I figured that the first story was too good of an idea for a short story. So i decided to start on a real short story. About to start the second draft, but want to make sure it will work out.Its 2040. America is on the verge of war with Japan. Despite current conditions, Joseph, an american teenager, still goes to Japan to visit his father.
He tries to save a girl who is being rapped by her drunken japanese father, and accidently kills the man.
Joseph is sent to the forgiveness camps. Because of reasons, the Japanese cannot put people to death, but there are to many prisoners. So the Japanese degrade the prisoners, and make them feel worthless enough, that they will commit suicide. It's not necissary murder on Japan's part then.
The Warden shaves Joseph's head, and tries to calmly explain that he killed a man in cold blood, and can restore his honor by commiting Hara-Kiri(stabbing himself in the belly, and dragging the knife as far as possiable through his flesh).
Joseph survives for a few years with his own teenage stubborness, but is now on the verge of giving in. Fortunately, mysterious packages start to arrive with special designs on the wrapping papper, but worthless junk inside.
Joseph, with nothing else better to do, realizes that desighns is actully a secret code.
Each day he recieves a package, and each day the writing paper has an aspiring poem, or speech from a famous person that helps Joseph to continue on living. The warden gets frusterated and starts beating Joseph everytime he declines to kill himself.
As soon as the warden starts this, Joseph begins recieving wrapping papper that is actully pages from the bible. Joseph then survives longer than any Japanese person in the forgiveness camps:24 years.
I already have the conclusion drawn out, and it is pretty solid. So I am not worried about it, and don't plan to ruin for those who truly want to read it.
Please, if you have any questions, I would be glad to answer the best I can. Hopefully, one of you will ask something I missed.
P.S., I hope this isn't prejudiced to any Japanese person. I just needed a human race that still holds onto honor.
[This message has been edited by Storygiver (edited July 17, 2005).]