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Author Topic: The They Said A Thing thread
Member # 9735

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Maybe its a judgement call, here's a few headlines from Google News:

"New York Times Really Wants Hillary To Answer A Freaking Question"
"New York Times uses bully pulpit to expose Hillary Clinton’s media inaccessibility"
"New York Times identifies best, worst places for income mobility"
"New York Times Company Names Dorothea Herrey to Executive Post"

You could put "The" in front of them, but it seems redundant.

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Member # 7625

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It seems relatively standard to cut articles out of headlines in a way that you wouldn't do in ordinary sentences.
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Member # 124

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Yes. Headline writers talk like Hulk.
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Member # 9735

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I'm OK with getting rid of Al in headlines only, my initial example was a headline.
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Member # 12343

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Originally posted by TomDavidson:
Yes. Headline writers talk like Hulk.

*The* Hulk. [Wink]
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Elison R. Salazar
Member # 8565

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In Canadian news:


Mr. Wayne Marston (Hamilton East—Stoney Creek, NDP) posted:

Mr. Speaker, twice in her remarks the member for Vancouver Quadra used the word “mystified”. I was a child of the sixties. My first vote was in 1968. I did not vote Liberal. I know members are shocked, but I have to say at the time we were inspired by the words that came out of Pierre Trudeau. When the Charter of Rights and Freedoms came into place it was a good thing for Canada and I give recognition to that.

However, what is interesting is we have had four previous prime ministers, three of them Liberal, 100 professors and lawyers say that this is a flawed bill and should be withdrawn. I am very much mystified as to why the Liberals would support something where the history of their own party rails against it.


Ms. Joyce Murray (Vancouver Quadra, Lib.) posted:

Mr. Speaker, when the NDP member mentions the word “freedoms” I would like to remind the member that freedoms do not exist when there are attacks that could have been prevented or guarded against. Those freedoms would be simply eroded. That is why it is important that a government keep up to date with security requirements that our changing security environment requires. That is why the Liberals are supporting the bill.

I would ask the member whether he would want it on his conscience should there be an attack that leads to deaths of Canadians because of the loopholes that the bill is attempting to fix. The Liberals are clear that the privacy and rights sides of the equation are not properly respected by the Conservative government on purpose and those can be fixed. The Liberal Party has made a commitment to do that. We have been open and transparent about our intention to do that. It will be in our platform and it will be an urgent mandate for us should we form government after the next election.

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Member # 8880

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Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) built his personal fortune, estimated to be nearly $450 million, by selling car alarms. So there was something a bit incongruous about comments he made during an interview with CNN Money’s Cristina Alesci this week in which he described America’s poor as “somewhat the envy of the world.”

“America’s the richest country on Earth because we’ve been able to put capital together and we’ve been able to make our poor somewhat the envy of the world,” Issa said in response to the issue of income inequality. “If you go to India or you go to any number of third-world countries, you have two problems: you have greater inequality of income and wealth. You also have less opportunity for people to rise from the have-not to the have.”

When Alesci suggested that the U.S. should “set the bar” higher than a comparison to India, Issa cut her off, asking, “Why shouldn’t we?” He continued, “I appreciate your comment, but you’re wrong. You do have to compare yourself to the rest of the world. We compete with the rest of the world.”

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Member # 8561

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Meanwhile ask the poor in literally any developed nation that is not america if they'd be happier in america and they can say "jesus christ are you kidding me, is that question supposed to be a joke, i hear you don't even have universal healthcare yet"
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Member # 8576

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Our wealth inequality is actually worse than India's.
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Member # 8880

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The part that jumps out at me the most is the competition thing. We compete against India in the quality of life of our poorest citizens? So we can pretty much stagnate on improving the lives of those living in poverty until developing countries start catching up, as long as we stay ahead on the scoreboard.
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Member # 8561

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'there's totally countries where we're better than them at ... stuff, i'm pretty sure? so why are the poors complaining anyway.' said some rich honky conservative, before adding 'checkmate, liberals'
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Elison R. Salazar
Member # 8565

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Ever seen the Lucky Ducky comic strip?
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Member # 8561

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Good luck tracking down sermons from Mike Huckabee's two decades as a Baptist preacher. The GOP presidential candidate, who once started a television station out of his church to broadcast his sermons, kept those tapes under wraps during the 2008 presidential campaign.

Among the handful of sermons open to the public is a partial recording of a 1979 sermon in Arkadelphia, Arkansas, at the congregation Huckabee had tended as a pastor a decade earlier when he was a student at Ouachita Baptist University. The sermon, included in the school's special collections, catches a young Huckabee confident in his beliefs and fluid in his rhetoric, riffing from one New Testament passage to the next in critiquing the most "pleasure-mad society that probably has ever been since Rome and Greece, in the days when there was just absolute chaos and debauchery on the streets" ...

Huckabee was upset with Monty Python's 1979 movie, Life of Brian. Huckabee was hardly alone in condemning Life of Brian, which follows the story of a Jewish man, Brian, who is mistaken for the Messiah because he was born on the same day as Jesus. The film was banned in Ireland; picketed in New Jersey; denounced by a coalition of Christian and Jewish leaders; and canceled in Columbia, South Carolina after a last-minute intervention from Republican Sen. Strom Thurmond. (On the other hand, the movie does have a score of 96 at Rotten Tomatoes.) Per Huckabee:

There was a time in this country when a movie like The Life of Brian which, I just read—thank God the theaters in Little Rock decided not to show, but it's showing all over the Fort Worth–Dallas area, which is a mockery, which is a blasphemy against the very name of Jesus Christ, and I can remember a day even as young as I am when that would not have happened in this country or in the city in the South.

But friend, it's happening all over and no one's blinking an eye, and we can talk about how the devil's moved in and the devil's moved in but what's really happened is God's people have moved out and made room for it. We've put up the for sale sign and we've announced a very cheap price for what our lives really are. We've sold our character, we've sold our convictions, we've compromised we've sold out and as a result we've moved out the devil's moved in and he's set up shop. And friend [he's] praying on our own craving for pleasure.

No word on whether Huckabee will defund the Ministry of Silly Walks if elected.
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Member # 8561

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"Immigration is really… there’s a way I can make an accommodation. I did this in a debate once when my opponents challenged me. And I just said, “Well I’m for open borders” and that did get their attention. I said, ‘well sure, every time we let an immigrant in, we’ll deport a Leftist,’ I’ll make that deal all day long."

King has not shied away from making controversial statements about immigrants in the past. In 2013, King refused to back down from his claim that undocumented immigrants have “cantaloupe calves,” telling radio personality Laura Ingraham that he personally caught immigrants “with my hands” who fit that description. King also said that undocumented youths who want to serve in the U.S. military are “mercenaries” who are “defrauding the Department of Defense.” In the past, he argued against passing immigration reform because people from a “violent civilization” would create a more violent environment for individuals living in a “less-violent civilization.” He has also compared undocumented immigrants to a variety of animals and drug mules.

Meanwhile, King has compared himself to Jesus.

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Member # 11879

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Jesus: Tough on immigration.
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Member # 11879

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Also, Jesus for President. (warning: it is, contrary to the spirit of this thread, wonderfully and refreshingly sane and uplifting)
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Member # 8561

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James Inhofe of Oklahoma headed to the Senate floor on Wednesday to explain the benefits of greenhouse gas emissions.

“Counter to the doomsday predictions of climate alarmists, increasing observations suggest a much reduced and practically harmless climate response to increased amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide,” he remarked. “Also missing from the climate alarmists’ doomsday scenarios and well-scripted talking points are the benefits from increased carbon that has led to a greening of the planet and contributed to increased agricultural productivity.”

Inhofe, the chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, wondered why people didn’t understand that carbon pollution was good for the Earth.

“People do not realize that you cannot grow things without CO2,” he said. “CO2 is a fertilizer. It is something you cannot do without. No one ever talks about the benefits that people are inducing that as a fertilizer on a daily basis.”

“Despite admitted gaps to the scientific understanding of climate change and a track record of climate modeling failures, President Obama and his environmental allies are holding fast to their bedrock beliefs. They are intent on selling the president’s so-called Climate Action Plan to the American people that is less about protecting the environment and more about expanding the role of the government,” Inhofe said.

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Member # 8880

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Speaking at Tuskegee University over the weekend, Obama said she was the “focus of another set of questions and speculations” because of her race.

Coulter unleashed in an interview with Sean Hannity, saying, “I think she’s just letting out her Reverend Wright now.”

Coulter contended Democratic policies have been detrimental to the black community and the country, taking particular aim at affirmative action.

“Yes, America does owe black America for slavery, for the Democratic policies of Jim Crow,” Coulter added. “I think we’ve — we’re making it up now, when you’re getting admitted to Princeton when you can’t read, is that enough yet?”

“This nonsense about the peaceful protesters. No, I want a milk carton for, ‘Has anyone seen a peaceful protester in Baltimore?’ As if work-a-day blacks are rushing out to protest Freddie Gray. No they aren’t,” she said.

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Member # 8561

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During his radio broadcast this morning, Glenn Beck and his co-hosts ended up engaged in a discussion about the cost of attending college, which eventually turned into an attack on President Obama's proposal to offer two free years of community college to students who meet specific requirements.

While co-host Stu Burguiere said that the proposal was just the first step down a slippery slope that would eventually lead to free college for everyone everywhere as part of an attempt to bankrupt the country and make everyone dependent upon the government, Beck said that student loans are really an attempt by the government to enslave its citizens.

How exactly a proposals to provide free college would allow the government to use student loan debt to enslave people was not something that Beck actually bothered to explain, probably because it makes no sense, but that didn't stop Beck for laying out exactly that sort of conspiracy theory.

"That's the goal," Beck said. "Enslaving them. Because once they give you this for free, there is going to be work involved ... I think you're going to have to pay these things back. Why is it the federal government guarantees these things and makes it the only thing that you can't wipe off? You can go bankrupt and you can wipe off houses, cars, and everything else, but not your educational debt. You must pay your educational debt. Okay, alright. So now when people can't pay their educational debt, what do they have to do? Well, why don't you serve your country? I think our children are going to be enslaved by this debt":

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Member # 8561

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Take Michael Savage, for example. Last year, the right-wing radio talk show host claimed that Obama would “use Ebola as a pretext” to “take the guns.” Since that never happened, Savage now has a new theory for his fans: Obama will sneak a gun ban into the Trans Pacific Partnership, a controversial free trade deal, without the public ever knowing about it.

“This is a dictatorship as sure as I’m sitting here,” Savage told his listeners on Friday. “Obama’s the most dictatorial president in American history, he was never fit for office, he was voted out of office in November.”

Savage cited a memo from Gun Owners of America that was posted on the conspiracy-theory outlet InfoWars, which claimed that the TPP may include “full implementation of the anti-gun UN Arms Trade Treaty” and an “illegal amnesty which locks in millions of new, anti-gun voters.”

Savage said that while he has no idea if such language is part of the TPP, he predicted that the “sneaky socialist” Obama will make sure that the trade agreement gives him “dictatorial power over America.”

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Member # 11879

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If Barack Hitler Obama is trying to take away my guns he's done an incredibly bad job of it so far.
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Member # 11879

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Like, I live in a state with some of the strictest (if not *the* strictest) gun laws in the U.S. and it was both easier and far cheaper for me to purchase and register a firearm recently than it was to purchase and register a car. (I'm talking about registration fees and processes, not price of car vs. price of gun)

Come on Obama, pick up the slack.

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Member # 8561

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The likely 2016 contender had given evolving answers all week on the issue, after he was first asked by Fox News' Megyn Kelly whether he would have authorized the war "knowing what we know now."

In that Fox News interview, Bush said he would have, while acknowledging "mistakes."

The former Florida governor late claimed he misinterpreted the question. Yet given the chance for a do-over on Sean Hannity's radio show earlier this week, Bush answered, "I don't know what that decision would have been."

He continued to give open-ended answers until Thursday, during the town hall event in Tempe, Ariz. He acknowledged he was initially reluctant to give that response, suggesting he did not want to dishonor the memories of soldiers lost.

On Wednesday, Bush again was asked to clarify his position during a stop in Reno, Nev. Bush said he would not answer hypotheticals out of respect for those who served. Asked again, Bush said that, in hindsight, anyone would have made "different decisions," while again suggesting he didn't want to focus on the past.

On Thursday, Bush clearly answered he would not have gone into Iraq.

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Member # 12343

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Ask him enough time and he gives sane answers. Maybe there's hope!
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Member # 433

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I'm choosing to find the possibility that we could have a Bush v. Clinton race in the general to be hilarious.

Hobbes [Smile]

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Jon Boy
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Originally posted by Samprimary:
Take Michael Savage, for example. Last year, the right-wing radio talk show host claimed that Obama would “use Ebola as a pretext” to “take the guns.” Since that never happened, Savage now has a new theory for his fans: Obama will sneak a gun ban into the Trans Pacific Partnership, a controversial free trade deal, without the public ever knowing about it.

“This is a dictatorship as sure as I’m sitting here,” Savage told his listeners on Friday. “Obama’s the most dictatorial president in American history, he was never fit for office, he was voted out of office in November.”

Savage cited a memo from Gun Owners of America that was posted on the conspiracy-theory outlet InfoWars, which claimed that the TPP may include “full implementation of the anti-gun UN Arms Trade Treaty” and an “illegal amnesty which locks in millions of new, anti-gun voters.”

Savage said that while he has no idea if such language is part of the TPP, he predicted that the “sneaky socialist” Obama will make sure that the trade agreement gives him “dictatorial power over America.”

Whenever people say crazy stuff like this about Obama, I'm reminded of this piece I read a few years back about Lincoln. It's primarily about how Latter-day Saints have viewed Lincoln over the years, but it discusses the general shift from vilifying Lincoln during his administration—either as an incompetent or as a bloodthirsty tyrant—to praising him as a saint who saved the nation.

[ May 14, 2015, 05:43 PM: Message edited by: Jon Boy ]

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Member # 8561

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Anti-gay pundits such as Charles C. Johnson and the editors of WorldNetDaily are making hay over the news that the engineer of the fatal Amtrak crash in Philadelphia on Tuesday was a supporter of gay rights and may be gay himself.

Today on her radio program, American Family Association governmental affairs director Sandy Rios also mentioned the engineer’s sexual orientation, saying it was likely “a factor” the crash.

“Now I am not saying, I am not inferring to those of you that are gay rights activists and like to monitor this show, I’m not inferring that this accident happened because he was gay, but I do think it’s an interesting part of the story and you can bet it would be edited out,” Rios said. She then suggested that the engineer could have possibly been “going through some confusion that has to do with the very core of who they are,” and mentioned the story of an airline pilot who “put his entire plane at risk because he had an emotional, angry outburst to something that happened,” which she says was related to hormone therapy he was receiving.

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Member # 206

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“It’s interesting how the Vatican has gotten so political....
--Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.)
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Member # 2001

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Next thing you know they'll have elections and a chief of state and national borders and everything!
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Member # 8880

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Allen West details his experience of Sharia law invading his local Walmart (the following is from his website):
There was a young man doing the checkout and another Walmart employee came over and put up a sign, “No alcohol products in this lane.” So being the inquisitive fella I am, I used my additional set of eyes — glasses — to see the young checkout man’s name. Let me just say it was NOT “Steve.”

I pointed the sign out to Aubrey and her response was a simple question, how is it that this Muslim employee could refuse service to customers based on his religious beliefs, but Christians are being forced to participate in specific events contrary to their religious beliefs?

Boy howdy, that is one astute young lady.

Imagine that, this employee at Walmart refused to just scan a bottle or container of an alcoholic beverage — and that is acceptable. A Christian business owner declines to participate or provide service to a specific event — a gay wedding — which contradicts their faith, and the State crushes them.

Here is the full link where you can read his very wonderful Editor's Note after he realized the employee couldn't sell it to him because the employee was under 21 and Walmart store policy says underage employees can't sell booze.
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Member # 8561

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The ranking Republican member on Washington state’s House Transportation Committee thinks that riding bicycles causes more pollution than driving cars, the Seattle Bike Blog reported Saturday.

State Rep. Ed Orcutt (R), pictured, wrote an email to a constituent who disagreed with his support for a new tax on the sales of bicycles, a proposal being considered as part of a larger piece of transportation legislation. Reached by the Seattle Bike Blog, he confirmed the email is real.

In his message, sent to the owner of a bicycle shop, Orcutt wrote: “If I am not mistaken, a cyclists [sic] has an increased heart rate and respiration. That means that the act of riding a bike results in greater emissions of carbon dioxide from the rider. Since CO2 is deemed to be a greenhouse gas and a pollutant, bicyclists are actually polluting when they ride.”

He added that when citizens drive cars they are helping to pay for the roads, whereas bicyclists “need to start paying for the roads they ride on rather than make motorists pay.”

Reached for comment, Orcutt told Seattle Bike Blog that “you would be giving off more CO2 if you are riding a bike than driving in a car,” although he admitted to having no evidence to back the claim.

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Member # 11879

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Jon Boy
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"Cyclists emit more carbon dioxide than cars! You can't prove that they don't!"

It's sad not just that someone like that can be elected but that he can serve on the transportation committee. So the question is, is he

a. a blithering idiot,
b. a shameless stooge of the transportation industry, or
c. both?

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Member # 8880

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In his apology, he admitted cycling does not cause more pollution than cars, but he mentioned that his point was just that cycling doesn't have a zero carbon-footprint. I'm not 100% sure about this but I thought the CO2 we breathe out comes from the CO2 stored in the plants and foods that we eat and the CO2 we inhale, and that same CO2 we exhale gets reabsorbed by plants, so that we do basically have a zero carbon-footprint while cycling.
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Member # 7625

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I thought his point was that a cycling human emits more than a sitting in a car seat human. Which is true, but not a useful point.

There probably does need to be some other funding mechanism for roads to replace fuel taxes if we go to electric cars and cycling instead.

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Member # 8854

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Originally posted by GaalDornick:
In his apology, he admitted cycling does not cause more pollution than cars, but he mentioned that his point was just that cycling doesn't have a zero carbon-footprint. I'm not 100% sure about this but I thought the CO2 we breathe out comes from the CO2 stored in the plants and foods that we eat and the CO2 we inhale, and that same CO2 we exhale gets reabsorbed by plants, so that we do basically have a zero carbon-footprint while cycling.

That's all sort of academic. We generate relatively small amounts of CO2 through aerobic respiration: the take the oxygen out of the air (along with C02 and Nitrogen), and we bond the oxygen with carbon that has been depleted of energy.

This is all based on bio courses I took 15 years ago, but it goes something like this: We take energy from the plants and meat we eat in the form of mostly carbohydrates, which are different combinations of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon atoms. The ratio of hydrogen and oxygen are the same as water. Our cells then take these compounds, and through a complex chemical process, strip out the hydrogen atoms and absorb their energy. Some of the carbon we also use for other purposes, like building more cells . What we are left with is the remainder of carbon we can't use, along with oxygen. We take in a little O2, break it down into free oxygen atoms, and combine it with C0 to make C02, which we then breath out.

So we actually produce as little CO2 as possible, because it is essentially wasting of the remainders of carbohydrates we can't absorb. In contrast, cars count CO2 as one of its primary waste products, and a combustion engine is essentially a CO2 generator. Human metabolism is fantastically more efficient at extracting chemical energy than a car engine is- the only advantage of a car is the speed at which it extracts that energy.

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Member # 8561

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Originally posted by Jon Boy:
It's sad not just that someone like that can be elected but that he can serve on the transportation committee.

this is the party that will put ted cruz in charge of nasa, or will let james inhofe within several miles of any science legislation so it is not very surprising
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Member # 8561

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Member # 8561

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The hosts of Fox & Friends on Monday complained that it was taking too long to execute some inmates on death row, meaning that Americans would not “get to kill” them in a timely manner.

“We’ve got friends and family there ourselves and, I think, most Americans looked at this as justice is done,” she opined. “But now we hear about this appeals process, and we’re wondering, where’s the justice in that?”

Death penalty proponent Robert Blecker explained to Hasselbeck that appeals were guaranteed to condemned inmates, and he argued that they should be.

“People say it’s good that you gave him the death penalty, but he’s never going to get it,” co-host Brian Kilmeade remarked. “Timothy McVeigh gave up on his appeal so we got to kill him. We’re not going to get to kill this guy, are we?”

“And we have to keep giving him a lawyer to do these appeals,” Kilmeade grumbled.

“Well, yes,” Blecker replied. “Of course.”

“Incredible,” Hasselbeck concluded.

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According to Locke Bell, the district attorney of Gaston County, North Carolina, the ethnicity of a domestic-violence survivor can disqualify that person from equal protection under the law. The Charlotte Observer reports that Bell refused to certify a domestic violence survivor’s visa application because he thinks the relevant law protecting crime victims “was never intended to protect Latinos from Latinos.”
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Unlike most car manufacturers, Tesla sells its cars directly to consumers rather than through dealerships.

Democratic state Rep. Senfronia Thompson criticized the company by saying that “it would have been wiser if Mr. Tesla had sat down with the car dealers first.”

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It's super googleable.
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Member # 6970

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I really want to make a webpage, ismycongresspersondumb.com where you can search by district, and all such things are filed.
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Member # 8561

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yes mr. tesla, sit down with the car dealers and get squished faster than the chevy volt
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y'all prolly be all liiiike 'what is going on! where am i! what is this strange new world? i thought i was dead??' but then you'll see a model s driving down the street and think 'this is acceptable'
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Jon Boy
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Originally posted by theamazeeaz:
I really want to make a webpage, ismycongresspersondumb.com where you can search by district, and all such things are filed.

Whereas I've thought about making congresspeoplewhoneedtobepunchedintheface.tumblr.com.
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Member # 8561

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just start naming things as deserved

"and then i bachmanned him right in the inhofe"

"holy santorum dude"

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A new survey from Public Policy Polling finds that one-third of Republicans believe the Jade Helm 15 conspiracy theory that “the government is trying to take over Texas,” and another 28 percent of GOP voters haven’t made up their minds yet about the matter.

The right-wing frenzy over an upcoming military exercise called Jade Helm 15 has swept up the Republican governor of Texas and several other GOP leaders who wonder if the drill is part of a plan by President Obama to seize Texas, impose martial law, confiscate firearms and throw conservatives into closed Walmart stores that have been converted into FEMA camps.

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Member # 124

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At least an effort is being made to corral those conservatives into Walmarts, their natural habitat.
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