I have to share, because this grenade stick still makes me giggle madly. I'm the bloody one in blue armor on the left. The unfortunate enemy in red has a grenade sticking on his head. Bwahahahaha!
Yes good job, you will definitely kill him that way.
Hey folks, I've played with a few of you on xbox live and I've gotta say its awesome. But it's pretty difficult to just send out invites while you are all in the middle of a game, as after the game you will likely forget the invite exists in the midst of all that carnage.
Would any of you hatrackers be interested in setting up maybe a once a week, or twice a week evening where we'd all log on at the same time, create a massive party and have a crazy good ol' time? I think there are enough of us where if we all partied up we could have games with JUST hatrackers on each side.
Any day of the week works for me as long as I have advanced notice. Would something like a thursday evening be better for you folks, or would the weekends work better?
Posts: 14316 | Registered: Jul 2005
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I often group with some people from another forum, and what we generally do is wait 5 or 10 minutes after sending out a wave of invites so that the people we've invited can finish what they're doing if they want to come. [Added: The other day, I got your invite, but by the time I got Halo 3 fired up the game had started and I couldn't join.] You can usually tell if someone's going to join in by checking their status -- if they change from some other game to the Dashboard they're probably swapping in the Halo 3 disc.
Once we start, other people who want to join just message people who are in the game with something along the lines of "Invite?"
It generally works quite well. Added: Also, people generally leave the game open to friends.
Posts: 10886 | Registered: Feb 2000
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That sounds like a plan to me. Monday nights around 7:30 CST are good for me, as well as Friday nights. Let me know ahead of time and I'll do my best to be on.
Posts: 753 | Registered: Mar 2001
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twinky: Those are not bad ideas. Typically I do send out invites and wait a few minutes but on occasion I just get very apprehensive about firing bullets and throwing grenades that I don't wait long enough.
I'd still like to setup a hatracker night if possible as that way we could mix both teams up with good and novice players.
Keep sending in those preference so we can setup a night this week. Posts: 14316 | Registered: Jul 2005
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I haven't played with any of you yet (especially BlackBlade - sorry ) but if I am going to play at a scheduled time, Monday night isn't good. That's usually "family night".
Posts: 3275 | Registered: May 2007
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Monday night isn't good for us either, as we're at fencing usually until 10pm. Same goes for Wednesdays and Thursdays. MattP, next time we're on and you're on, I'll see if we can hook up with you. I think I've seen you on a few times but every time we've been on a full team of four for ranked team matches. >_<
Posts: 14745 | Registered: Dec 1999
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I'd definitely be interested in joining a regular Hatrack game, although it will have to wait until my work load decreases a bit.
Posts: 4313 | Registered: Sep 2004
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Nobody's disputed Tuesday, either. Tuesday would be somewhat better for me than Friday since I'm often away from home on the weekends, but Friday would also be okay.
Posts: 10886 | Registered: Feb 2000
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Mid-week probably works better for me too. Friday is kind of a wildcard day - there might be plans, there might not be.
Posts: 3275 | Registered: May 2007
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Tuesday night could work for me, but Squish and I will likely miss a few because her weekend is Tuesday/Wednesday. Friday will work for me as well, but any day preceding a weekend will potentially find me away from home.
Posts: 4313 | Registered: Sep 2004
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I had my friend Sam and his two kids over to show off Halo 3, and I didn't realize I had left our game open for friends to join. So suddenly, we hear a Voice Chat voice over the TV speakers, and the 9-year-old says, "Hey! There are too many players in here!"
Turns out, it was T_Smith, BlackBlade, and mack, plus a friend They completely kicked all of our arses, naturally, but it was great fun. And BlackBlade and mack each ended up with a preteen nemesis ...
Posts: 1539 | Registered: Jul 2004
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quote:Originally posted by Puppy: I had my friend Sam and his two kids over to show off Halo 3, and I didn't realize I had left our game open for friends to join. So suddenly, we hear a Voice Chat voice over the TV speakers, and the 9-year-old says, "Hey! There are too many players in here!"
Turns out, it was T_Smith, BlackBlade, and mack, plus a friend They completely kicked all of our arses, naturally, but it was great fun. And BlackBlade and mack each ended up with a preteen nemesis ...
Oh I wouldn't say we kicked all your arses.
Also I am convinced that there were in fact 4 adults at your house, two of which had very convincing prepubescent voices. No 9 year old is THAT handy with a rocket launcher and a grav hammer.
I felt alittle bad joining spontaneously like I did, I actually debated visiting for about 8 minutes and ultimately concluded that if you didn't want visitors you would have closed the game off. I forgot I had already invited T_Smith and the gang to play in another game so when I joined the followed about a minute later. Sorry we crashed your party! Still it was lots of fun, I tremble with fear at the prospect of how efficiently those kids will play Halo 15.
Posts: 14316 | Registered: Jul 2005
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I do have to agree, that was a lot of fun. And if you recall, I ended up being on the team that *ahem* lost, so to speak. I think nathan and our friend eric (mini swq) were totally cheating off my screen. (Okay, probably not really but they took a great deal of glee in killing me!)
quote:And BlackBlade and mack each ended up with a preteen nemesis ...
Was my nemesis the one who asked if I was invincible? Or was that someone else? The invincible one is nathan (her toaster). I am not invincible at all. Rather, entirely the opposite when playing with all the boys.
And yes, sorry for the party crashing. However, it was awesome. Posts: 14745 | Registered: Dec 1999
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I really, really need to get myself a new mic. That whole morse code thing just doesn't cut it when I need to communicate to you guys they just shoved two rockets down my throat. I'll probably have one by the end of the week.
Posts: 213 | Registered: Jan 2007
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It makes me sad that I started this thread and have yet to have enough time to play even ONE Hatrack game. Posts: 4313 | Registered: Sep 2004
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Jumbo got a new mic! No more morse code! Huzzah! Hey, is there any particular time tonight for the Hatrack fun and glory?
Posts: 14745 | Registered: Dec 1999
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So tonight is the night. What time are people planning to show up? I can probably play a couple hours in the early evening and then maybe come back on again later.
Posts: 3275 | Registered: May 2007
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mack, your nemesis was the kid you accidentally teamkilled, who teamkilled you two or three more times thereafter Posts: 1539 | Registered: Jul 2004
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Will anyone be up for this? I'll be getting home late that night (around 9:30CST), but will definitely be on for some brains.
Posts: 753 | Registered: Mar 2001
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I believe tonight is indeed the night. I know an hour should have been set well in advance but at least we have a night.
How do you folks feel about 9:00 EST? We don't have to wait until then, you can obviously form little groups and do whatever you want before then, but at 9:00 we all assemble into one large group and then decide how we want to play it out?
I'd really like it if we could get as many folks as possible, I really enjoy our hatrack groups.
edit: I would LOVE to get together and try the Infection playlist tomorrow. I'm with you Lime.
Posts: 14316 | Registered: Jul 2005
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Ok, thats it. You guys have made me so envious that I want to get an xbox360 now. Iwas waiting for a solution to the red ring of death, but I suspect that it may not be coming anytime soon. Does anyone have any suggestions for what version I should get? I really like the black color of the elite, but is there a justifiable reason to get 100 extra Gigs of space? I don't mind the halo edition's choice of color too much, but I don't want to pay that much extra, even if it may have the falcon chipset.
Posts: 2489 | Registered: Jan 2002
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The space and the HDMI are the two compelling reasons to get the elite.
And they did sort of solve the red ring of death: you get a new 360 if it happens in the first 3 years of ownership.
Posts: 4313 | Registered: Sep 2004
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I'd get the Elite, though I think you are slightly more likely to get the cooler 65nm processor if you buy the Halo Edition.
Posts: 3275 | Registered: May 2007
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I thought that all versions had HDMI now. Although I don't have an HD TV right now so I don't know if it'll help me at all. What kind of stuff can go on the hard drive?
Are there any games that let you port your own music files for use in game? I've always thought it'd be awesome to put your own music into a game instead of whatever songs they choose.
Posts: 2489 | Registered: Jan 2002
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Hey I had fun with you folks on Tuesday! In the future lets have a firm hour set in place. Does anyone object to keeping it strictly hatrackers and good friends of hatrackers? We had plenty of players but we got off to an iffy start when all those random people hijacked the game.
Also I really liked some of the custom games you folks are putting together! I'd really enjoy it if any of you have forge maps/concepts you want to test out from week to week, that we set aside maybe one or two games to try them out. Of course that's assuming everyone in the group agrees. They is still plenty of fun to be had in good old fashion Slayer, Team Slayer, CTF, etc.
You folks up for next week Tuesday again? ------
MattP: It was a blast finally playing with you man, thanks for finding time in your busy schedule!
Posts: 14316 | Registered: Jul 2005
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Man, am I sorry I missed it. I will aim for bein' online next Tuesday.
Oh, MEC: the red ring of death does have a solution. Microsoft has been equipping 360s that red ring (and the newly produced models) with heftier cooling solutions. From what I've heard, this seems to be taking care of the problem.
Posts: 753 | Registered: Mar 2001
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Well, I think I'll go pick up an elite today, along with Halo 3. Are there any accessories that are recommended?
Posts: 2489 | Registered: Jan 2002
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It was a lot of fun. I had to keep my mic off most of the time because my wife was sewing Halloween costumes and my kids were running around and being noisy, but I did have a good time.
I think between 9 and 11 EST time works pretty well for me. I may not always be able to play for two full hours, but I can probably do at least an hour of that.
Next time someone says "wanna see my map?": The answer is "no."
Posts: 3275 | Registered: May 2007
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Final word, re: red ring of death... Microsoft has extended their warranty on all 360s to 3 years from the manufacture date. So if you do have problems, you won't be out in the cold. Once you get past 3 years of solid use, you shouldn't have anything to worry about.
As far as accessories go, there's really only one: an Xbox Live membership. It costs $50 for a year, but that lets you online anytime you like. I have a strong dislike for charging for something that other companies give for free, but Live is above and beyond what Sony and Nintendo are offering. Worth the money.
There isn't much else. A memory card is nice for carting your profile and save games to a friend's house, and a MS Point Card would let you get some of the nice Live Arcade games that are available, but they aren't necessary.
Posts: 753 | Registered: Mar 2001
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quote:Next time someone says "wanna see my map?": The answer is "no."
There are so many jokes for that, I don't know where to start.
And Lime, you disappeared last night! There was almost crying involved, you know. We're rocking the faces off the other teams and Lime. But the teamwork was awesome, we've all totally got to do that again.
Also, nathan and I need to get our friend Eric to post here.
Posts: 14745 | Registered: Dec 1999
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Oh crap! My mike must have been off! I tried sayin' goodbye several times, but you guys kept chatting on about stats and such; I would have kept trying (and eventually discovered the problem), but Jules is sick and needed to get to bed, so I just bailed.
Sorry about that! Shan't happen again!
And YES. The teamwork thing was fantastic last night. We've got The Pit nailed. We should work on the other maps a bit, too, maybe even do some custom games amongst ourselves so we can find recon and control points. I know I need more time with High Ground, especially.
Also: kick Nathan until he joins Jatraqueros. That goes for the rest of you, too.
Oh, hey: a friend of mine is looking for some people to play Halo with. Poor guy just migrated from PC shooters and needs a comfy environment in which to learn how to shoot and kill things with a gamepad. I'm going to try and train him up a bit, but here's his gamertag:
Add him if you wouldn't mind; he is good people. Hopefully we can get him acclimated quickly!
Posts: 753 | Registered: Mar 2001
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And you're forgiven, we figured something came up. I hope Jules is feeling better.
After you logged, we played on Narrows and may have that one nailed as well. Though we only got to play one team, so the 50-26 win might've been a fluke.
And yes, we should work on some custom games to figure out recon, control, and choke points, too. Great idea.
Posts: 14745 | Registered: Dec 1999
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I posted a thread at Jatraqueros for discussion of map specific tactics and favorite tricks. Thought it would be best served there, so we don't clutter this thread.
Posts: 753 | Registered: Mar 2001
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I was wondering. Is the wireless adapter advertised for the 360 the only one that will work, or can I buy one that's less than $100?
Posts: 2489 | Registered: Jan 2002
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