Had this as a sidenote in another post, but decided it needed its own topic.
I did the final printing of my project in Courier New, but found a glitch. About three times in the text, when a sentence apparently had the maximum number of characters, and since Courier doesn't adjust the type to fit the line like Times New Roman does, it printed with the final quotation mark on the next line all by itself. Nothing I did would get those little buggers back on their proper line, and I finally realized I was fighting a losing battle if Courier wouldn't budge about how many characters to put on a line. I left it as it was, figuring if publishers were familiar with Courier, they were familiar with hanging lone quotation marks.
And then (JB, are you listening? This is one of the reasons I said you weren't alone.) After I sent everything off, I happened to glance through Tor's submission guidelines for no reason in particular, nerves, I guess, since I HAD read them before several times prior to printing my project, but somehow never caught the following:
quote:Please turn off margin justification and proportional spacing; pages with ragged right margins are easier for us to read, and easier for our production department to set.
"Proportional spacing?" My blood ran a bit cold at that. Isn't that what Courier New is? (Although it doesn't affect ragged margins, which is probably why I missed this.) So I should have just stuck with Times New Roman? And now I have hanging quotation marks like little orphans begging for attention in my mailed manuscript? Aaargh!
I think by proportional spacing they're referring to full justification, so basically its just another way of specifying that they want ragged right. Posts: 626 | Registered: Jun 2003
Courier New is not a proportional font. You're fine on that.
But I have never had the problem with lone quotation marks that you describe. If the quotation mark will not fit at the end of a line, the entire last word of the line should be wrapped to a new line. What word processor are you using?
If I understand how fonts work, Times New Roman IS a proportional font, so you DO NOT want to us that.
I've never had a problem with Courier New. The only thing I don't like about it, which is why I don't use it, is that it prints too light. Instead, I downloaded a darker courier -- Courier10 BT (from Word Perfect, I think) -- which gives you nice dark type. But like Eric said, when I put a quotation mark at the end of a word and it carries past the margin, the quotation mark along with the word carry to the next line.
You are FINE. Don't worry. Courier is a proportional font, which means that each letter/character takes up the same amount of space - so many spaces per line depending on the size.
There are alot of deviations of this problem, (esp. ". . .") don't worry about it. Don't cut your line off prematurely either, just submit it as-is. It allows for a proper word count.
Oh dear... Could I get more explanation on WHY Times New Roman should not be used in submissions? I have Courier New in my WP 11, but don't use it. I thought a proportional font made every letter take up the same space, and that Courier was such a font. I thought proportional spacing was when both margins are justified. I know the magazines don't want the right margin justified, and that the ms should be double-spaced, but I haven't seen any font requirements. Am I missing something? Do they prefer serif or sans-serif fonts?
Good luck Kolona, btw - very excited to hear you sent your manuscript! Sending it successful thoughts. Do you have an agent (not asking who, just yes/no) or did you send to Tor because they take unagented ms (aside from them being a great publishing house)?
(EDIT - dah - took too long to post, and after I did I see JB said that Courier is proportional - glad I had something right!)
[This message has been edited by punahougirl84 (edited March 02, 2004).]
If you're using WordPerfect, find the 'reveal codes' selection in the menu bar and that may reveal the problem with your hanging quotation marks (the keystroke is F11 in old versions of WP). I don't know what to do about Word though. Good luck.
No, JB, you're wrong. Courier is a non-proportional font. Times New Romans is a proportional font. Sorry. But you're correct in saying that you want to use Courier because each character takes up the same amount of space. This makes it easier for editors to determine how much space your story will take up. For those of you with questions about manuscript format, read this article.
[This message has been edited by Jerome Vall (edited March 02, 2004).]
Actually he was half write...Courier fonts do take up the same amount of space per letter no matter what, but this is the definition of a nonproportional font, not a poportional one. Posts: 3567 | Registered: May 2003
If a publisher doesn't mind, Times New Roman or other fonts can be used. But by default, you should use a fixed-width font like Courier New. The reason publishers like a fixed-width font is that it makes it very easy for them to determine how long your manuscript really is.
In proportional fonts, the amount of space a letter takes up is proportional to its width. So lllll takes up a lot less space than MMMMM.
In fixed-width fonts, lllll takes up as much space as MMMMM, so the fact that your manuscript has a lot of M words won't make it seem to be longer than a manuscript with a lot of l words.
[This message has been edited by EricJamesStone (edited March 02, 2004).]
Courier is a monospaced, not a proportional font. In Courier, every character takes up the same amount of space, where as in Times New Roman, each character takes up a different amount of space, with the variance making word counts difficult to estimate.
Margin justification means leave a ragged edge on the right side. Justifying both edges introduces the proportionality again, creating the whole word count mess all over again even if you used a monospaced font.
If it is leaving the " on lines by itself, which is not something caused by Courier, it sounds like you have taken the word wrap (so that that the whole word moves down with the quote) off by accident. Check your word processor settings.
[This message has been edited by GZ (edited March 02, 2004).]
So what I understand it, from reading guidelines and this thread is:
- white bond paper (does it matter if it is 20lb or 24lb?) - double-spaced - unjustified right margin - one inch margins - Courier or similar monospace font - 12pt font
Proportional, nonproportional, fixed-width, monospaced...all we gotta know now is who’s on first.
Seriously, folks...Thanks for all the helpful responses. I appreciate it. Eric, I have Word2000. Jerome, I didn’t know you could download a font. I would have thought you had to get the whole program or nothing. I agree that Courier New is too light, and somewhere I read (maybe on Hatrack?) about printing everything in bold, but that seems like a double use of ink. ‘Course, a darker font is probably the same thing. I wondered about the ... ,JB. Courier put all three dots in one space, which I thought was stupid. Seems to me that would throw off the word count. Which settings in particular, GZ? I checked a few things, with no luck, and asked my office assistant about “word wrap,” but she didn’t know much. Strange as this may seem, Pickled, I found a rubber chicken in a parking lot recently. I thought rubbing it would be sufficient, but I guess that only works with lamps.
Punahougirl, thanks so much for the sentiments. No, I don’t have an agent. That quest will be my next order of business. Although I'm glad Tor maintains an active slush pile (bless their brave hearts), I was able to skip it this time and went directly to Go. An editor from Tor critiqued twenty pages for me at a writers’ conference back in August and asked me to send him the whole manuscript. Now it remains to be seen if I can collect the $200. ('Course, after this post, my rejection will be rather public. <cringe> No. Positive thoughts. I'm )
[This message has been edited by Kolona (edited March 02, 2004).]
The three-dots thing is an autocorrect/autoformat option that Word does for you. (Ick. It's not even correct.) You can turn it off if you like.
Actually, a more public rejection could be good. We can all commiserate with you in that case. You have friends in your sorrow. Of course, if it makes it, we'll be insanely jealous and turn into bitter enemies. We're foul-weather friends.
Yeah, I can see how a rubber chicken might not work. It's really hard to bleed one.
No, I meant the three dots as in ".(space).(space).(space)" indicating an omission or an extended pause. And yes, it is correct. If used at the end of a paragraph, you do it like this though. . . .
So when using Courier I should put a space in between each of the dots when I the middle of a sentence?
Posts: 156 | Registered: Nov 2003
Yes. In fact, you should always do that . . . no matter what font you're using. It's easier to read that way.
Posts: 130 | Registered: Apr 2007
Kolona, I've been trying to replicate the orphan quotation mark problem on Word 2000. Does it show up that way on the screen, or just in the printed version?
Posts: 1517 | Registered: Jul 2003
Hi all- just thought I'd join your interesting conversation about thr rigors of choosing a font...
Courier New is a mono-spaced font which only means that each letter takes up the same amount of space whether its an "i" or a "w." Times New Roman is not...
I found some useful tips on check it out for info on fonts and word counts and manuscript prep.
Bah, just when you think you're getting somewhere and setting things out properly, something else crops up. In Times New Roman it seems to automatically increase the spacing between the dots but Courier New always scrunches them up and I had thought this made it a little awkward to read.
Thanks JB and Balthasar for bringing to my attention yet another of those little things I should really know about.
And just to further display my ignorance. I'm assuming when you say an ellipsis at the end of a paragraph should be made up of four dots, the same applies for an ellipsis at the end of a sentence also?
[This message has been edited by Gwalchmai (edited March 03, 2004).]
Yes, because and ellipsis is three dots, and you need a period at the end of a sentence. Hence, . . . .
Another thing you should know about is how to us an em-dash--those dashes that set off a clause, like this one. And--in case you're wondering--those dashes that set off a parenthetical phrase, as in this sentence.
You SHOULD NOT put a space between the dash and the words -- like this -- because if your story is accepted, it makes the typesetter's job more difficult. And if your margins cut the dash in half, put a space between the word and the dash so that the dash stays together on the next line.
[This message has been edited by Balthasar (edited March 03, 2004).]
Okay, that's good. One more question if I may. I thought of it not that long ago so didn't include it in my previous post. How about in speech? For example:
"I thought that might happen but. . ." he said.
Three dots or four? I'd expect three and without a comma but I'm beginning to think I'm probably wrong.
Crikey, how much trouble can three little dots be? I've never really thought about them before and just stuck them in without thinking about whether there were any rules regarding how they appear in the manuscript.
I did know about the em-dashes though but thanks for mentioning it just in case.
Yippee! I knew something! Makes me feel a bit better.
“Foul-weather friends.” I like that, Pickled. But since we’re talking about chickens, maybe it should be fowl-weather friends.
Welcome to the board, Corycdaughton, but what a boring place to begin.
Eric, <lightbulb goes on above head> I think I know why I got those hanging quotation marks. I don’t know what I can do about them, though. As I said, it happened only three times in all my 120,000 words, so it wasn’t easy to locate them again. I did find two, though, and both are immediately after a dash – which is apparently the whole problem.
Type the following in Courier New: “I have no idea what you’re talking about. My name’s Cran—” I don’t know if your margins will be exactly the same, so you might have to add or subtract letters to get the first keystroke that makes up the dash to be the last thing you can type on the line. If you do that, the last quotation mark will go to the next line – and it’ll be a beginning quotation mark, not an ending one.
Now, I’ve found that trying to end a quote with a dash, as when someone is cut off while speaking, is impossible if you type, as in this case, the letters C, r, a, n, then hit the hyphen twice for a dash, then the final quotation mark. You get a beginning quotation mark that’s turned the wrong way. So what I do is type C, r, a, n, hit the hyphen key twice, type any letter (to fill the space to fool the quotation mark coming up), then the last quotation mark, then backspace once with the arrow key (so I don’t delete anything yet), then backspace with the backspace key to delete whatever extra letter I added to fill the space before the quotation mark, and voila, I have a dash before a final quotation mark. Of course, if it comes at the end of a line, then the quotation mark travels to the next line all by its lonesome self.
So, because I was trying to solve the problem of ending a quote with a dash, I ended up with hanging end quotation marks when the line was full. And it’s not unique to Courier New. I just did it in TNR by adding extra letters to the same sentence. (Although I don’t ever remember doing it before in TNR. Never entered the perfect line, I guess.)
You’re probably going to tell me the solution is some simple thing I didn’t think of and which could have saved me a lot of trouble, but that’ll be par for the course.
quote:In Times New Roman it seems to automatically increase the spacing between the dots but Courier New always scrunches them up and I had thought this made it a little awkward to read.
Gwalchmai, I had this problem, too. In fact, when I did the four dots for sentence ends, it really looked stupid – three scrunched dots, a space, then another dot. It got so that I would read an abrupt stop in places I knew were trail-offs, so I went through and got rid of all the fourth dots, even though I knew they were more correct. But I’d seen just three used at ends of sentences, so I went with a less correct use but a more visually understandable configuration. And now JB says I could have turned off the scruncher. (Gotta find out how to do that.)
I must say, enter 120,000 words of text, and you do learn some things about your computer.
Oh. Looking over my earlier post, I had to chuckle. It occurred to me that someone even less informed than I am about computers or with a different system may think I have an assistant. I was referring, of course, to the little office assistant character Microsoft provides -- in my case, the cat.
A pat on the back to anyone who read through this whole post. Two pats if they understood it.
[This message has been edited by Kolona (edited March 03, 2004).]
OK, I was able to reproduce it, and that's something that I don't think there's a setting to fix.
To manually fix the problem, insert an extra space in front of the last word on the line. That will cause it (and the dash) to wrap to the next line to be with the quotation mark.
I think that dialogue would finish ". . ." if the character paused, even if you finish the sentence, and ". . . ." when the character trailed off altogether at the end of a sentence. I'm not 100% sure, though. . . .
Posts: 12 | Registered: Feb 2011
It depends on how the dialogue is written. Compare:
>>>>John sighed. "I just wish . . . ."
>>>>"I just wish . . ." John sighed.
You can also close an ellipsis with a question mark.
>>>>John looked at Ann. "Do you . . . ?"
That probably works better than this:
>>>> "Do you . . . ?" John asked, looking at Ann.
But this is a matter of style. The point is to keep all of this stuff as invisible as possible so the reader doesn't get pulled out of the fictional dream you're tyring to weave.
PS -- Other writers may have other ways of doing this kind of stuff. For example, Stephen King will sometimes end a sentence with a ?!? or a !?! or even a ??, none of which I care for, really. I find this stuff unnecessary because if the scene is written well (and most of King's scenes are), the mind naturally knows how something is said. And if you must emphasize dialogue, underlining (i.e., italizing), or putting it in ALL CAPS, or even both works best, I think.
But these are matters of little importance, I think, easily changed by editors with their own opinions.
[This message has been edited by Balthasar (edited March 03, 2004).]
Okay, thanks again to the both of you. That pretty much clears up everything for me on that subject so I've no more questions about it.
Kolona, if you've done what I've done and gone with the scrunched up ellipses then I hope someone can help you (and me for that matter, so maybe I do have another question) figure out a way of changing them without having to search through the entire document. When I tried using the 'find' option to search for ... it didn't pick them up. My document is about the same size as yours and since I've already read it through twice recently I'm not relishing the idea of a third run. I've also discovered it is very hard to pick them all up by scrolling through because they are so small and inconspicuous. I suppose it's my own fault for not realising this to begin with.
Gwalchmai, if you find one (or just make a new one by letting it autocorrect ...), you can copy & paste it into the search box. That should let you find & replace the rest of them.
Posts: 1517 | Registered: Jul 2003
Thanks for all your input, Eric. Actually, I feel good that there’s no fix for it. That means I was on the right track. I considered adding an extra space as you said, but was afraid that would screw it all up again if I changed anything at the last minute – that I’d just shift the problem elsewhere. And, I wasn’t crazy about combing through the whole manuscript to find the problem marks just before I sent it all off, though I probably should have.
Gwalchmai, I also tried to do a search for “…” and it didn’t work, either, so I combed through for them, which is why I wasn’t anxious to do it again for the hanging quotation marks (cousins, you know, of the hanging chad ). Repeat after me: “It’s not my fault. It’s not my fault.”
JB & Balthasar, I know this can be a stylistic thing, but to me an ellipsis is a trailing off of speech or thought in a gentle downward curve, whereas a dash is an abrupt, usually premature stop. I think they can be used to good effect in conveying more precisely what is written. IMO, of course.
quote:- white bond paper (does it matter if it is 20lb or 24lb?)
I don't think it matters to the editor, but if you use 24lb instead of 201b paper, your manuscript may require more stamps.
With 20lb paper, six sheets of paper weigh just under an ounce, so every additional six sheets means one more stamp. With 24lb paper, you need another stamp with fewer sheets of paper.
Huh? I don't know how you got what you got. I don't remember suggesting that an ellipsis and a dash are interchangeable. I hope I didn't! You're right, an ellipsis gives a sense of trailing away, where as a dash doesn't.
And I'm not sure this is really a matter for personal preference. It seems to me most books on style will say the same thing about the dash and the ellipsis. You can't use one for the other, just like you can't use a comma for a period.
Eric, you are a two hundred and twenty seven hour saving genius! Thank you. Phew, I'm glad I don't have to go through all that again. I hate reading the same book three times back-to-back, even if it is my own.
quote:Welcome to the board, Corycdaughton, but what a boring place to begin.
Maybe, but it has been quite an informative thread, and not just with reference to these damned ellipses. Quite a bit of information regarding submission guidelines in general really.
And I'll second that welcome while I'm at it.
[This message has been edited by Gwalchmai (edited March 04, 2004).]
Thank you Kathleen! I never thought about the extra cost of postage with a change in paper. Guess I will stick with good ol' 20lb...
I too have found this thread very helpful - things that matter that I had not thought of, and hadn't seen in submission guidelines.
I printed my current story in Courier New, on econofast (I get black streaks through the lower third of my words with my current printer, regardless of cleaning, aligning, or replacing the print cartridge, but at least on econofast they are lighter - still won't be able to submit anything printed on it). It sure looked odd, but after a while was easier to read with the spacing of the letters. I can see why an editor would prefer it, aside from the word count issue.
It was dark enough to read - but I assume submissions can/should be done with the "normal" quality of printing, as opposed to "econofast" or "best" - yes?
For me, Courier New is never dark enough -- not even when you set your printer setting to "best." This is why I use a darker Courier font, Courier10 BT, which you can download off of the Internet. Find one of those 1,000 fonts shareware sites. With Courier10 BT, you can print on "econofast" and still produce a nice, dark, clean copy.
Using the faster, ink-saving printing setting (my printer calls it "draft") can be whiter. I suggest using the 24lb bright white. The pages look cleaner, and the contrast of the whiter paper makes the ink look darker. It costs a LITTLE more, but you'll save a lot of ink. Do they have the bright white paper in 20lb?
Posts: 12 | Registered: Feb 2011
We have covered a lot of ground on this thread, haven’t we? But I’m afraid there’s still “miles to go before we sleep” (with apologies to Frost ) I’ve been jotting things down throughout the day as they occurred to me, so this will be longish and probably tiresomely disjointed. So sue me.
quote:Huh? I don't know how you got what you got. I don't remember suggesting that an ellipsis and a dash are interchangeable. I hope I didn't!
You’re right, Balthasar. I read something wrong into your post. Sometimes I’m in too much of a hurry. Sorry about that. And you’re absolutely right that the dash vs. ellipsis thing is not a matter of personal preference but of solid grammar, although I’ve read books (fiction, not writing books) in which I don’t think the author – or the editor – had any clear idea about their uses. When you wrote
quote:But this is a matter of style….But these are matters of little importance, I think, easily changed by editors with their own opinions.
I decided not to be contentious and to give you leeway to side with those authors and editors who seem not to get the dash/ellipsis thing. That’s what I get for trying to be PC, I guess. (Why I do that on occasion, I don’t know. I’m always sorry. Better to just tell it like it is. )
quote:It depends on how the dialogue is written. Compare: < your examples>
That’s interesting, Balthasar. I never looked at it that way. I always figured that a period belongs at the end of any sentence, even an unfinished one, thus the ellipsis and the fourth dot, and that since a question mark – or even an exclamation mark – properly goes after an ellipsis, so should a period. But positioning does seem to mess with it all, at least on the surface. However, consistency is important, whether you correctly add the appropriate punctuation to an ellipsis, or if you incorrectly use ellipses without punctuation. So even though I’m now a hypocrite, having sent off a three-dotted manuscript when I firmly believe in ellipses followed by proper punctuation (Curse you, Courier New), I want to state unequivocally that I advocate ellipses followed by appropriate punctuation. (Maybe this is why we still see the three dots alone at the end of sentences in books -- authors are struggling with Courier New’s ellipsis scrunching. I think I’m onto something here.)
As far as positioning making a difference with ellipses accompanied by their proper punctuation, it would probably be better to tweak the text to accommodate proper ellipsis use. For instance, in <"Do you . . . ?" John asked, looking at Ann.> John really didn’t ask, because he didn’t finish his question. Why not <“Do you . . .?” John tried to ask the question, looking at Ann, but the words wouldn’t come.>
JB wrote
quote: Four dots, no space after the last word.
but in Balthasar’s examples, there is a space between the last word and the first dot. So which should it be: Four… Four. . . Four . . . Word seems to prefer the first; the other two are squiggly-lined.
quote:To find scrunched dots, etc…. if you find one, you can copy & paste it into the search box. That should let you find & replace the rest of them.
Wow. That did work, Eric. Thanks! I wish I had thought it might be a correctable problem before I combed through my manuscript, but I thought it was simply inherent in Courier New. However, what does <(or just make a new one by letting it autocorrect ...)> mean?
quote:The three-dots thing is an autocorrect/autoformat option that Word does for you. (Ick. It's not even correct.) You can turn it off if you like.
I went through some stuff on my computer, Pickled, but I still don’t know how to turn off the scrunched dots. Is there some connection between your post fragment above and Eric’s parenthetical statement just above that?
quote:Other writers may have other ways of doing this kind of stuff. For example, Stephen King will sometimes end a sentence with a ?!? or a !?! or even a ??, none of which I care for, really. I find this stuff unnecessary because if the scene is written well (and most of King's scenes are), the mind naturally knows how something is said. And if you must emphasize dialogue, underlining (i.e., italizing), or putting it in ALL CAPS, or even both works best, I think.
Stephen King can probably get away with it because of his fame, but I don’t think the rest of us can, except maybe writers of graphic novels. (I hope I have the right terminology. I’m not talking about porn. Comic books in text format. How’s that?)
All caps probably wouldn’t be advisable, since underlining is what publishers want for indicating stressed words. However, I’m sure there are occasions when caps are acceptable – maybe a character is reading a letter in which certain words are in caps. Most likely, there are other odd instances.
quote:And it’s not unique to Courier New. I just did it in TNR by adding extra letters to the same sentence. (Although I don’t ever remember doing it before in TNR. Never entered the perfect line, I guess.)
Quoting myself. That’s really odd. But it occurred to me that the hanging quotation mark after a dash is more likely to happen with Courier New because there are more spaces per line as opposed to Times New Roman, and consequently less lines for the same amount of text. Kind of like playing the odds. Or a crapshoot.
quote:And if your margins cut the dash in half, put a space between the word and the dash so that the dash stays together on the next line.
I know with typewriters this was a problem, but do computers separate the two hyphens that make up dashes?
Econofast, best…I’ve learned something new again. This is a good thread.
<groan> Less should have been more...Hemingway must be haunting me.
[This message has been edited by Kolona (edited March 04, 2004).]
The following applies to MS Word 2000. Other versions of Word may be similar.
1. Go to the Tools menu. 2. Choose AutoCorrect.... 3. On the AutoCorrect tab, you should see a table with two columns. The first column shows a sequence of characters that will trigger AutoCorrect, and the second shows what will be used to replace that sequence. 4. One row of the table will show ... in the first column and the ellipsis character in the second column. 5. Select that row. 6. Click the Delete button.
Word will no longer replace ... with the ellipsis character.
While you're there, you might want to switch over to the AutoFormat as You Type tab and uncheck the box for replacing straight quotes with "smart quotes" (if , like me, you don't like "smart quotes.") You can also uncheck a box to prevent the replacing of -- with the dash character, if you don't like that being done automatically.
Ok, don't yell at me, but I'm thinking I need to buy a book that explains all this! Or maybe direction to a site? I don't currently have a grammar style book that will explain how I should do dashes or ellipses - I don't think I've ever put a period at the end of one when it ended a sentence, or spaces in between,and I'm just discovering that in dashes you use TWO and no spaces, or something like that....
I've read about the different style books, but could someone tell me which one the sf/f publishers go by, or want us to use? Thanks!
(I do have an MLA somewhere, buried in college stuff, but I'll never find it)
ELEMENTS OF STYLE is a small, inexpensive book, and it answers a lot of usage questions. It has a section on dashes, but nothing (that I could find quickly) on ellipses. It's worth getting anyway.
There's an interesting discussion of dashes and ellipses here
Oh! I believe most publishers (SF/F or not) use THE CHICAGO MANUAL OF STYLE.
I also believe you can find what style manuals a publisher uses by checking WRITER'S MARKET. If a publisher wants a specific style, they will usually say so in the manuscript formatting instructions in their listing in WRITER'S MARKET.
Kolona - my husband is king of crossword puzzles, and his mind is a vast storehouse of useless knowledge. Except when a question like yours about "em" comes up! He said it had to do with printers and to do a particular search. I did, and here is one result:
" THREE-TO-EM SPACES are one-third the width of the square em quad. They are the standard word spaces used in regular text composition."
If you read the several entries on em spaces, it looks like it matters to printers. For us, it looks like three-to-em spaces are just our regular spaces!
I'm sure someone will correct me, and tell us about the spacing it refers to, and how we can do x, y, and z to get our spacing exactly correct! Problem is, I love using the three dots, and the dashes that set off text as you described.
Wah - all I wanted to do was write a story and send it somewhere and get paid without knowing obscure printers' references
[This message has been edited by punahougirl84 (edited March 04, 2004).]
Wow. Give your husband a kiss for me, Punahougirl. Another site for my favorites list. I love useless knowledge when it has to do with writing. 'Course, it's not really useless if I pretend to be a writer. Posts: 1810 | Registered: Jun 2002
You'd probably have to do some research on the history of printing (and typesetting) to fully understand terms like three-to-em spaces and so on. Since I haven't done that kind of research, I can't help.
I can say that an en-dash is equivalent to a hyphen, and an em-dash is equivalent to what people usually think of as a dash. (On a keyboard, you type the hyphen key once to indicate an en-dash and twice to indicate an em-dash.)
Another one of those little style bugaboos that drive writers crazy involves whether or not to put spaces on either side of the two hyphens when you type them to indicate a dash. I've seen it done both ways, and I think it depends on the style manual you (or publishers) prefer. I suspect the spaces are because in some fonts the hyphen looks too much like an em-dash, and since hyphens don't have spaces on either side of them, the spaces let you know that it isn't a hyphen and that it is an em-dash.
I do know I am wholly dissatisfied with the way em-dashes look in Courier New, and with the hard-to-tell difference between dashes and hyphens, even if they're relatively close together. They kind of all get lost and I tend to stumble over them while reading. I think if I were reading unfamiliar material, it'd be even worse, since the cues for abrupt dash stops would be easily confused with a plain old hyphen.
I still think Times New Roman is a lot easier to read.
(That example doesn't work since it's not in the offending font.} [This message has been edited by Kolona (edited March 04, 2004).]
[This message has been edited by Kolona (edited March 04, 2004).]
[This message has been edited by Kolona (edited March 04, 2004).]