hey i want to try this ok, i like a chocolate ice cream half way between melted and frozen, with jellybeans ontop, the jelly beans must get frozen by the ice cream. No bowl, instead a waffle cone (or a waffle cone bowl thingy, that sounds yummy too).
Posts: 33 | Registered: Jul 2003
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I haven't kept up with things here in so long I feel like a chunk of my brain is missing...odd, considering Bob's description of me as the ultimate Complete Person. The whole profile made me blush and made me happy.
I'd like to thank you, Bob, for being a good sport. You really made these thoughtfully and with such a positive spirit. I can imagine you poised to type, trying to think of what would encourage this person most. I think you must follow The Platinum Rule: Do unto others as they would like you to do unto them. You really boosted my spirits with what you said.
Here's my response to your analysis:
quote: see that this is a truly discriminating person.
And, those for whom ice cream is their favorite food have a special status in the personality profile. They are the archetypal personalities. The definitions for others...
I've never thought of myself as an archetype, except that I'm a leader, particularly among women and girls. When I take charge or lend a significant hand, things veer toward success. I think when I try to put forward a "shining example" of what needs to take place, others follow it and the group is bettered. So you could say I make myself into an archetype in social situations as my contribution to "making the world a better place."
quote: Bordeaux Cherry from Umpqua Dairy is the flavor of choice for those who have many varied loves in life. And that doesn't just mean people, but things, activities, everything. This is a person who loves life.
I do have varied interests. On the one hand I'm a traditionalist and love old-world culture, but I also get excited jumping into the unknown. For example, I'm currently passionate about everything Japanese, and my family thinks I'm wacko for wanting to travel so far from home. What's cool about my interests is that I embrace them wholeheartedly, spending time exploring until I can link them to what I see as my missions in life.
quote: And, these are great people for sharing too.
I didn't understand that bit.
quote: This particular choice of flavors -- a premium flavor from a limited production house -- indicates a mastery of self rarely seen. This person is as close to self-actualized as one can get at such an early age.
And make no mistake, this person is still young, but already has a handle on what it means to be themself.
That blew me away! Here I have been for the last year, stuck in limbo, trying desparately to choose between conflicting pathways all because I know who I am and am resisting the final step of grasping hold of my dreams. This trait is a joy to the aged and a curse to the young. Being praised and petted as a child can create a fear of advancement. If, as a teenager with a changing body, self-actualization comes upon you, anxiety about further change can be a logical following phase. The thought, "I like who I am now" conflicts with "I may not be able to maintain what I have", particularly when it's near impossible to maintain the same height or weight from one week to the next.
Now that I have levelled out physically, my college years are filled with experiences that prove that what I liked about me before is what I like about me now. My mentor tells me that I am "golden" and that I have a "pure spirit." I'm hard on myself about my foibles, but maybe that's why I know myself.
If only I could bring myself to overcome the hurdle into adulthood..
quote: It's eerie, and the confidence sometimes just "leaks out" right now, because there's a lack of practice. But as this person out!!!
Lack of practice is close, but maybe it's more like being irrationally stubborn when it comes to dealing with reality.
quote: The method of eating and the choice of bowl & spoon and even eating with a friend while enjoying a favorite activity are all part of the same general thing above. What would you expect from someone so in tune with their own self?
The savoring of every last drop is just the innate love of life coming through. And those cherry halves are the avatars of all that life has to offer.
I like that last bit, "avatars of all that life has to offer." Are you sure my need of Elisabeth with me isn't an indicator that I can't get a handle on life without someone who loves me holding my hand? I'm willing to bite down and enjoy, but it's not really living unless I'm with a good friend.
quote: My Hatrack friends...I feel like I'm gushing here, but I have to say that this is such a rare personality that we should all enjoy it while we can.
This person is going to do great things, make no mistake. You heard it here first!
And whether that means fame and fortune or just being the most amazing parent or spouse in the world, it will not matter one whit to this person.
quote: It isn't about that. It is about life. All of life...
Too true. When I'm not stuck, that is.
quote:Given time and a bit of luck, this is the kind of person who will make more of those opportunities than most anyone you can think of!!!
Man, you are so encouraging! Now I want to be an even better me!
I love superman ice cream... you know the kind that's white,red,yellow,and blue all swirled together... anyway I used to eat it all the time when I was little...sooo yummy ...mmmm Posts: 68 | Registered: Jan 2004
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Now that you're happily married, Bob . . . any more analysis time? Have you compiled the evidence and written a book yet? I think this thread deserves archiving . . . Posts: 5609 | Registered: Jan 2003
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If you think about it, though, it encompasses all of us. We get to know the people whose personality's were ice cream-profiled, because they are spot on. I think it would be a shame if it ever disappeared.
In fact, I will just print it out in case it is lost.
Posts: 10890 | Registered: May 2003
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This thread really is amazing. Truthfully, I believe that 31 Flavors or Ben & Jerry's or maybe The Food Network would love to sponsor an Ice Cream Personality Profile book. I've seen something similar written-up regarding Starbuck's drinks.
Can you imagine what a great coffee table book it would be? I'd buy one for myself and a few as gifts.
Posts: 2425 | Registered: Jan 2002
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I had forgotten how amazing this thread was. Considering he hadn't known me that long when it was done, his analysis was amazingly accurate. I wonder what he thinks of it now that he knows me better. I think he should be impressed with himself for learning so much in such a short time.
Posts: 676 | Registered: Sep 2002
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It would be interesting(and time consuming) if Bob did just a couple of the profiles, without names. He could just read the preference and style, and go from there.
I never did get a profile by Bob, it turns out. Annie did a mini one on another ice cream thread.
Anyway, it is one of the threads that makes me realize how incredibly wonderful and unique this forum is.
Posts: 10890 | Registered: May 2003
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Baskin Robbins had a flavor for a while that was the best ice-cream I ever had.
It was mint chocolate chip, with brownie chunks and fudge swirls in it. *drools* I really wish they'd bring that flavor back.
Posts: 4174 | Registered: Sep 2003
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The best ice cream I have ever had in my life was Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Mystic Mint. In the words of Jerry Garcia(as written by Robert Hunter):
"She's goooooooone. Nothin's gonna bring her back. She's gone."
Posts: 10890 | Registered: May 2003
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What's in it, Dragon? Man, my husband is going to be within a three minute drive to the factory tomorrow.
Posts: 10890 | Registered: May 2003
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quote: Baskin Robbins had a flavor for a while that was the best ice-cream I ever had.
It was mint chocolate chip, with brownie chunks and fudge swirls in it. *drools* I really wish they'd bring that flavor back.
quote: The best ice cream I have ever had in my life was Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Mystic Mint. In the words of Jerry Garcia(as written by Robert Hunter):
"She's goooooooone. Nothin's gonna bring her back. She's gone."
Mystic Mint! Yes, it think that was what it was called! That was some awesome ice-cream. Posts: 4174 | Registered: Sep 2003
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Well, Mystic mint was chocolate mint ice cream with huge chunks of Mystic Mint cookies in it.
There is a website they have(someone postd it on another thread) where you can see all the retired Ben and Jerry' flavors. It is very sad, actually. I think they even call it the graveyard.
I just want to comment on how cool I think this thread was. Despite the fact that I usually don't buy into this kind of thing, I found my results to be frighteningly accurate, so accurate that I wouldn't even discover its totality until a couple of years after the fact. Amazing.
Posts: 2523 | Registered: May 2000
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Toppings- Hot fudge, a little bit of whipped cream, some chocolate sprinkes, a cherry and if I'm in the mood I may mash up some oreos and throw them in there. (I really like chocolate!)
Consistency- Not too soft but nice and melty.
I would probably not care a bit about the look of the bowl, but I hate shallow ones so it would have to be deep.
Oh wow, this is one of those legendary threads that I heard about years before I ever registered on Hatrack myself. All things, considered, I just had to dig in and find this scoop:
quote:Originally posted by Bob_Scopatz: dkw: I don't have a permenant favorite, but I buy every new flavor of Ben&Jerry's as soon as it comes out. I eat one scoop per serving, in a custard cup, with a baby spoon, so I can eat less but it lasts longer.
quote:You have no permanent favorite but try every new premium flavor from Ben & Jerry's as soon as they come out. This tells me you are a seeker and that you try to find the good in every person you come in contact with. You view life as an exercise or a test as well and you believe that to pass the test you have to get beyond the superficial appearances and try to know everyone and everything. In some, this would be a distinct liability as it is such an impossible undertaking. But read on...
quote:The one scoop per serving indicates your internal sense of discipline. In some sense, it is saying that you are never going to get TOO involved with any one person -- that there is so much you have to give to so many. But on the other hand it is indicative of your overarching sense of what is proper and best for all. You aren't trying to be in charge, you just want to know what's going on and help out where you can.
quote:This is the real clincher -- the secret to your success where others fail -- baby spoonfuls. You can be so good at learning and knowing others because you know your own limitations and you work at the pace that you know you can maintain for the long haul. It is possible for a man to outrun a horse, in a long distance race. And that's you -- never missing an opportunity to learn a little more. Taking the time to do it right and get it right. You love your work and savor it. Even when there's nothing left to do for the day, you are thinking it over and planning for later.
For me, the greatest pleasure from the ice cream experience comes from the contrasts of hot and cold all coming together synergistically to create an experience greater than the sum of the elements. I have two favorite ways to eat ice cream to maximize the sensuality of the experience:
Soft serve vanilla ice cream (what we call frozen custard)j served with hot and crisply browned french fries. The hot french fry dips into the soft ice cream. Mmmm... hot and cold, crisp and creamy, salty and sweet all at once.
Good vanilla ice cream topped with a spoonful of s'chug (a fiery hot condiment paste) on top. The heat of the chili peppers is cooled by the ice cream, so that you are getting both sensations at once. Absolutely addictive! If there is no s'chug around, you can dust the ice cream with cayenne pepper or other dried ground pepper (chipotle chili powder is especially wonderful).
Inspired or Insane? You make the call.
Posts: 10397 | Registered: Jun 2005
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Bob has stated several times in this thread that he can't do this anymore, it just took too much time. And his Hatrack time is more limited now, since he can't visit during working hours anymore.
Posts: 7954 | Registered: Mar 2004
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I don't feel left out. All Hatrack can try my ice cream preferences and then let me know what you think. Inspired or Insane -- you ALL make the call.
Bob can feel left out.
Treason, I'm more non-directive than Bob is, so...
What do YOU think that your ice cream preferences mean? How do YOU feel about your chocolate sundaes? What do YOU think chocolate sundaes represent?
Um Hum, <nods sagely>.
I see, <nods sagely>
(Is this at all helpful?)
Posts: 10397 | Registered: Jun 2005
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