Padel handed over his sword to the traitor. “I’d sure like to give him my sword in another way.”
“You’re not the first,” replied Rax. “Ten men already tried.”
Rastus, the traitor carried the sword to the vat which the two soldiers behind him had set down. Padel had never seen him up close. He had expected something fiercer. After all that he’s done, he shouldn't look so human.
“How can we trust him?” said Padel as he swung the visor down over his face. He knew he looked a mess. He smelt horrible. He longed to be home. Five years without seeing my son. Mandel would be eight now.
Anybody interested in reading the rest and giving some feedback can email me at: I'd appreciate any comments, and open to harsh reviews. I've spent 130+ hours on this story, so you won't be reading a first draft. I've done my best to bring it to the best I can. Its about 9,000 words in printer rule format.
Rastus, the traitor carried the sword to the vat which the two soldiers behind him had set down.
I think it would help if it was two sentences, like this:
The two soliders set down the vat. Rastus, the traitor, carried the sword over....
While that helps the sentence structure, I'm still not sure what's happening. What's in the vat? What is Rastus doing? It would help if you added some explanation here.
I'd be happy to read the entire story if you don't mind it taking about a week to get back to you.
Interesting beginning, lots to get us interested - what did Rastus do, and was it really so horrible?
"I'd sure like to give him my sword in another way" didn't work for me. "I'd sure like" comes over as quite specifically US regional idiomatic speech, and "in another way", while it's clear what you're making Padel imply, it just feels clunky.
I agree that the "vat" sentence is clumsy, too.
I didn't like the switch from third to first person dipping into Padel's thoughts. "His", not "my" would work just as well.
Sadly, I don't think I've got time to crit 9000 words at the moment. If that changes, I'll let you know.
I won't be fast, but I'd also like to read.
There's a temporary tense change after "He had expected something fiercer" that I think is a switch to Padel's thoughts; it's awkward. By the way, are there italics in here that aren't showing up? I just realized that might explain my and tchernabyelo's comments.
I like the "Now!" at the beginning; it worked as a hook for me. It seemed out of place with the tone of the rest of the dialogue, though.
My problem here is that I don't know what's going on.
I don't know why Padel should give the traitor his sword; who Rax is in relation to Padel; what Rastus did; what they're trusting him with; or where they are. In short, I don't know the parts I really care about! OSC's advice: just tell us. Up front, either in an initial paragraph, or as soon as a question arises. Referring to "what [Rastus] did": that is the perfect time to tell us. Then we can care.
I don't know what it is, but I think it's the same problem that required Shendulfea (with umlaut and accent marks) to have to reregister because the Hatrack software suddenly started acting crazy about such things.
Anyone know if these might have something to do with ASCII codes?
Oh good! I was afraid it was just me! I thought either my computer was going bad (which is beginning to happen), or perhaps I was seeing the equivelent of dead people...
Yes, I'm seeing the weirdo marks. I'm using regular "quote" marks as I type in the reply box, rather than using ASCII characters. I haven't noticed problems HERE with what I've written. My Word documents I've been sending out for critiques are another matter...
John, I'd take a read at this if you don't mind if I can't get it right back to you. You can email me at: buce at Put Hatrack in the subject line.
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Um, did that happen around the time that you plugged the "extended ascii white-space characters" hack?
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