Saudade is in emergency surgery right now and I'd like to ask people to pray for her, those of you who pray.
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Here's to a quick and painless recovery, Saudade:) God be with her and her child.
Is there a room # where a card or something could be sent? Any idea if she'd be out before they got there, or something?
Posts: 17164 | Registered: Jun 2001
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I'll let you know as soon as I hear. She's still in considerable danger now and not in a room yet.
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She has my prayers, for whatever they may be worth. Please let us know as soon as you know something. Posts: 9293 | Registered: Aug 2000
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Thank you, all of you, for your prayers and love. I will convey it all to Saudade. She's out of surgery in the ICU now and they think she's going to be okay. She had severe abdominal pain and fainted and collapsed this morning. Andrei called 911 and they took her to the ER where they found no heartbeat or signs of life from the baby. Her blood pressure was very low and her pulse was extremely rapid, so they took her into emergency surgery, and had to take the baby which was already dead.
They plan to keep her in the ICU overnight and then move her to a room. I'm planning to go down there Tuesday to be with them. I'm so sad about the baby but very thankful that Saudade is alive.
Has anyone ever known someone this happened to? It is outside my experience.
[ July 13, 2003, 04:56 PM: Message edited by: ak ]
Posts: 2843 | Registered: A Long Time Ago!
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Ohhh...that's terrible. Man, what can I say? I hope she recovers well. No, I haven't met someone with this experience. It must be SO hard. Still praying for Saudade and Andrei...
Posts: 1247 | Registered: Apr 2000
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oh man, this sucks. saud, i love you. ::prays some more::
i dont even have words to express here, please tell saud that im thinking and praying about her this just sucks, i dont know what else to say.
That is horrible, Anne Kate I'm very sorry for Saudade's and Andrei's loss. I hope she recovers completely and quickly, and that together Andrei and Saudade are able to overcome this blow as best they may. If there is anything that can be done to make even the smallest of dents in their sorrow, please let us know.
Posts: 17164 | Registered: Jun 2001
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*hugs Saudi and Andrei* I'm relieved that Saudi's going to be all right, but the baby... ... I don't know what to say...
Posts: 1550 | Registered: Jun 1999
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I'm glad that the surgery went well. I am so sorry that they've lost their baby. I hope they will be comforted through this ordeal. *big hugs to both of them*
I don't really know anyone to whom this exact thing happened, although my mother had an ectopic pregnancy (had to go into emergency surgery, almost died on the table, and lost her baby), and an aunt who got toxic shock from a baby who died in utero. Posts: 5879 | Registered: Apr 2001
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I had a friend who had a stillborn baby, and the thing is, people kind of stayed away from her for a while, giving her space. That was the wrong thing to do. Express your sadness and give them love. Offer to help out with concrete offers (like "May I bring you dinner on Friday?" or "Would you like me to call your family about this?" that sort of thing). Be present, that's the most important thing.
Posts: 1545 | Registered: May 2002
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I am very sorry to hear about the loss of the baby.
My younger sister had a miscarriage last year. It was a lot more natural -- no rushing to the hospital or anything -- but she did have a D&C a few days later. We all took it very hard. I actually left work the next day after only two hours because I couldn't stop crying. Lori quickly got pregnant again - my neice Avery Marie is due to arrive Sept. 16th. I also have a friend of the family who had three miscarriages in between the birth of her four children.
I will pray that Saudade makes a speedy recover, and send my strength and love for her, Andrei, and their loved ones that they may be strong in this difficult time.
Posts: 1805 | Registered: Jun 1999
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Unfortunately, Andrew and I know exactly what Saudade and her husband are going through. I am so, so sorry.
For me, it helped to talk to people who had gone through the same thing. Those were the only people who made me feel at all better. If Saudade ever wants to email me, please tell her that she is welcome.
Posts: 3037 | Registered: Jan 2002
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Losing a baby is a heart-and-soul-shattering experience. So glad Saudade will be ok. I barely know anyone here, and my miscarriage was much earlier and less dramatic, but she has my sympathy and empathy!