Does anyone have any New Years' Resolutions to make about their writing? This is the thread to do them in!
History: 2 years ago I made a resolution to write. Since then I've written about 12 short stories, a ton of non-fiction, 2 novels. I've published one short-story and one non-fiction piece, and I've become an online "expert" on a website, producing short non-fiction parenting content. None of this has paid me a cent yet, but I figure my inventory is in good shape, and I've learned an absolute *ton* in 2 years (thanks in no small part to this group of friends and mentors on Hatrack...)
So I figure New Years resolutions work pretty well. I'm up for a new set of them.
This year I resolve to: Put all of my completed short stories on the market. Sell one of my novels (which requires editing because it was written quickly, but it's stewed for a year and I still really like it/the concept, so I'm optimistic.) Write another 1-2 novels Write more short stories (min 4 this year for WOTF) Sell non-fiction articles for real money
Phew. It's a lot, but I tell ya - I'm motivated by goals!
Heh! I was coming on to this board to post the same question.
This year I've written... dunno how many short stories. I did really well at the beginning of the year, but getting a new job, adjusting to married life, and adapting to my husband's crazy (night-shift) schedule has hindered my writing quite a bit. So, by the second half of the year I'd written hardly anything.
For 2009, I resolve:
* Finish the first drafts of two of my WIPs. * Finish rewriting my other WIP, send out queries by the end of the year. * Enter WotF four times a year. * Submit all my existing stories to at least one market! * Write minimum 4 days a week. * Write a feature article (non-fiction) for work.
Looking back on 2008, it feels like the year just whizzed by. But a year is a long time, if you think about it; plenty of time to enact change in one's life. The trick is small, consistent moves toward a goal. So, finally, I resolve not to let moments pass without my taking the time to reflect on them, and moving ever closer to my goals.
This past year has been a blessing and a curse for my writing. In 2007 I edited and querried y first novel and wrote 2 more, the sequel to the first which i set aside as a learning experience and then the 3rd novel a stand alone. By writing standard a good year for me. But 2008, I wrote nothing, several starts, no finishes. I did edit and begin the query process for the 3rd book. But by writing standards it was a poor year for me, but for writing experience I have learned to edit, believe in povs, less adverbs and such and since joining this forum 10 months ago i believe, have really learned to improve my writing. So it has been a good year in that. The last 3 months have been a new job which has required too many hours and left me mentally too fried to write at night
As far as the new year though. 1) I vow to commit to querying in full for my novel -"Knights Valor" 2) Spend the first 1/2 of the year concentrating on shrot stories. No true goals on quantity but commit to writing 4 days a week and getting the juices flowing again. 3)And win back my Captains hat in 13 line challenge.
A great goal. However, it might not be under your control.
Dean Wesley Smith has been doing a number of goal posts (no pun) through December, and the one thing he always advises is to set goals that you have total control over: word count, number of pages produced in a week, getting a novel finished, or x-amount of short pieces finished, submitted, etc.
I just recently revisited my writing goals I set for myself this time, last year. Even though I didn't get anything published, I did manage to eek out an Honorable Mention in the WotF contest.
One of my main goals for 2008 was to make my writing process more efficient. It's debatable how well I actually did, but looking back at my workload from the last twelve months tells me that I've accomplished more in '08 than in any single year since I declared my intentions to be known as a writer.
In a negative realm moment, I might look back at my workload with a bit of disappointment: I feel I should have accomplished so much more. I suppose I could always blame my job and the extra hours I put into making the company profitable. I suppose I could always blame my failure to keep my marriage from disintegrating. I suppose I could always blame my kids. Hell, let's blame dyslexia and ADHD, while I'm at it.
But, I'm not approaching this from a negative realm POV. I see the strides I've made in both production and quality, and look forward to dwarfing both efforts in 2009. And the cool part is that I even know how I'm going to do it.
That said, here's my List of Accomplishments for 2009:
- at least one professional sale - complete two novels - complete at least four short stories - increase my participation in reading / critiquing groups
Small steps. For now. Until I realize I have bigger feet and a wider legspan than I thought.
My goal this year: To get paid for fiction, not just liner notes. I plan to do a lot of work in 09. I have a very nice novelette for an early 1st quarter submission to WOTF, the editting of which I just finished, a novel and a half written, plus a ton of WIP and stories mulling around. I learned a lot last year in OSC's writing class, and there's a soupy story stewing around in my head I promised a few classmates that I'd finish. I have a very slow editing process, up to a year for short stories, so having them ready by year's end is goal enough. If I can get one or two things out now, then blitz the market next year, I'll be happy. Besides, I usually can find something useful in a class assignment, if I get creative. And we are supposed to be creative.
Posts: 180 | Registered: Jul 2007
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2008 was a pretty rough year for me, with some substantial bumps in my personal life that derailed my writing almost completely. For 2009 I'm going to keep it simple:
1. Write everyday 2. Rewrite 6 old stories (not just edit/polish them up, but start over with a blank paper) 3. Submit a story, probably to WOTF (something I've never done).
For my part, I'm looking to spend 2009 growing as a person as a long-term investment towards growing as a writer. I am having trouble producing with a baby and toddler in the house anyway, and while I have a few scattered ideas about where I want to take a third novel, I'm not excited about them. I feel like a better, stronger, and possibly more mature idea is out there waiting for me if I spend some time thinking and reflecting.
I was going pretty good in 2008 until the holidays hit. Well, that is to say, I missed every writing goal I set, but that's normal for me. I set them too high -- but they do help me make progress.
I'll make one for this year, and this one SHOULD be attainable:
* finish my 80k children's novel, and start submitting it.
There. Steven Covey would be proud (or perhaps mortified, but that's why he's him and I'm me).
Spend less time editing and more time writing. If everything lines up properly, I may well finish a paragraph in 2009.
Posts: 161 | Registered: Dec 2007
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The same resolution it's been every new year since the first I made a resolution. Less talk, more action, same as what I'm striving for in my stories. But it's a hard resolution to keep, the sound of my voice is the sweetest sound I hear. I hear the sweetness (and the bitterness) of these words as I write them. Working on making my storytelling voice as sweet to readers as to my ears.
Posts: 6037 | Registered: Jun 2008
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Write, research, read, learn new stuff, write some more. Try submitting some stuff so I can savor more rejection. I would like to whittle down my interests so I can focus and balance life.
Posts: 171 | Registered: Oct 2008
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My goal is close to yours, Unwritten: continue my trend of writing for three hours almost every night. The 'almost' is for allowances to go out to movies, etc., without breaking my resolution.
Posts: 554 | Registered: Jun 2007
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I do not like choosing specific times to make resolutions. Last year, in the midst of changing jobs, I completed my first 2 sci-fi short stories and sent out my first submission, which was rejected. I will try to complete at least 5 stories this year and submit all of them.
Posts: 2003 | Registered: Jul 2008
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* I plan to finish re-writing the 4th or 5th draft of a novel that has been around for a few years and get it OUT THERE. * I will resurrect my writing group, and make it more disciplined and productive * I will endeavor to write a short story that 'does something' (3 shorts I sent out last year came back with- nice idea, but nothing happens) * Plan to write more and utalise the tools I have. * Get more people to read my stuff. (Funny, I know, but many people encourage me but are then too busy to read my gear.)
Posts: 35 | Registered: Mar 2008
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1. Get my DWS Race score into the 30's. 2. Submit to all four quarters of WotF. 3. Write at least thirty minutes a day. 4. Query an agent. 5. Write a draft of a new novel Posts: 299 | Registered: Oct 2008
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It appears I might have met my New Years resolution by getting something published in flashscribe in I need to set a goal of getting something else published
Posts: 690 | Registered: Oct 2008
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