O_O I also agree with Lalo! Pass the smelling salts, please.
I'd like to point out an additional fact. Stryker is not a senior; he attended prom because he went with a senior. That's right, he carelessly stomped on breyer's feelings at her senior prom -- but he still has his own to look forward to.
Then again, he also has this to live down. Posts: 32919 | Registered: Mar 2003
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quote: So while I don't think you're up for a good shunning, you should expect to do some MAJOR fetching, carrying, and kowtowing for the next few months before the people affected will smile at you again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
I know.
quote: So you try to atone for it by posting the story in a public forum?
I'm not tying to make up for what I've done, I'm just getting it out in the open, I did something stupid, yes, I'm the first to admit that, but I prefer being called slim to my face rather than my back, and I have no problem admitting to the world that I acted like a complete jerk.
quote: This sounds to me a lot more like the storytelling of a licentious braggart than a true humble apology.
quote: putting this thread out here when you know that Sarah and other friends also frequent the same site probably wasn't the smartest thing you've ever done
This isn't an apology, I'm already done that multiple times and in person, Sarah and I have made our peace with my stupidity. This thread was so the rest of our friends can do the same, I hope.
quote: He didn't at his party afterwards
Just because I didn't do it publicly doesn't mean I didn't do it, and it's not like you talked to me that much afterwards anyways, Raia.
quote: Stuff happens, if this was just a one shot deal with the chick you took, you both knew the risk going into it, you made your play and you got the other chick. don't waste time, if prom was where it was gonna happen oh well.
Unfortunately it wasn't a one shot deal, it just kind of happened.
quote: quote: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Most of you have agreed that he was wrong to bring it up here and I'm sure he realises it now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Then why hasn't he deleted this thread?
I haven't deleted it because I'm not about to hide what I've done just to save face, I maybe shouldn't have posted it on a public forum, but all of the really angry friends post here and all but one have posted on this thread.
Thank you for your comments, I deserve every last one of the cruel ones, and those of you who kind of stood up for me, thanks, but even I can't defend my actions.
"Unfortunately it wasn't a one shot deal, it just kind of happened."
Take responsibility for your actions, Stryker. Don't blame the girl -- actually, either of the girls -- involved, don't make excuses.
Step up and take responsibility. You made BAD choices, and have said nothing (here, at least) to indicate you wouldn't do exactly the same thing again, given the opportunity.
Posts: 32919 | Registered: Mar 2003
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I don't want you killed, or even castrated (though that might be nice, I would like to see your children torture you someday), not even shunned. Just a little torture. but not too much. I want to stay friends with him, and hope for the best of him and Rainelle. But I question his judgement, and wish he would have been a little more tactful.
Posts: 5362 | Registered: Apr 2004
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Very interesting. Veeeery interesting. I'm especially impressed by how JT hasn't learned anything and how he doens't seem to realize that he's going to pull this kind of stunt again. Then there's the attention-seeking drama queen aspect, what are the odds that's going to change in the next couple of years? And let's not forgot the public display we have going here so he can fight with other people about what he did as opposed to himself. The former being a heck of a lot easier than the latter.
You're a class act, my man. Class. Act.
Oh, right, and there's nothing you can possibly say that won't simply make you look worse than you already do. That actually goes for everyone who actually knows the people involved.
Edit: A little thing called grammar
[ May 24, 2004, 11:02 PM: Message edited by: Bob the Lawyer ]
Posts: 3243 | Registered: Apr 2002
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quote: it's not like you talked to me that much afterwards anyways, Raia.
No, to be honest, I didn't have a particular desire to speak to you considering you were hitting on me after that whole display.
Look Tyler, I'm sorry if I was harsh, but I really needed to get that out, because I was so outraged. Maybe I went too far, I dunno... but I honestly don't think I did, it just seems so, especially as it's coming from me, who can't even tease someone without feeling bad. So I mean it, and I feel awful, and everyone is in shock.
So, please accept my apology for my bluntness, but I don't go back on what I said.
Posts: 7877 | Registered: Feb 2003
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Probably not, but I'm too tired to argue... I'm really exhausted. Maybe I'll be more together tomorrow. I'm just so sick of this whole drama. Ugh.
Posts: 7877 | Registered: Feb 2003
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Ok people: a) Sarah made him post this, it wasn't his idea, I don't know why neither of them have said so yet, but I was there while he was posting it, and she was looking over his shoulder telling him to.
b) He did apologize, several times, again, I was there, I can attest to it.
c) I definately didn't notice tyler hitting on Raia, although I did go to bed at 2:30, so I might have missed it.
No, it wasn't a good situation, but honestly, it also wasn't nearly as bad as everyone is making it out to be. I wasn't happy about it, but I think some stuff needs to be straightened out.
Posts: 4655 | Registered: Jan 2002
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I avoided situations like these in high school with a good, sturdy pair of insurance company glasses.
Posts: 7600 | Registered: Jan 2001
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Also, I wore my mother's clothes and one time tried to do a stand-up comedy act in front of my entire school, which bombed considerably.
Posts: 7600 | Registered: Jan 2001
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I can see how those could have worked, Ralphie.
I think Tony's choice of avoidance was being good at drama and english. At his high school, that was more than enough.
Posts: 4393 | Registered: Aug 2003
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I think we should post pics of what we looked like in high school and tell each other how much better we look now.
The best compliment a Ralphie can receive, "Oh, wow. You don't look ANYTHING like you did in high school."
Posts: 7600 | Registered: Jan 2001
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JT, I only have read your first post so far, but I would have to point out that Rainelle's parents seem to be right about her. Or do you feel they drove her crazy? Anyway, I wonder why you found it attractive that she lied to them. And did she have a date? Did you somehow feel the need to rescue her from this?
Also, I thought Raia introduced you as her boyfriend. I sure hope none of these young ladies is a hatracker.
But as for Aimee, she will have an energizer battery of resentment and anger that will probably keep her chaste much longer, so really you did her a favor.
P.S. After scanning the page... I found a picture of my mohawk! It had grown in a bit. I'll try to scan it tomorrow and get it on foobonic.
This didn't happen to me, but it happened to one of the couples in my group that I went to Homecoming with. Fewer broken friendships and more broken noses, I think. You're lucky Sarah doesn't throw a punch.
Posts: 26077 | Registered: Mar 2000
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In light of blacwolve's post, I'd like to say that all of you should know better than to accuse Stryker of this and that while not knowing the whole story !
In my last few years on this rock called Earth I've learned that emotions can get in the way of even the most basic notions of common sense. And I think that Stryker proved he's got his common sense back by apologizing to Sarah.
Why didn't he post what blacwolve posted in the first place ? Because he thought it wasn't important, probably. But in a situation like this everything is important. And there's no unique interpretation, there are soooo many of them. And there's rarely a "right" and a "wrong". I don't know how old each of the "attackers" is, but I hope someday you all will realize that it's not that simple as you put it. Or rather, it's simpler: strong emotions cloud judgment.
And Raia, well, I wanted to restrain myself too, but I can't Somehow, I think that your emotions got in the way of your writing. Whether it's true or not, I cannot say, only you can, but I think that what happened between you and Stryker is making you forget a little bit about common sense, too.
quote: I mean, look at you. You're a teenager. You've got all the time in the world ahead of you, and you think you have to make out with Rainelle THAT NIGHT?
Geoff, I think that's one big piece of crap ! Just because you're a teenager doesn't mean you have to wait to find love. And for all I can see, for Stryker it might have been the best occasion to make a move on Rainelle. Now, if he and Rainelle are smart, they'll put this whole incident aside and move on. They've both made their apologies to Sarah, what's more to do ?!
quote: Whitewashed suburban boy, you take a woman out, you treat her right -- if there's any justice in the world, you'll be left at the altar and get to read her public brag of the experience the day after.
Lalo, this is why I hate justice so much ! I'd rather Stryker learned his lesson - and I think he did - and go on to live a better life. The whole "eye for an eye" thing just doesn't appeal to me.
Stryker, you must have a pretty hard time reading this thread right now, so I think a hug is in order:
Edit: To correct some lil' errors (surely not all of them).
Corwin---I do see where you are coming from, and you make some valid points. I take issue with some of it though.
For one, I agree that emotions can cloud judgement. That's no excuse though. Yes, people make mistakes. But when you do make a mistake, you can't just say, "Oh, it's my emotion's fault." You have to try your best to NOT let your emotions take hold, and when they do, you do your best to make amends for whatever misdeeds you may have done. Excuses hold no water with me.
And yes, it's true that there's such a thing as teen-love and all that. I have friends who fell in love when they were in their teens. But you still have to weigh the options. Is it worth hurting a friend in order to make your move at the opportune moment? It might very well be worth it. Maybe you really feel it's your only chance to do so and get good results. But maybe there might've been other chances to have made a move that would have been less detrimental. I don't know the situation well enough to answer that question.
BUT, I also feel you shouldn't attack those who posted their opinions on this thread based on the information that was given. True, the whole story was not given. But that's not the fault of those who posted in here. They were given X amount of information, posted in a public place. It's their right to form and post their opinion based on that amount of information. Maybe, if they hear more of the situation later, they might change their opinion. But even so, if everyone around here didn't post because they didn't know the "whole story", there would be a LOT less posts on this forum.
Posts: 1934 | Registered: Jun 2001
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I was a complete tool at my senior prom, so I'll spare the value judgements. He'll have plenty of time the next 60 years to feel stupid.
Posts: 1839 | Registered: May 1999
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CalvinMaker, you're right in saying that people have the right to form on opinion based on what has been written until the time they posted. I mean, I do that too. What angered me was the fact that the opinions were so strong against Stryker while there was almost certainly more to that story. In my opinion, when you're not sure wether you have complete information - or at least nearly complete -, it's better to first ask if there's more rather than just going ahead with what you have. It's not that I'm making excuses for Stryker. It was obviously not the best thing to do and he realized that, but I can understand why he did it. I've done things that are a million times worse than what he did while being 100% sure that I was doing the right thing. And now I've learned the lessons and I'm also happy that I have friends who care enough for me in order to forgive my "romantic" impulses. Anyway, right now romanticism gets a very low grade from me...
Richard, I missed some of the fun too because of the time difference. But that's what's nice with the forum: this things are written down for ETERNITY ! Posts: 4519 | Registered: Sep 2003
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I think I am in no position to fairly judge Stryker, or assess the situation. I have my opinions of him and the situation, but think I should not state them here. Still though, I had a theory about this part of blacwolve's post:
quote: a) Sarah made him post this, it wasn't his idea, I don't know why neither of them have said so yet, but I was there while he was posting it, and she was looking over his shoulder telling him to.
Is it possible that the reason why neither of them said it was her idea is that this thread is some sort of penance for him? If so I kind of respect him for opening himself up to the potential judgement and abuse from people all over the world who post here when directed to do so as penance. Though I still think that the thread it self is far from being the worse thing he did in this whole mess.
[EDIT: I didn't realize how bad my grammer was until I saw it quoted *shudders*]
"Just because you're a teenager doesn't mean you have to wait to find love"?!
Ah, I see. Waiting one day, that's quite a sacrifice right there. Y'know, setting aside the 24 hours surrounding prom to, you know, pay attention to your DATE....that's just asking too much.
Posts: 9057 | Registered: Nov 2000
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pH, it's not about waiting one day, or even a couple of hours. It's about not answering Rainelle's actions at the prom. What do you think would have happened if Stryker wouldn't have gone "to the rescue" when she was getting bored ? Or if, afterwards, on the dance floor, he would have tried to ignore her flirting - or more than flirting ? Probably, she would have thought: he doesn't seem to care THAT much about me...
And come on: when the one you like finally starts to "answer your prayers", how easy do you think it is to say: "Not now. It's not the good moment. Maybe later." ??
Again, I'm not saying that he had to do this. Or that he was right to do it. I'm saying these are possible reasons for which he did it. And since I would have probably done the same, or something like it anyway, if I were in his shoes some years ago, I don't think I can criticize him.
Posts: 4519 | Registered: Sep 2003
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Actually, I feel most qualified to criticize actions that I would have taken/did take when younger, but have grown to learn how bad/stupid/hurtful it is.
Posts: 16551 | Registered: Feb 2003
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Well, I don't see it that way. I could explain to him why he should not have done it, as anyone else does right now. But as they say: hindsight is always twenty-twenty. It's something to give a cold analysis on this, after it happened, and while not being involved in the whole "drama", and something totaly different to actually live it. It's not like he had a "Guide of good conduct" that said: "Wait ! Don't fall in love now !" In a society that portrays love as the ultimate goal, I think you can say he received - and not only him, all of us - the contrary advice, the "I'd do anything for love" one.
And I said it before and I'll say it again: I think all of this has blown out of proportions and I hope in a year or so all of the persons implicated in this will have a good laugh while rereading the thread.
Posts: 4519 | Registered: Sep 2003
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And something else I don't get, probably because I don't realize the "importance" of the prom.
If I came with a friend of mine, and she would find someone special at the prom - on such a big occasion - I'd be so happy for her ! And certainly not what Sarah said: "rivka is right, but I really don't need him killed, let's let him suffer." I think that is vengeful and childish. It was probably written only as a joke, but I think that with all of what's already written in the thread, it's a very poor one.
I don't know. Stryker might not be the cutest person in real life, but what I see now is that he had a tough situation on his hands, and ganging up on him seems really... not classy. And please, all of you, think of your "adventures" as a teenager before throwing rocks at Stryker. Think of how you were treated for them, and how you would have wanted to be treated.
Blacwolve and everyone. This isn’t the post I was with Stryker when he posted. That one was deleted before we left the house. This I had nothing to do with the original. I am no longer mad but want this all to end. I am sorry for what this thread may have done to all hatrackers.
Posts: 5362 | Registered: Apr 2004
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