This is the beginning of a fantasy short story that I'm writing (WIP) just for the hey of it, give me an idea of what skills I need to work on. Thanks in advance for input.
Ravah sat in meditation mental preparing for the fights ahead, readying his seven hunting spells that would be of use in the circle of justice. He opened slit-pupil eyes and watched as other forestwalkers gathered around the circle of salt. Cubs climbed among the great ring of trees to get a better vantage for such a rare event. In the memory of his people no lowly Gather had ever challenge a member of the Ruler class who had not only the members of his own caste, stronger and better fed as they were, but could also choose among the Warriors as one of his three champions. One for poaching deer to feed his wife, so weak she could not bear cubs, another for using magic beyond his caste, and third for challenging Ho’Deki chief of this forest city.
[This message has been edited by wyrd1 (edited April 21, 2006).]
Actually, "first thirteen lines" means the first thirteen lines of text (not sentences) at 12-point size in a monospaced/non-proportional font (Courier, Monaco, others). I can tell at a glance you've gone way over that.
Other than that, do you own a word processor with a grammar checking feature?
"just for the hey of it" would be problem #1. Spelling and grammar would be #2. You're either lazy in simply not editing your own work, or you need some additional education/training regarding grammar. If you aren't being lazy, then consider taking a college refresher course.
quote:Ravah sat in meditation[,] mental[ly] preparing for the fights ahead, readying his seven hunting spells that would be of use in the circle of justice. He opened slit-pupil eyes and watched as other forestwalkers gathered around the circle of salt. Cubs climbed among the great ring of trees to get a better vantage for such a rare event. In the memory of his people[,] no lowly Gather[?] had ever challenge[d] a member of the Ruler class[,] who had not only the members of his own caste, stronger and better fed as they were, but could also choose among the Warriors as one of his three champions. One for poaching deer to feed his wife, so weak she could not bear cubs[;] another for using magic beyond his caste[;] and third for challenging Ho’Deki chief of this forest city.
Not sure if I got all of them, but that gives you an idea. Also, the bold part needs to be rewritten in my opinion.
As for the story in general, the 'cubs' references seems odd to me. I think of animals when I think of cubs, yet I've not been told anything about this race. Since I've not been told otherwise, I'd assume they were humanlike.
The general idea could be interesting, but is difficult for me to say at this point.
[This message has been edited by pjp (edited April 21, 2006).]
I would work on clarity. You don't need to hint at everything in the first thirteen. At this point, there is confusion about what species the main character is. What is the nature of this contest? Does he get to use his caste, even though it is weaker? Under his people's rules, is he a criminal? I don't need answers to all these questions, but if you introduce hints of all these things, then I am going to start questioning. Since I don't have anything firm at this point, I am less tolerant of questions.
Posts: 303 | Registered: Mar 2006
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Okay, I've revised things and was wondering if this is better, let me know if I still need to work on punctuation and grammar, and anything else you can think of.
Ravah sat in meditation mentally preparing for the fights ahead, readying his seven hunting spells that would be of use in the circle of justice. He opened slit-pupil eyes and watched as the other forestwalkers gathered around the circle of salt; feline forms drifting around the clearing, tawny coats gleaming in the sun as they eagerly awaited the trial by combat. Fur-tipped ears picked up the whisperings of his insanity, never before had a lowly Gatherer challenged a member of the ruling class, and certainly none had challenged three times, meaning he would have to fight, and win, as many duels. Ho’Deki the chief to whom the dispute was issued, had not only the members of his own caste, stronger and better fed as they were, but could also choose among the Warriors as his champions.
For me, it almost reads as if you're telling a story about something that happened in an RPG. If that's what you're going for (as in this is a story that takes place in a game, for example), then I have no problems with that.
And while your second version is clearer and some grammatical and spelling errors have been fixed, I think there are some things in the prose that can be fixed. For instance "slit-pupil" eyes doesn't work for me. It seems a bit...awkward, although I can't for the moment put my finger on why. You're describing that he has eyes with slit-like pupils. I understand that, but it feels like it could be more eloquently stated.
Also, I'm still not quite sure what is going on here. I get that there is a duel going on and that there are some spectators watching in interest and that this event is somewhat of a rarity, but why exactly is this duel taking place? And I'm not quite sure who exactly your character is dueling. One of the forestwalkers? Ho'Deki?
If you can clear this up some more, it could become an interesting beginning.
Yes, the second version is much improved. Mention of felines and fur tipped ears eases the reader into realizing the MC isn't human.
Posts: 136 | Registered: Nov 2005
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Yes, the second version is much improved. Mention of felines and fur tipped ears eases the reader into realizing the MC isn't human.
Posts: 136 | Registered: Nov 2005
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The second one is more clear, but I'm still thinking, huh? I can't put my finger on the exact problem--maybe it's because I'm trying to put a species to these characters. There's a good chance I'd give it a page or too to clear it up, though.
Posts: 88 | Registered: Apr 2006
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My next suggestion is: Just tell me . That is, tell me what's up before I have a chance to be confused. In your case, saying something like "Ravah, a low-rank warrior of the Forest Cat People ..." would clear it up.
I think version two is better, but not by a huge margin.
I'll just add onto what everyone else is saying because I agree with their statements. My big problem and turnoff from this story is the incredible overuse of ambiguous and capitalized words. In this opening, you have three types of circles/rings, five capitalized words, and several animals. Nothing is horribly wrong with that, but those words and races are never given meaning. You could the circle of justice, the circle of death or circle of mystery, and I wouldn't care either way. If a forestwalker is an animal, say the creatures of the forest, unless forestwalker had a meaning, then give it right away.
This is a short story, so you can't be wasting words to make it feel more like that time at 3:00 in the morning when you faced the great champion in the Forest of Illusory Mystic Shadows and defeated him on some RPG.
I always just cheat. "Eat level ninty-nine Meteor as my hundred assorted summoned creatures of totally incompatible types assault you under the influence of five different auras!" Or, you know, "Hah! I found out where your hit/mana points are stored!" "Bet you didn't think I would have the mega-cannon this early in the game, did you?" Even cheats that aren't, strickly speaking, cheating have their appeal. "Hah, you thought I would walk through the door, thus activating your AI trigger? Think, or just sit there like a statue while I rip you several new ones." Posts: 8322 | Registered: Aug 1999
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To the the last two posts. I don't play video games, not after spending an entire summer beating the Command&Conquer series and WarcraftII. See, real time strategy was more my thing than rpg's. The story I am writing is actually based more on watching no-holds barred competitions than anything else. Hand to hand gladiatorial combat at it's finest . But honestly I see that I have been using vague references rather than just stating things clearly. I'll finish the work than revise and repost in a week or two.