OK, I will try not to be rude. Not easy. I'm on this board since more than three years, and at first sight you can see that here, contrary to other Internet forums, everybody tries to use ponctuation, good grammar, to make his writing easily understandable for everyone. I'm French, so it hasn't always been easy for me to write correctly in English, but I always tried, and at last apologized each time I knew my text was far from perfection. So if you want to write with no ponctuation, no capitalization and no grammar, you can, but everybody will be pissed off and after a few time, they won't pay attention to you. At all. And let me tell you something, it would be a shame, but for you, cause Hatrack is the best online community I know, you can learn a lot here and have real friendships. Good, or at last not horrific grammar is just a non-written rule you should respect. It's not that hard, is it?
Posts: 3526 | Registered: Oct 2001
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Abe, I'm sorry. I didn't get your subtle joke involving "grammer." I do now, though.
While we're on the topic, what subtle joke were you making with "origional" in your last post?
Seriously, can anyone explain to me why we SHOULDN'T expect to hold our posters to "Honors English standards" here?
Posts: 37449 | Registered: May 1999
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Don't worry Tom, everyone agrees with you. I mean, even I seem to be able to write a post with less than 10 errors in each sentence, so everybody must be able to do so. Posts: 3526 | Registered: Oct 2001
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So good writing is "such a little thing"? Then why is English required every year of public school? Why is English so important on the SAT, ACT, and GRE?
And you should note that no one said it was unreadable or incomprehendible, nor did anyone go cry in a corner. You could do with some chilling out, too.
Posts: 100 | Registered: Apr 2003
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That's great and all that everyone tries hard to use propper english, and it's an important unwritten rule, but it's easy to see how locke took it personaly when like 10 people completely ignored his question and went straight to critiqueing his punctuation. I hope I didn't piss anyone off with my posts, I was just trying to make a point that even if it IS an important un-written rule, you could have posted a polite request (and locke should lighten up and not take everything personaly).
Posts: 33 | Registered: Feb 2004
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It's typical, Mr in-chief. I mean, children here do exactly the same thing. Why should I learn to write correct French, and bla bla bla. They do not realize they will never get a job if they don't know how to write a motivation letter !
Posts: 3526 | Registered: Oct 2001
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Wow. This place has changed! I know I haven't been here in like a year, but... wow.
[sniff] everyone used to be so nice!
Frankly I had no problem with either the punctuation thing OR the request to fix it... why fight about it? I love you guys and this place, but really.
I think Morgan Freeman would be ok, but its too close to Star Wars for him to be really effective in another sci-fi type movie. I think I remember someone saying Will Smith would be pretty cool as a "young Graff" (or was it Anderson?) when this topic was discussed before, and I agree. I had some others, but I can't remember them...
At one point I thought the Sixth Sense kid would be great for Ender, but I'm not so sure anymore...
Posts: 66 | Registered: May 2001
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I think Morgan Freeman would make a better Mazor Reckham than a Graff, and I too had thought of Graff as an older, larger, grey-ish haired man.
Posts: 145 | Registered: Jan 2004
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I always thought of Graff as more of an administrator, not so much a true military guy. I thought he was like in his forties. Maybe Ving Rhames? Also, there is no way that Ender should be played by Hailey Joe Osment. That kid is so annoying, and probably too old for the part. The role of the kids will be very interesting actually, because it's hard to get kids that age to make it believable. I think that the screenplay would have to be written for kids a little older, or maybe a lot older. In that case, how about Allison Lohman for Petra?
[ March 02, 2004, 04:51 PM: Message edited by: Gubernator ]
Posts: 3 | Registered: Mar 2004
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Also, I thought of Mazer Rackham as more of a small, spry old man. Like the guy from "Karate Kid!"
Posts: 3 | Registered: Mar 2004
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I guess it doesn't come off well over the internet, but I really don't take anything that I say all that seriously. I get worked up over things easily and once I take a side in something I don't let it up. Hence why I don't enter the political or religious threads. I looked at this thread, thought "Not another EG movie casting thread... " And then saw the post. It seriously does give me a headache to try to read things without punctuation and that have shortened words. I don't use im all that often and when I use e-mail and this forum I'm used to writing in proper english and getting replies that are the same. My point is that it might be easier for some people to read the shorthand version, because that is what they are used to, but a lot of the people here aren't, and it's just frustrating to try and decode it. Sorry for the um... less than friendly welcome to hatrack. I apologize if I came off as rude, and I'd like to say to all of the newbs in the thread, Welcome to hatrack.
Edit: And as to casting, I really don't care who is cast, as long as they do a good job and stay true to the spirit of the book. I really don't watch a lot of movies, so I don't know who a lot of actors are. I think all of the kids will have to be played by people we haven't heard of if for no other reason than that anyone who's popular now will probably be too old when it comes time to cast. Especially Bean.