Thank you, everyone. I know it will mean a lot to Saudade. Mrs. M., I'll tell her what you said. I know it's going to be hard for her. I'm just so relieved that Saudade has made it through the most dangerous time that I don't think I've even realized yet what this really means.
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(((((Saud)))) I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I will be praying for you. I hope God will watch over you. ANd your husband. bookmastr
Posts: 33 | Registered: Jan 2003
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ak, please let Saudade and her husband know that I will be praying for them. I'm so sorry to hear about their baby.
Posts: 3546 | Registered: Jul 2002
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I miscarried before my boys were born. The one thing that helped me survive the loss was talking to my doctor and mothers who had miscarried. They helped me realize/believe that as long as I kept myself healthy, there was no reason I wouldn't be able to to give birth to a healthy baby.
Posts: 2425 | Registered: Jan 2002
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Take good care of her right now. When we had our miscarriage I was so relieved that my wife was well I did not mourn the loss of our son. This hurt my wife more terribly, creating a gap in our relationship that took years to mend.
This sad situation can also lead to depression. Please keep an eye on her for us, both of you may want to attend some counseling, definately plan and attend a funeral for the child.
I'm sorry. NOw is not the time to go into these details. You have my deepest sympathies for your loss, and my heartfelt congradultions that Saud is going to fully recover.
Posts: 11895 | Registered: Apr 2002
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A family friend of ours went through something like this recently. I can't imagine how painful it would be. Posts: 1635 | Registered: Aug 2002
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Oh my...Anne Kate, please extend my condolences to Saudade. My wife and I know what she is going through. Before the ticklet was born, our first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. We were both devastated, we wanted kids so bad. To be stuck in the hospital yourself is horrible. If she needs to talk, let me know.
Please pass on my condolances from me and my family. I personally have had this experience happen twice and 3 of my close friends have has a similar occurance in the last year.
I cannot pretend to know how Saudade feels at the moment, but please let her know that there are friends she may not know who will help however they can.
I will pray, I will think, and I will pray more. Please help Saudade find peace in this difficult time.
Posts: 1870 | Registered: Mar 2003
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I prayed for your family, and hope you can help her. Everyone seems to grieve differently. When I lost my first baby, I took my own recovery for granted and couldn't understand why DH was hesitant to try again. 11 years later we have 3 lovely children. Still can feel that terrible loneliness praying for her, though.
Thanks so much for your prayers and wishes, everyone. She is doing better today. Saudade and Andrei don't want me to post their snail mail address online, but if anyone wants to send any cards here to me, I will get them to her.
Anne Kate Ard 404 Art Hanes Circle Birmingham, AL 35213
She's still in the ICU and won't be going home for a few days. I'm going down there tomorrow afternoon.
[ July 14, 2003, 08:55 PM: Message edited by: ak ]
Posts: 2843 | Registered: A Long Time Ago!
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I'm on the way down to visit her today. I will convey all your thoughts and best wishes to her.
Posts: 2843 | Registered: A Long Time Ago!
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I'm here and she's getting much better today. They've got almost all the tubes and wires unhooked. She's down to her last dozen and no longer resembles a cyborg. She's released to a regular room from the ICU today but they are now waiting for a room to free up. She's hobbling around again already and is in good enough spirits to be cracking some jokes. I conveyed to her all your love and prayers and messages and I know it meant a lot to her.
Aragorn is being a great host here for me, making me feel right at home by sitting square in front of the monitor while I'm trying type.
Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes. And to all my grandminions, I want to say that your evil mistress is already bossing us all around again so have no fear, all is well. Posts: 5509 | Registered: May 1999
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Please pass on our sadness and prayers. Losing a child is such a hard thing to go through. Please tell her we love her.
Posts: 1132 | Registered: A Long Time Ago!
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Thanks for the updates Anne Kate. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of their baby. I'm SO grateful that Saudade is doing better though. What would we do without her? Please send my love along...
Posts: 6415 | Registered: Jul 2000
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What happened?! How far along was Saudade? What have the doctors said is the cause of death of the baby? And the cause of almost killing Saudade?
My older sister lost 2 babies who died at birth from a genetic kidney defect. It's important to the parents that people talk about the baby (did they name and bury him/her?) as a real person who has died. Not as just something that didn't quite happen. They need to go through the same grief process as anyone who has suffered the loss of a loved one.
My prayers are with them all.
Posts: 874 | Registered: Oct 1999
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I think I will leave those things for her to tell if she wants to. We're very sad about the death of the baby, of course. Particularly I wish we could have had a chance to tell him how much we loved him before he was taken away from us. How much fun stuff we were planning to share with him, and all the spoiling and pampering and silliness and attention we wanted to shower him with. All the time we wanted to spend with him and all the cool toys we wanted to buy him and then play with ourselves if he would ever let us have a turn. I wish he had known that, if only for a short time.
But mixed with that is my overwhelming joy and relief that Saudade's going to be okay. I'm back home now but I talked to her on the phone this morning and she will most likely be allowed to go home today. I love her so much! My precious girl. My jewel. My window of light. I'm blessed and more than blessed to have her, and nothing can mar that joy.
[ July 18, 2003, 10:41 AM: Message edited by: ak ]
Posts: 2843 | Registered: A Long Time Ago!
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KEGE, I didn't think you were prying. I always want to know everything and understand everything and I'm sure I drove Saudade crazy while I was there with my quizzing all her doctors and nurses and checking all her meds and looking up medical information. I know Saudade appreciates everyone's concern, and she'll be back online herself I'm sure, soon. So there's no need for me to tell more. I'll just leave it to her.
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