So says the Drudge Report. They do not have a specific article linked yet, but Drudge has been a reliable force in breaking news when there is no political or party agenda or smear campaign.
quote:Israel has drawn up secret plans to destroy Iran's uranium enrichment facilities with tactical nuclear weapons, the SUNDAY TIMES of London is planning to report, British media sources tell DRUDGE... MORE...
I expect this to be in the papers tomorrow and wanted a jump start. Predictions anyone? Does anyone think Israel should or will follow through with that type of attack?
Do you think this is just saber rattling? I am of the opinion that this is saber rattling from a Master who knows his sword and is willing to use it.
Posts: 2445 | Registered: Oct 2004
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Blayne Bradley
tis' treason thats what it is, who the hell blew the whistle!?
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If you want to read what 'the SUNDAY TIMES of London' (or you know, just the Sunday Times) has to say about it, here you go.
Posts: 1528 | Registered: Nov 2004
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If the media's reporting that Israel plans to tactically nuke Iran, it means it's either someone trying to make Israel look bad, or a it's deliberate piece of misinformation from Israel.
Posts: 959 | Registered: Oct 2005
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It's the military's job.. regardless of which military you're talking about... to draw up plans for everything. That doesn't mean they're going to actually do it.
We have plans to invade Canada if necessary. That doesn't mean Canadians should go hide in their igloos just yet, eh.
Posts: 7085 | Registered: Apr 2001
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So long as Iran fails to provide substantial reassurance that it, led by a man who has repeatedly expressed murderous hatred towards Israel, is not going to use any nuclear facilities for producing weapons I think it's quite likely that Israel would destroy such facilities.
And I think they should, too, given that set of circumstances.
Posts: 17164 | Registered: Jun 2001
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The US, Russia, the UK, France, China, India, and (soon, if not now) Pakistan also have plans to nuke well as Israel, NorthKorea, and each other. That's the name of the game: Join the nuclear club, and become a nuclear target.
Um...what would surprise me would be to find out that there WEREN'T plans drawn up. It's the military's job to plan for contingencies.
That's not to say they'd ever do it.
Remember, the US military has plans for invading Canada. It's just part of what you get when you have a military.
Posts: 300 | Registered: Dec 2002
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quote:Originally posted by Blayne Bradley: tis' treason thats what it is, who the hell blew the whistle!?
Oh, please. If Israel draws up plans to nuke Iran, they're just contingency plans. I'm sure they've had them in their drawers for years.
If they ever have real ones, active ones, you'll find out about 5 minutes after they actually nuke Iran.
Posts: 12266 | Registered: Jul 2005
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I must agree, the plans need to exist, I am happy they are so well developed and plausible. The other day Iran was bragging about the depth and complexity of the underground tunnels full of refined gas. 'Unique' they where called. (I am not surprised that a Nuke would be required to break them open.)
That along with the caution that if the United States did not stop picking on them they would shift from their peaceful plans and make bombs. At the same time the president of Iraq spoke of his countries long history of dealing America humiliation and promised more humiliations to come.
It would relieve me a great deal to know that Iran lost its nuclear capability, even if a tactical nuke or two were used.
Posts: 475 | Registered: Aug 2006
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I want the plans for attacking Canada. Then again, I already saw "Canadian Bacon" and probably don't need any other invasion ideas.
Posts: 2207 | Registered: Oct 2003
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The U.S. already has the largest snowball arsenal in the world along the northern border, in case of war with Canada.
Posts: 5957 | Registered: Oct 2001
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A nuclear strike by Israel on facilities in Iran would be spectacularly foolish. It would immediately result in the defeat of democracy in Iraq, it would result in Lebanon falling completely under the influence of Hezbollah, it would dissolve almost all allies of Israel abroad (except perhaps the U.S.), and it would position Iran as the hero of the Middle East. I suspect it would eventually end with the dissolution of Israel as a state.
However, it is considerably less foolish to make the world aware that they might have plans to do something so spectacularly foolish if the world doesn't put more pressure on Iran. Such a leak might even be smart....
Posts: 8120 | Registered: Jul 2000
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Well, Tres, while you are no doubt correct about what would happen after a nuclear strike on Iran, Israeli leadders might reasonably feel that would be a better choice than having someone nuke them. Sometimes you don't have any good choices. Better to face a lot of conventional enemies than a single nuclear-armed one. They've fought off such attacks before, but they're small. A nuke in the wrong place could make one hell of a mess of Israel.
Actually, that might not be such a bad thing for the rest of us. Turn the damn place into a parking lot, and - although the fanatics would presumably still fight over whose god promsied it to whom - at least the Great Powers would no longer have any good reason to interfere. Who cares who owns a radioactive wasteland?
Posts: 10645 | Registered: Jul 2004
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Blayne Bradley
I fear for my China now in March Through Time, damn you KoM now I'm going to have to build a nuclear arsenal to counter your hypothetical threat.
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