I know a lot of people approach the development of a story differently. Some have nothing more than a vague idea of how they would like the plot to proceed, and freewrite their way from the beginning to the end. Others know how the story is going to begin and end and know what some of the key events will be between the two, but don't plan it out anymore than that. Still others write scene-by-scene outlines detailing each part of the story.
OSC, for example, says that he creates an outline for the publisher, but he seldom sticks to it very strictly as he's writing, because he has so many ideas and thoughts that mold the story as he goes.
Stephen King hates outlines and the whole idea of plotting a story, and he thinks that it often takes away the 'truth' of it, forcing the characters to act in the way the plot requires, not as they would really act.
So where do you stand? Do you map out your stories extensively? Have a general idea of how they're going to proceed? Have no idea at all what's going to happen next, even as you're writing?
I'm writing my first novel (185 pages as of today), and I wrote both a story treatment and a chapter outline of the thing. That's what I do, but why do you care?
When people ask this question, it seems to me they are trying to get a validation for their own working methods. If you outline and can find enough successful writers who outline, then perhaps Stephen King is wrong. And vice versa if you don't.
Here's the only thing all novelists have to agree on: At some point in time, they will have to figure out what their novel is about and where it's going. There are only three places you can do this: before you start, stopping halfway in your draft to figure it out, or waiting until you have a completed draft to sort it all out. Do whatever works for you.
Just to satisfy your curiosity, then, I'll tell you what I've told others before. I have a very loose outline for the entire novel, and I write a detailed outline about 2-3 chapters ahead of where I'm currently writing. Helps me know what I'm doing, and at the same time lets me change the plot easily if I find interesting places to go with it.
Posts: 626 | Registered: Jun 2003
It depends on the project. I find that I'm not likely to finish anything long if I don't have a very good idea of where it's going (not necessarily how it will get there). For short stories, I sometimes use a loose outline, but not always.
For my current project, a novel (the first one I think I'll actually finish), I have a moderately detailed outline of the whole thing. I wrote about three chapters, then took a break to outline the rest scene-by-scene. (I've only made a few changes as I go along.)
For this project, it's important that I have the outline, because of the type of novel it is. It starts with a medical problem that must be solved, and ends when the characters work out what's going on. All the details have to lead to that end, and be consistent with the cause of the problem, so an outline keeps me from making major errors.
For other projects, I could probably get away with a couple of sentences about where the work is going.
I never outline. For major projects (and minor ones, come to think of it), I tend to have a clear idea of the beginning, and a clear one of the ending. I keep a paper on my desk with the main storyline and how I think it should end, so I can tell where I'm going, but all too often I find out that my purported ending requires that someone start acting completely out of character, so I ditch it. As I write, I keep cardboard notes with a brief summary of scenes I should write for the plot. I then review the final draft and make the necessary pruning and arrangement so that the story is less messy. Posts: 121 | Registered: May 2002
I have to admit, I'm insanely jealous of those of you who can sit down in front of a computer and just start typing without any sort of outline. Without one, none of my stories ever pan out (except for short stories, usually, but those are monumentally different), and even though they sometimes get to 20, 30,000 words or more, the fire that drove me to get that fire usually simmers and burns itself out. And it sucks.
So yeah, I outline. It's helped. I wish I can do it otherwise, but I can't. My brain just doesn't work that way, and I'm jealous.
Still, it's working how I do it, and I'm happy. Besides, an outline affords me a lot of flexibility, because as detailed as it is (at 30+ pages, it's pretty detailed)it's just a guideline. I can add or delete entire scenes, characters, or storylines, and I couldn't do that (I don't think) if I were just typing blind.
PS--Yay for me on my 200th post. I almost feel like I should celebrate. A nice chardonay, maybe? Or a chianti, perhaps.
[This message has been edited by cvgurau (edited March 29, 2004).]
Almost every author outlines. Not necessarily the way we were all taught in High School English, but they outline.
I'm in the early stages of my WIP, page 16. My outline consists of 5-6 pages of plot details and a few pages on character sketches. It the word outline scares you call it a Snorkelblast.
As for Stephen King, refer to pg 166 of "On Writing". He tells how he did a 16 page outline for "Misery". If the word outline scares you like it does Stephen King, call it a Baboozle.
I'll let you know if it works when I sell it.
Rux :}
[This message has been edited by teddyrux (edited March 29, 2004).]
I really feel it is dependant on your personality!
I'm a man of logic so for me to justify the MASSIVE amount of time it takes to write a great story, I have to look at a rough sketch and say to myself "Now that is what I would want to see on a Saturday morning in the movie theatre!"
Even more motivating for me is to look over that outline that took maybe 4 or 5 hours or less, and if certain scenes give me goosbumps! Heck ya!
I've got fuel for the big write and the reqrites just from the jolt from the outline.
Still it has got to be about your personality. If you not so logic based a personality then heck just throw it all out there and see what happens.
LOL It doesn't scare me, I just don't work that way. I start with a scene and I work both ways, move things around and add and subtract.
I really have no idea where the story is going at all when I start--I have a scene, or a character, or just an inkling of an idea. I sit and I type.
And no, I don't think anyone here thinks this outline is like the ones we did in school. Perhaps a first draft could be considered an outline of what th story will be--but then that outline is often 70,000 words or more.
How does it work? How does a person not end up with all sorts of mess?
I mean how do you know John will need the quarter he saw in the street one hundred pages pater to get into the pay toilet?
No idea. The subconscious is a wonderful thing. Did your mind know he would later have to get into the pay toilet--or did the fact that he picked up the quarter lead to him hiding in a pay toilet? Who knows? Who cares?
I used to fight with the idea that I would just write--I had to plan, I have several false starts to over planned (outlined) books. But I have 8 finished ones that flew by the seat of the pants.
You do what works for you. It works for me. But most others I know do use an outline, and others still, published others, do the same, but call that 70,000 word first draft the story outline.
"outline" can be a relative term I never sit down and write out an outline, but isn't having an idea of what you want to do in your head the same thing? No matter how much I "outline" or think and plan my stories, I never fail to be surprised at the details that come out while writing, or the direction in which a story turns. The two don't always translate - things that sound good in outlines don't work with the actual writing. It really is dependent on the person. Ayn Rand wrote practically volumes of notes about her characters and plots; Stephen King just lets his writing tell him what's happening.
Posts: 4 | Registered: Mar 2004
I outline to a certain extent. But I have found that making too extensive of an outline ruins the story for me. This may sound wierd, but if I tell myself too much of the story I kinda lose interest in writing it. Does that seem strange? It's like I write it down once and go over it and then if I detail it too much I have told the story already, and it is gone. It seems like it loses it's newness or freshability(made that one up) Am I crazy or does anybody else get those same feelings?
Posts: 471 | Registered: Sep 2003
--umm, yup, that's what I've said many times--once i know the end, once I plan the steps even a tiny bit in my head--event thinking them out the night before--the magic is gone and I have no hope of writing any of the novel in flow. (note: since I have made myself write everyday, and so many words a day, I can force the story out)
But if I plan too much, the magic is gone gone gone. The story is over--my mind says hey we did this already get over it here's the next 20 ideas pick one.
Truhero, lots of authors have that problem. It is the main reason many authors won't talk about the stories they're working on, because if they say anything, their subconscious thinks that they've finished telling it.
I've struggled with that problem before, even though I tend to prefer writing with an outline. I just have to be really careful how I think about a story and what I say about it.
I just found out that I'm the same way, TruHero. After 190 pages, I put my novel aside. Probably for good. I don't know if I lost interest because I knew too much of the story or if I lost interest because I imposed a plot on my characters. Somewhere around page 150 the story started to die on me, and if a story is dead for the author it's dead no matter how many words march across the pages.
But as I've said before, the hardest part about learning how to write is learning how you write. It's like learning your first language. When I learned Latin, the hardest part was learning how to learn a language. When I started on French (I never finished), things were much, much easier because I knew how to learn a language.
So I've just found another way that I can't write. No big deal, really. I'm not much of an Anthony Robbins disciple, but I do believe in one of his teachings--there is no such thing as failure, there are only results; if you don't like the results, change your methods.
I'm trying something a little different. Instead of thinking too much about stories, I started free-writing. In other words, I just sit down and write paragraph after paragraph about anything I want for as long as I want (last night, I wrote about my grandfather, who ended up being a hodgepodge of several old men I've had the privilege to know). Then, the following day, I go back over what I wrote and read it. Most of it is bad--terrible, in fact--but within those pages are one, maybe even two, gems that need a lot of polishing.
The result: I'm four pages into a short story that I like very much.
[This message has been edited by Balthasar (edited March 31, 2004).]
It's funny. For me the magic dies when I don't know why I'm writing...the characters are just doing stuff and there's no story. After all, my characters are usually pretty smart people. If I stray off plan and let them have their druthers, they write the end right there, "and now we're going to go off and live happily ever after...good luck with the rest of your story, sucka!"
Those ungrateful little...
I don't outline as such, at least I don't most of the time. But I do need to have a clear idea where I'm taking the story, so I can keep my characters from running off into happily ever after land. Sun Tzu said, you need to seize something that your enemy cannot lose, then he will do your bidding. That's how I've got to treat my characters, take something they need and put it where they can't get it without going through all the crap I have planned to throw at them. That'll learn 'em.
Having no idea what will happen next is a good way for me to spend a lot of time staring at the screen in non-writing frustration. I need a plan -- often a Point A, B, C bullet list will do. I'm not sure where my cutoff on too much information is... I'm having a problem getting a novel flowing where I did have a very clear idea of where the story will go.
Posts: 652 | Registered: Feb 2002
I usually do better with an outline, but as part of an on-line class I'm taking right now I have been aked to write a short story free form. The structure is to write whatever comes to mind, just write with no editing or revisions or looking back. I'm getting towards the end and it's working ok. After some critiques we're going to be asked to compltely rewrite the thing without even looking at the first draft as a guide, supposedly this will be like an exploratory draft and a story draft.
For the purposes of an exploratory draft, I'm ok with not outlineing. In fact, for short stories I almost never outline anyway (although I usually have a clearer idea of where the end is. ) For novels I would consider writing an exploratory draft too, but from it I would then create an outline.
It just occurred to me, isn’t the process of outlining a novel analogous to real life? Starting in about 3rd grade, I’ve had every aspect of my future mapped out, like an outline. And, like a novel, the outline for my life changes almost daily as it is influenced by new relationships, interests, personal growth, and so forth. But at any given time, I have an internal map of where I am heading. I have yet to fully realize one of those outlines. Still though, there are overarching aspects of the outline that seem to stick – I can remember wanting to be a scientist and a writer as early as 6th grade. Twenty years later, I am a scientist hoping to become a published (fiction) writer. But the process of getting here didn’t follow the outline in any way. In fact, an external observer watching me over the years would have had absolutely no idea that I was following any outline at all. I couldn’t have made some of that stuff up.
Of course, I'm one who prefers outlines, so I would.
I suspect that writers who prefer outlines may tend to be a little horrified at those who don't, and it may be in part because of what you've just described.
Those who outline may subconsciously feel that those who don't are like people who have no "outline" for their own lives, whether they do, in truth, or not. The mindset may carry over (or at least those who outline may think it does).
This could explain why, on a subconscious level, the two groups have trouble really understanding each other.
And then, again, maybe we're getting way too philosophical here.
I like the analog, though, Brian. Thanks for sharing it.
Reid, that's a great analogy. The writer just has to remember that just as in life, a story may deviate from the outline.
On the other hand George Lucas said that he never thought about making movies until he started making them. When he looked back on his life, he saw how his entire life was ordered to the making of movies. Go figure.
What it all comes down to, I think, is how the creative process works for the individual writer. There is no right or wrong way to do it. It's just a matter of finding what's right for you.
* * * * *
I want to make a correction to a comment made by teddyrux. He wrote:
quote:As for Stephen King, refer to pg 166 of "On Writing". He tells how he did a 16 page outline for "Misery".
I looked that up, and I'm not sure this is correct. I'll admit that King isn't very clear on what he did as he sat at Kipling's desk, but it seems to me that he wrote 16 pages of the first draft--not a 16-page outline. Posts: 130 | Registered: Apr 2007
I've never written with an outline, and I've been thinking for a while that I should give it a try. I know my writing could use the extra structure
I think having an outline would be a lot of help, especially if you want to have an intricate plot, but I worry that my characters' will suffer.
Of course, some of my characters need to suffer a little bit - to flesh them out
I never used to write with an outline and wrote two novels that way (one very, very long, but that's another topic...)
I decided to give it a try - wrote a wonderful outline of a full story, with detailed plot, wonderfully intricate character interaction, surprises etc.
Then I tried to write the first chapter and eventually found what I thought was writer's block was in fact that I'd already told myself the entire story and had to give up (for the time being, until I can forget the outline possibly...). Maybe it’s the same thing as the reason I don't keep a diary anymore. It felt like it just sucked away the things I wanted to put into my fiction.
Now I'm working on something new. Generally I'll have a beginning and an idea of the end. As I'm writing a scene, I'll have a pretty good idea of where I'm going with that and anything I know I need to drop in along the way. And new ideas spark up as I’m writing all the time. You do have to be pretty disciplined in that you can’t put in everything, but on the whole I prefer to work this way.
The main thing is, you can always go back and change things. If you decide later that a needs to be a water buffalo wrestler instead of a city banker (OK, bit of an exaggeration there), this can be done when editing.
But as shown by all the posts here, different things work for different people. The main thing is to find the right approach for you and your story (It won't always necessarily be the same).
I like to outline the novel scene by scene. Granted, I will be flexible--especially where the character personalities are involved, so my outlines are generally vague or simply consist of the core essential events in chronological order, for each scene.
I know it is important to be free, but on the same note a writer needs direction and often can't hold all information neatly organized in his mind, free to recall at any convenient moment. At least, I can't.
Right now I'm co-writing my first novel, currently sitting at 70k words and expecting another 20-30k, and I wouldn't have gotten this far had it not been for an outline.
[This message has been edited by Alias (edited April 02, 2004).]
[This message has been edited by Alias (edited April 02, 2004).]
RFLong, there may be a way to overcome your "writers block" with that outline, if you really like the story and want to try to write it someday.
What you can try, instead of writing from the outline, is to REWRITE the outline itself. Consider the outline to be the STORY, and rewrite it, fleshing out the scenes (which are, of course, sadly lacking in detail) and the description and the characterization and so on.
You would probably have to rewrite any story you've finished writing anyway, and since rewriting uses different parts of your brain (and imagination) than writing does, it may be possible to bring the story to fullness even though you've already "told" it.
It's a thought, anyway. (I just hate to see good effort go to waste.)
See, a lot of people that are opposed to outlines have said basically the same things, that they can't be creative when the plot is locked down, that they can't feel motivated to keep writing once they already know the end of the story, that the characters are no longer "alive" once their actions are predetermined...and something about "magic".
The question that KDW's suggestion immediately brings to my mind is quite simple and obvious once you think of it.
How do the above points apply to rewriting? After all, a first draft is far worse than an outline in every respect mentioned above. And yet, writers that can't write from outlines still succeed in rewriting their stories to get them to a publishable level quite as often as writers that outline. I think that every writer who's gotten published agrees that rewriting is even more important than the initial writing as far as getting your work up to grade is concerned.
I do my outlines in my head...the moment an outline reaches a final form, I start writing prose rather than wasting time writing out the finished outline. But I don't start writing until the outline is complete in my head. I don't start writing a scene until I know the outline for that scene, I don't try and continue past that scene until the outline of the story as a whole is complete, I don't write the rest of the chapter until I've figured out where the chapter break is going to occur, and so on (I know, that might seem a bit strange, but to me it is perfectly logical to outline the initial scene first, then the entire story, then the individual chapters, then the rest of the scenes). I also enjoy rewriting--the closer the text is the the final form, the more I enjoy it, till the final edit, which I truly savor.
So I can understand why I wouldn't write out an outline until it was so final as to be no longer is because I dislike trying to rewrite when I know I'm far from the final version.
But it would seem to me that from what most of the "don't outline" group has been saying, the closer the story is to the final form, the more agonizingly difficult it must be to work on it. How can you deal with that?
Thanks Kathleen. I will give it a go at some point. I do like the story so it has never been my intention to abandon it altogether.
I think from what Survivor is saying that I work in a very similar way. I know where my current story is headed, who’s involved and their motivations. I know the next scene (in general terms). And I know in general terms the problems the characters will face along the way, even if I don’t know how it will turn out.
Perhaps it’s a question of immersion. By the time I’ve written an initial chapter or two, I get into the plot of a first draft, know my characters intimately and really care about them. One that has happened I can't <i>not</i> re-write. I want to make the story as good as I possibly can. Sometimes the main problem is to hold off until the first draft is finished!
And in many ways I enjoy the re-writing more than the actual writing. It’s the polishing of the sculpture rather than hacking away at a block of stone.
I don't care whether people actually outline or not (I usually only use a physical outline when I'm doing a non-fiction piece).
What I wonder is how successful writers who avoid planning out the story ahead of time so they don't kill the magic then move on to the rewriting stage.
I'm not sure what you are asking? How a writer who does not plan, goes on to write a complete novel ready to publish or sell?
If so, the answer is:
when you write on the fly you find many times that at some point--oh man, I need a character to do this, and you put one in. Plot convenience, big time. But I leave it there and go on. Once I am done I go back and decide if I need that character or situation (say martial arts training, or a brother)
So if I need my main character to take a class or two or to have a needed skill, then I work that in on draft two. If I find that the brother is a plot convenience then I either work him into the story earlier or I rework parts of the story so the main character or a supporting main character can do what's needed.
Most of us who do not outline, I guess you could call our first drafts our outlines.
But how does that square with what everyone was saying about how they lose the creative spark and all that once they know the plot?
I mean, isn't that spark even more important when you're getting to the actual words that will be in the finished work? As you say (or KDW...well, I've said this too, I guess), ideas are a dime a dozen...actually, it must be a lot less than that, because I certainly don't get a dime for ever dozen ideas I have...anyway, it is the implementation that counts.
Of course, maybe that's just the difference between writers that love editing and those that consider it a chore. But...I don't know. Isn't something like ninety percent of a great story in the re-writing? I mean, you're one of the re-writing advocates, right? So shouldn't writers strive to make the re-writing process the height of their creative process?
Re-writing. UGH! It is a chore and it is to me the real work of writing. The creative part for me comes in the first draft of the story when I write without regard to outstanding grammar, punctuation and story structure. I get the plot down with those many moments of flow and inspiration.
It is the art part of the process. Story on page without true conscious thought of the story.
I let the characters and the story guide me. All I do is put it on the page.
Then I go back and fix the mechanics of the story. I correct passive voice, fill in lacking descriptions, get rid of overblown ones, move whole chapters around or plot threads. Fix or get rid of dead ends, eliminate repetitiveness, make sure all the ends are tied up nice and neat.
Then I make sure that I look for my pet words, make sure the punctuation and formating are correct (though on that first draft most of the mechanics in the area of grammar and format and punctuation are on auto pilot)
The spark of creativity is int he first draft, I lose that spark if I plan it out before the first draft. But, in the editing and rewriting, the editor kicks in and it's OK to know the end because I have already, in a true sense, gotten there. (not just in my thoughts or in a simple outline (or complex outline.) The novel is down on paper, all I have to do is fine tune it and at times, yes, that means adjusting the satellite dish itself (major fixes.) But it works, and has worked well for me.
I do have a funky formula I use to write and edit a novel, and hey, maybe when I finally sell one I will write on on this weird fly by BIC way of writing.
Write novel non-stop, only reread enough to get the story going on any given day, make no corrections to plot or anything else until story is down on paper. (takes about 30 days to write 70,000 words this way)
Search and destroy all possible passive voice. (yes some is needed--think overuse. And I look at every instance of it to see if it can be made more active)
Search and decide on every repetitive passage of information. A lot of times I will give the same info in several places--so need to decided the best place for that info to be.
Make sure there is the right amount of info so the reader is not left scratching their head in a what the heck does that mean.
Plot conveniences, shoot them out the window.
Check for flow.
Add words to descriptions or subtract where needed.
IN first person get rid of as many instances of the word "I" as I can.
All other POV check for head hopping that doesn't work.
PET WORDS--ugh! search and destroy.
Fix punctuation and basic grammar issues--for some reason I have a habit of typing me instead of my (don't ask I have no idea why I do this.)
Give a final read through. Fix formatting last.
Send to wise readers and start process over again.
Time frame on rewrites: about 3 months.
Let sit one month.
Reread spend one month cleaning up any other crap that comes out of the month's sit.
In the sit month write new first draft of next novel, and on goes the process.
Does look pretty awful written out like that. Actually, it isn't. In 6 months or less I have good novel.
I don't use passive voice as a rule, so even though I look for it (I use WP to search for instances of passive voice)(No, it does not help me correct them, but it helps me find them)(and my agent's a true passive voice hater and he only found one instance of it that annoyed him when he went through the ms)
My grammar and punctuation (in my writing) are almost flawless.
My biggest is typos and misspellings. I do things like collages for colleagues and from for form ect--ugh I Hate those and I think a great deal of the editing my agent and I did was to get rid of them--tons of them even after I had gone through the ms with a fine tooth comb. He'd send me lists of pages that had them on--and I had to search for them and fix them.
Really, for the most part I have good plot flow. Maybe a plot convenience here and there, but not a major one.
The novel that is out there on publisher's desks right now had a Christ parallel plot thread in it--my agent wanted it out as it may have offended some editors ect. I didn't want to take it out--I had based a third book on that thread. Out it went. That hurt and took a lot of time going back and getting rid of all the little things that held that thread in place.
One thing I have learned in dealing with an agent that edits the heck out of his author's work--(which I am sure is why my ms is sitting on 5 desks at this time under consideration--publishers know he delivers a publish ready ms--or at least a very polished one)(which amazes the heck out of me.) Oh yeah, the original thought--is that no word, no matter how pretty is sacred. An agent or publisher will and can change it. You really have to decide where to stand your ground.
It's not easy when you want to keep all of it because you worked very hard to get the words all right.
But now as I edit book two and edit a third novel, not related to the first two, I see things different than I did and my writing has gotten better (maybe not the writing, but the editing is easier.) I can wipe out whole chapters and not even care.
And when you look at it--4 to 6 months for a completed project is a good time frame.
Sounds pretty similar to what I do when I edit something longer, although I should add more of the passive voice catches with the word processor-- thanks for the idea, Shawn. The only differences: I almost always edit on paper-- it's how I learned, and I should make myself readapt-- and I can't deal without some kind of outline, even if I don't know ninety percent of what's going in there. (And I'm a lot slower at the initial draft...)
Of course, I grew up beta-reading three-hundred odd pages at a time, and I don't think I ever really learned to be scared of it. I'm sick enough to really enjoy editing when I'm in the right mood. Now keeping myself on track every day with writing the first draft-- that's the hard part for me.
You have really opened up my mind here and perhaps given me a solution to my recent block against working on a couple of stories I have started.
I am a perfectionist by nature, and have been over-analyzing my stories until they fizzle out and die an early death. I've thought I was doing something wrong by not having an outline, but now I see that I have restricted my creativity by stopping and tearing my stories to shreds before they've gone anywhere! Trying to outline and organize my plotlines has been my problem. Thank you so much for sharing the process you go through. Now maybe I can FINISH something!!!
This happened to me, too, and I'm a (vague fifteen page general plotlines) outliner by nature... I had the same problem with getting started and then hitting the wall. I started *forbidding* myself from reading anything I'd written until the project was finished... and that was the fix. (Of course, I now have the main character's dog show up on page 5 and nowhere else on pages 6-360. But hey, I'm getting to 360. I call that a solution.)
So what does the dog do for the story? If the dog is only there so that the main character bends down to wipe up a puddle and misses getting shot in the head, then have your character step in some gum.
Otherwise the reader will scream plot convenience! and the rest of the time they will be wondering what happened to the dog.
But in that first draft leave it. Maybe the idea will grow--hey cool if he has a dog then he will be like this and you can work a "dog" thread through on rewrites.
Dog was there (with a lot of similar cues) to illustrate the difference between the persona the MC is portraying and the MC herself-- not even a plot convenience. Dog has since disappeared-- a very simple fix to what would have been a nasty problem. Now if only I could write out real-life house mice so easily...
Posts: 253 | Registered: Jan 2004
I've got a little black box that makes a horrid sound. It's supposed to be silent but my ears are more sensitive than most. (dog whistles are extremly painful, never use them.) It gets rid of the mice, but I only turn it on when my cat's are paying a little too much attention to the wall. Responding to earlier, my cat bites me till I put him on my head when I write.
Posts: 1895 | Registered: Mar 2004