guys/gals I have tried to reply to your posts from the last string but I have not been able to (not sure why). try this version on for size. (by the way I have ordered the book by Strunk and White, thanks.“Doc I’ve started to have dreams,” [Bruce said.]
“Bruce, you mustn’t ever mention a word of this to any one,” [Dr. Krasinski said.]
The level of agitation in Dr Krasinski’s voice surprised Bruce. (itialics)Isn’t this the kind of thing you are supposed to talk about to your Psychiatrist, Bruce wandered.
“For God’s sake Bruce, be quiet!” [the doctor said.]
Bruce tried again, “I’m having dreams about people I’ve never met, yet I know them.”
Dr. Krasinski stood and headed for his desk, he shook his head ignoring the rest of what Bruce had to say. He pushed an unmarked button on the side of his phone. "Just be calm and everything will be alright," [the doctor told him.]
thanks again for the help all
[This message has been edited by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (edited December 22, 2006).]