Maybe if we start a post with whom we think should play the parts of the characters one of the ppl involved with the movis might read it and use it as a guide even if not all characters are who we thought they should be in opinion it might help them with deciding who should play who. As for now i only have one suggestion and that is that Morgan Freeman should play in it one way or another as of the moment i think he would play a good Colonel Graff and as i think of more ill post em on here and see what you all think and feel free for your own opinions as well im sure the developers wouldnt mind a little help from the fans since we undoubtedly will be the target viewers of the film...
Posts: 13 | Registered: Feb 2004
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I'm new to this site and just realized that what i said has already been used but feel free to express your opinions on both as thus my topic title is a little more to the point than the other person who has talked about this already...
Posts: 13 | Registered: Feb 2004
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well, i am truely sorry my post have annoyed you by not using puntuation marks. i guess i jumped to the conclusion that eveyron that could us a computer also knew how to read, whether or there was any in there in the first place. i will try to make up for my past mistakes and as for you i would suggest trying not to be so proper cause that too can be annoying. these post are of entertainment and of personal opinion issues, thus i should not feel like i am in school when im doing this. thank you for your concern with my grammar skills and i cant wait to hear what you have to say about me not capitalizing the 1st letter of my sentences, if you cant tell what im saying without them capitalized then you need some serious help...
Posts: 13 | Registered: Feb 2004
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No, it's just annoying. On Hatrack, it's kinda a given that 1. You use correct mechanics(punctuation, etc) 2. You spell correctly(by the way, you can edit your posts, you know). 3. And you use good grammar.
It just makes it easier on everyone.
Posts: 550 | Registered: Jan 2004
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Did anybody else read that Encylopedia Brown story where the boy had left a phone message for his girlfriend with his girlfriend's little brother, and then the next time she saw him, she slugged him in the eye?
It turned out the little kid who had taken the message hadn't used any puncutation, and so the girl filled it in herself, putting it in all the wrong places, creating a letter that sounded like he wanted to break up with her.
But Encylopedia figured it out. For a quarter.
:: Goes off to dig up his Encyclopedia Brown books ::
Posts: 1894 | Registered: Aug 2000
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quote:well, i am truely sorry my post have annoyed you by not using puntuation marks. i guess i jumped to the conclusion that eveyron that could us a computer also knew how to read, whether or there was any in there in the first place.
Well, everyone using a computer might well be able to read.
However, it's apparent from your posting that not everyone using a computer is able to write.
quote: well, i am truely sorry my post have annoyed you by not using puntuation marks. i guess i jumped to the conclusion that eveyron that could us a computer also knew how to read, whether or there was any in there in the first place.
I am sorry too, but I find that a refusal to use punctuation makes a post (or any other piece of writing) very hard to read. If it's hard to read, chances are that I won't bother to read it. And that means that you will have failed to communicate.
Written language is the primary means we have to communicate on this forum, and punctuation is an important of that. I'm sorry if that sounds pedantic, but there it is.
Posts: 241 | Registered: Aug 2003
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quote: well, i am truely sorry my post have annoyed you by not using puntuation marks. i guess i jumped to the conclusion that eveyron that could us a computer also knew how to read, whether or there was any in there in the first place....
if you cant tell what im saying without them capitalized then you need some serious help...
It's not that your posts *can't* be read, but go back and look at at your post. It *IS* more difficlut to read. Punctuation and capatilization break up the long stream of prose into smaller chunks that our brains can digest. Our brains are used to reading formatted English, and do it automatically. Without the formatting, we have to go through and *think* (argh! thinking hurts!) about where to break it all up.
It's like we are in elementary school again. We have to loboriously go through the text and peice it together. Reading speed and comprehension go down.
Posts: 16551 | Registered: Feb 2003
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Holy crap you guys are harsh. This is the internet, no where in the forum rules does it say to use proper engrish .
If you don't want to read posts with bad punctuation, don't and keep your unhappy pissed off thoughts to yourself. It ain't worth the effort of telling someone to use propper punctuation, and it makes you look as if you need a medical opperation to remove the stick from your arse. Lighten up, it's just a forum, not an english paper.
As to who should play the parts, completely unknown actors and actresses is my vote.
Posts: 33 | Registered: Feb 2004
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If you have fun being unpleasant then that's your karma, karma. It's even more sad that you can't just read the subject and post (or not) your suggestions for parts for the movies, insteading of the first 10 or so posts being "you suck cause you can't write well".
What an origional name you have trogdor! I'm an "upity newbie"? ROFL. It's so lame for people to act all high and mighty based on how long they've been a member. It's even more lame to rip on people cause they don't punctuate their posts. It's clear that you just want to start conflict cause you're an upity "veteran" of these boards. Why not just answer his question, or not post at all? or start your own thread about punctuation, I recomend you title it "The No-Punctuation Post Cry-Party"
Posts: 33 | Registered: Feb 2004
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quote: Am I going to be the only one that actualy posts about what this topic is about?
Excuse me, what? You have yet to write anything about the topic. And by the way, even though this IS the internet, he should still have the courtesy to write in a way that makes it easier for the reader to comprehend what he is trying to say.
quote: If you don't want to read posts with bad punctuation, don't and keep your unhappy pissed off thoughts to yourself.
Please keep your unhappy pissed off thoughts to yourself.
Posts: 739 | Registered: Dec 2003
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Yogi did you happen to miss the part where I said I think the movie would be best cast with unknown actors?
While punctuation is nice, reading his post was easy, I skimmed it and got the gist of it in a few seconds, it wasn't "hard" for me, so since all of you are such english scholars it should be even easier for you.
I am neither unhappy or pissed off. I'm quite happy, I find the posts here pretty amuseing. Especialy the ones where people quote sections of what people said and don't bother checking to see if what they're saying is accurate, makes them look silly.
Posts: 33 | Registered: Feb 2004
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quote: I am very unhappy and pissed off. I'm quite unhappy, I find the posts here pretty amuseing. Especialy the ones where people quote sections of what people said and don't bother checking to see if what they're saying is accurate, makes them look stupid.
Well, I think you need some time in Time-Out then, Abe.
I'm sorry I had to, it's been such a good day for Hatrack already.
Posts: 1660 | Registered: Jan 2000
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It's ok, I'm just a newbie I woulnd't be able to explain it to a veteran of these boards anyway, we'd get stuck talking about what words I spelled wrong instead of the content of the post.
Posts: 33 | Registered: Feb 2004
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Just playin' Abe. Welcome to the board, you need to have a good sense of humor and a strong sense of self in order to survive the other side. You'll do just fine.
Posts: 1660 | Registered: Jan 2000
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As i said i am new to this forum stuff ok, so give me a break. I corrected myself for mispelling everyone so therefore, making fun of it is irrevelant except for just trying to be annoying yourselves. I thank you honestabe for defending me im glad i can find at least one person who can actually read whether or not it's typed correctly to the academic honors standards for the united states. As for the rest of you get a life and for heavens sake get a girlfriend/boyfriend then maybe you'll lighten up.(but then again with your attitudes id be surprised if you kept one for long)...
Posts: 13 | Registered: Feb 2004
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I know I've only been here a few months, but I don't think I've ever seen a bunch of newbies get so defensive and offensive when someone simply asked them to make their posts a little easier to read. (Not that I think there is anything wrong with being new. I'm probably still considered a newb.) Look around at the posts here and on the other side (Book, Films, Food, and American Culture) and you'll find that for the most part people at least make an effort to use correct grammar and punctuation. It just makes life easier.
Edit: And we read a story in Spanish last year about a will. There was no punctuation so everyone put in punctuation that would leave everything to himself. The judge ended up picking the option that gave everything to the state (read: him). So punctuation can be very important.
All i did was ask a simple question? Is that so wrong to do? Then the next thing i know im having my head ripped off about punctuation. I have more important stuff to worry about like what am i gonna do after high school, how am i gonna support me and my girlfriend, and when the perfect time to ask her to marry me will be...
Posts: 13 | Registered: Feb 2004
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I've never seen a bunch of stuck up forum monkeys rip appart anyones post so quickly, and completely ignore his question.
Hard to read, that's BS, it's easy to read, it's a simple question, which you can get from reading the topic alone. If the sentence: "Who do you think should play teh parts in the Enders Game film" is difficult for you to read and/or understand, then you shouldn't be lecturing people on their grammer skills.
Anyway, back to the real topic. I guess I'll explain why I said unknown actors might be the best choice for the film.
There are many talented people out there, waiting for their shot, who can be found and cast to the roles for the movies. Hireing unknowns is cheaper than hiring the big stars, which means more money for other things. I'm no movie executive, so I'm just speculating. Plus I cannot think of any big time actors that would be good for the characters in Ender's Game.
Posts: 33 | Registered: Feb 2004
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HonestAbe, you seem pretty cool. And you're right, people can be unduly mean to newbies sometimes. Sorry about all that ... we usually expect better of each other around here.
That said, though, isn't this Locke guy a riot? Posts: 1907 | Registered: Feb 2000
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The absolute best part is when he talks about his girlfriend like she's a big status symbol, here on a forum brimming with married people Heh heh ... I remember when I was that proud of having a girlfriend. It was way back in nineteen ninety-four. I was sixteen then ... [drones on while audience goes to sleep]
Posts: 1907 | Registered: Feb 2000
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quote:Hard to read, that's BS, it's easy to read, it's a simple question, which you can get from reading the topic alone. If the sentence: "Who do you think should play teh parts in the Enders Game film" is difficult for you to read and/or understand, then you shouldn't be lecturing people on their grammer skills.
Easy to read? We're talking about the post, not the thread title. You tell me which version is easier to read:
quote:Maybe if we start a post with whom we think should play the parts of the characters one of the ppl involved with the movis might read it and use it as a guide even if not all characters are who we thought they should be in opinion it might help them with deciding who should play who. As for now i only have one suggestion and that is that Morgan Freeman should play in it one way or another as of the moment i think he would play a good Colonel Graff and as i think of more ill post em on here and see what you all think feel free for your own opinions as well; I'm sure the developers wouldnt mind a little help from the fans since we undoubtedly will be the target viewers of the film...
quote:Maybe if we start a post with who we think should play the parts of the characters, one of the people involved with the movie might read it and use it as a guide, even if not all characters are who we thought they should be. It might help them with deciding who should play who.
As for now, I only have one suggestion, and that is that Morgan Freeman should play in it one way or another. As of the moment, I think he would play a good Colonel Graff, and as I think of more, I'll post 'em on here and see what you all think.
Feel free for your own opinions as well; I'm sure the developers wouldn't mind a little help from the fans since we undoubtedly will be the target viewers of the film.
And by the way, it's grammar, not grammer. Thank you.
Posts: 100 | Registered: Apr 2003
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Locke, the problem's not necessarily so much your lack of punctuation, though that's certainly a large part of it. You see, even people like me who've been here for less than a year have seen this topic at least eighty-five kabajillion freakin' times, and seen it done more politely.
You have to really SELL us your topic or we'll go to that OTHER casting the Ender's Game movie thread... The one that's easy to read. I mean, really, guy, do your job here!
So really, then, it's a combination of your lack of punctuation and grammar, lack of politeness, and lack of ability to use the search feature to find other threads with the exact same topic.
That said, welcome to Hatrack.
Posts: 4816 | Registered: Apr 2003
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Also, no offense meant. We all did this at the start of it, barring incredible oldbies like AKA and Papa Moose. My first post was on an Ender's game movie thread...
Posts: 4816 | Registered: Apr 2003
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Editor, I know you guys were talking about the content of his post, but clearly no one really cares about the content of the post (in which case they need not post). The line about the topic being easy to read, I was just trying to make a point that you don't even need to read what he wrote, since what he's asking is clear from the topic.
Guess my humor with mis-spelling grammar was a little too subtle, my mistake.
I suppose you actually think spending the time to correct his paragraph was worth your time?
His orgional post was an unpunctuated mess, but it's really easy to skim it and get what he was saying. I don't know about you guys, but if I see a period in a paragraph I pause in my head before going on. His unpunctuated mess of a pargraph I skimmed in a few secconds, I got the main points.
1. maybe the people making the movie will listen to us (hahahhahaha) 2. he suggest morgan freeman for graff (interesting choice, I can even see it as maybe a good one) 3. the people doing casting will appreciate our help since we're all fans and their target audience (doubt it, but it would be cool if they bothered to look at all the threads about this).
A child could read his paragraph and understand it. Boo hoo! IT'S SO HARD TO READ WITHOUT PUNCTUATION!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I THINK I'LL GO CRY IN A CORNER!!!
Ryuko, did you miss his first reply to his own thread: "I'm new to this site and just realized that what i said has already been used but feel free to express your opinions on both as thus my topic title is a little more to the point than the other person who has talked about this already... "
Bah, not I'm contradicting myself by spending the 2 minutes it took to write this. It isn't worth it, but forums have that quirky way of getting out of hand. I still say it's rather lame of all these people to rip on this guy for such a little thing, and on top of that completely ignore his topic.
Posts: 33 | Registered: Feb 2004
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wow honestabe your right thank you for libertating us peeple who speek english as a second langwich. maybe now everybody does'nt have to write good and everybody could write like this. yeah that would be cool. and i agree with you about the unknown people playing the people in enders game. your right. im sorry abot not seing that before.
Posts: 739 | Registered: Dec 2003
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