(Sorry, I just need to get this rant offa my chest. Ignore if you like.)
So, I made this savegame converter in Java. It converts Crusader Kings saves into Europa Universalis II saves. (Both excellent games, incidentally.) I didn't bother with a GUI, since I made it mainly for my own use, but I did write fairly explicit instructions when I posted it. Beginning with "First, you get a command window." And this punk, this young ignoramus, this pseudo-geek sends me a PM saying (I kid you not!) "What is a command window?"! Arrrgh! Get offa my lawn! This is what GUIs lead to. Point-and-click, that's all kids these days can think of! They want everything right now, no typing necessary!
Meh. I don't know what the world is coming to.
Posts: 10645 | Registered: Jul 2004
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Ah, the good old days when all my mp3 encoding was done by command line. You could actually gain geek rep-points by rattling off the options' syntax to someone. Then someone had to come up with a GUI and make it so mouse-clicking fool could do it. Now all you get is dinosaur rep points for knowing how to use all the dots and backslashes in DOS *sigh* What is the world coming to?
Posts: 1412 | Registered: Oct 2005
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While working as a CAD administrator at NASA/JSC, I had a real Engineer (A NASA ENGINEER) say this while I was trying to give advise on how to complete the task he was working on:
me: So, it's pretty easy, just right mouse and click... NASA Engineer: Right mouse, I only have one mouse? me: Posts: 1766 | Registered: Feb 2006
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Now, NASA engineers, if they are anything like JPL engineers, are notoriously geniuses at what they do and very scatterbrained about everything else. Posts: 21182 | Registered: Sep 2004
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Keep in mind, I used the same jargon that was used for the weeklong training class that everyone attended. "Right Mouse" is a term that just about everyone uses while using this program. This program has a lot of "Right Mouse" capability.
I guess I have been around it so much that it doesn't sound weird to me.
ketch, That is what I have seen time and time again working for NASA for the past six years.
BTW, Anyone seeing the news reports coming out about JSC right now? Building 44 is where a few of the Engineers that I supported worked.
Kom , sens you r such a good programer, can you mak 1 of those box thingys that pops up 'n haz multpile choece opshunzs I can click on so I no hav to tipe out my opniion?
Posts: 2445 | Registered: Oct 2004
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