I know this is about fictional crushes and I certainly know what onanistic means, but all these references to an attraction to that version of Zan is starting to make me feel a bit unappreciated.
Posts: 4625 | Registered: Jul 2002
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Beverly -- nobody can have a crush on somebody without a personality. Lots of boys have lusted after Lara Croft, but sorry, no crushes.
Posts: 16551 | Registered: Feb 2003
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quote:I come home late at night On the floor to turn you on I check for tint and Technicolor After you there is no other Your brown hair is my connection Connects my resurrection And everyone else is just a harlot A Star Search spokes model starlet Miss Emma Peal Black boots kick high at his face One last look at the grace of Miss Emma Peel Catch the curve of your leather heel Before he blacks out That's another one down for Miss Emma Peel
Okay, so I never watched The Avengers. I just like the Dishwalla song.
Posts: 9945 | Registered: Sep 2002
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Cate Archer has *more* of a personality than Lara Croft... I am not inclined to comment on how much either of them (fictionally) has, but I find Ms. Archer's back story much more fascinating, and she looks better, too.
Posts: 2112 | Registered: Sep 1999
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My point was, as I look over the list, it is pretty obvious that for the guys a heavy factor in crushes is T&A. I'm not saying that's all of it, but it's pretty darn important. Now, Zotto! has a list I can truly respect.
Posts: 7050 | Registered: Feb 2004
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OK, I'll not debate that T&A use useful in getting a guy's attention. But Lara Croft is nothing but T&A, and that's just not interesting.
Posts: 16551 | Registered: Feb 2003
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MPH...I took a chance and pronounced your name out loud yesterday. I was amazed how close it really came to the word potato.
Posts: 6367 | Registered: Aug 2003
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I have used the name Porteiro for years. A friend started calling me potato, mostly because he was bugged at me trying to get him to say a non-english word.
Posts: 16551 | Registered: Feb 2003
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And no, it wasn't just women with four letter names that began and ended with 'a' and had a 'y' as the third letter.
Ooh, and somebody mentioned Beverly Crusher! She was hawt! But they never really developed her sexuality the way they did Counselor Troi's. sigh.
Posts: 1423 | Registered: Sep 2003
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Severus Snape (though that might be because of Alan Rickman, hard to say) The Hound (I think it's more "I want good things for him") Miro (oh, let me heal your angst and kiss your boo boos) F'nor from the Pern books (I think I liked him because his ego wasn't the size of his dragon like most of the men in those books, but he was still smart and strong.) Remus Lupin (Hey, once a month I'm a monster too. Smart, sweet, and let's face it, he needs a woman's touch) Aragorn (I don't think I need to explain this one) Jesse from Bridge to Terebithia (think this was my first fiction crush. He's gentle and sweetly oblivious.) Nick from The Stand (Why did no one snag this guy up? I could never understand why practically everyone in the book was pairing up and he never did find a nice lady .)
Posts: 1676 | Registered: Jul 2000
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I admit, Lara Croft was an exaggeration to make a snarky jab. But at the same time, I would not at all be surprised if plenty of guys had crushes on her, at least when the game first came out. Now with the movies, she has become more of a joke than ever.
Posts: 7050 | Registered: Feb 2004
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"Juror #8, from Twelve Angry Men"...(Blackwolve) Wasn't he the foreign one that, like, made the best points out of them all? Anyways, I had a huge crush on Daphne from Scooby-Doo, Sailor Moon, and the original pink Ranger Kimberly...I even saw the very first episode of Power Rangers when I was in 1st Grade. Ah, the memories...but then they ruined it with all sorts of new Ranger's series I stopped ...then grew up...
Posts: 40 | Registered: Mar 2004
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I just thought of a new one -- Min in Rand Land. That is, during the part of the series that I like (first 4 books). I dislike her in the later books as much as I dislike everything else in the latter books (except for Matt, who became cooler in the later books).
You know if they *had* explored Beverly Crusher's sexuality, my interest in her probably would have evaporated.
Posts: 16551 | Registered: Feb 2003
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And Tifa Lockheard from Final Fantasy VII...and Selphie from FF8...and Quistis from FF8...and Garnet from FF9...and Rikku from FF10...and Lulu from FF10... Thank god for Tetsuya Nomura (he's the character designer for all the FF games.)
Posts: 40 | Registered: Mar 2004
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The foreign dude was #8, im sure of it. and #3 was the pessimist, and #4 was...well, I watched and read it last year, but there's a good chance I'm wrong.
Posts: 40 | Registered: Mar 2004
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i love my books/ movies so here's my list...
Gilbert (anne of green gables) Laurie ( little women) jack (newsies) jordan catalano (my so called life) pete (win a date with tad hamilton) prince phillip (sleeping beauty) will turner ( pirates of the carribean) Sam (benny and joon) Harry (when harry met sally) Lupin (harry potter) sirius (harry potter) oliver wood (harry potter) bill (harry potter) well that's about it for me
I'm in love with a lOT of characters. ken doesn't seem to mind. Captain Jack sparrow Remus lupin sirius black Cuthbert (Dark tower) Roland (dark tower) Hiro protagonist( just finished snow crash... cant' stop thinking about it.) Samwise gamgee Pippin Aragorn BOromir Obi Wan John chrighton(farscape) Ivan(enchantment) Westley(princess bride) Ben (eyes of the dragon) Malcolm reynolds(firefly) Hamlet Puck Spike(buffy) Westley(angel)
Prince Jonathan from the Song of the Lioness quartet by Tamora Pierce, and George from the same series although he came later. Dickon from The Secret Garden. Prince Caspian from the Chronicals of Narnia
quote: Tor, from Robin McKinley's "The Hero and the Crown".
Him too, but mostly Corlath from The Blue Sword by the same author. Linus from the remake of the movie Ocean's Eleven. He's just so talented and cool.
There are deinfinately others but I can'r remember them off the top of my head.