll try again sometime when I'm not so tired.
I'm hoping quid will start this up again if she's feeling well, nudge nudge! (although I can already promise that I won't get one done for this Friday if all of a sudden a new prompt appears.)
Posts: 3149 | Registered: Jul 2005
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I will! I will! And you're right, I've been sick, but I'm (mostly sorta) better. I've been thinking about this today, and I'll have something up in the next couple of days. Posts: 8355 | Registered: Apr 2003
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Okay, I'm going to try to catch up. I had procrastinated and gave up for awhile, but I just posted my (much-delayed) Flash Fiction Friday No. 5. I don't expect to catch up with all the ones I missed tonight, and I don't expect them to be counted or that people will comment. This will mostly be for me, so that I don't feel like I totally gave up.
Posts: 2034 | Registered: Apr 2004
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