(((((Stryker))))) Hehe, silly boy. (((((All the rest of you))))) Where in the world are Zotto! and Narn?!?!
Posts: 7877 | Registered: Feb 2003
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(((((rivka))))) (((((Raia))))) (((((JT))))) (((((Anna))))) (((((Anna))))) (((((Anna))))) It sure sounds like you could use some hugs recently. I hope you feel better soon. (((((Imogen))))) (((((Ela))))) (((((Icky))))) (((((blacwolve))))) (((((Reiko))))) (((((fallow))))) ((((((Xav & Val))))) (((((Kyrie))))) (((((Kyrie))))) Awwww. *happy thoughts your way* (((((Shira))))) (((((Derrell))))) (((((D'n't)))))
(((((Zotto!))))) (((((Zotto!))))) Are you ok? ::starting to get worried:: (((((D)))))
Posts: 1431 | Registered: Aug 2003
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(((((Stryker))))) (((((Valkyrie))))) Extras for you... (((((Valkyrie))))) (((((tt&t))))) (((((blacwolve))))) (((((Xav and Val))))) (((((rivka))))) (((((Everyone else)))))
Well, I WAS doing much much better, until my mom started yelling at me again, not 10 minutes ago... you know what I hate? I hate it when my parents put words in my sister's mouth, and then try the whole "well, this is what Maya told me" bit on me... it really pisses me off. I heard my mom do it, more plainly than ever! I hate it so much. I really really hate it.
Posts: 7877 | Registered: Feb 2003
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My mom just came in here for the third time in 10 minutes... it's absolutely AMAZING to me how she managed to bitch at me for so long without managing to have one grain of truth in anything she said. I mean, truly, it must be an art form or something... how to insult/hurt your daughter the most you can without alluding to the truth once. *cries*
I really wish I could tape record my mom yelling at me... then maybe people would understand/believe me.
It's getting worse with the in-laws. I can't believe I actually heard what I just heard on phone. Affection and hugs welcome. Just now, I'm so upset, angry and sad my all body is shaking. ((((((((((everybody))))))))))
[ March 10, 2004, 03:25 PM: Message edited by: Anna ]
Posts: 3526 | Registered: Oct 2001
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(((((Valkyrie))))) Sweetie, it's ok... you'll pull through this! You're strong, and I'm here! And never apologize for being sad too much... I think I dominate this thread with my whinings and depression. So chin up. (((((tt&t))))) Why the sigh? (((((Anna))))) I'm so sorry. I understand that relatives can be a pain, I hope it gets better soon! (((((Stryker))))) Hehe, yes, Operation RS... always a good plan B! (((((SHIRA MY LOVE))))) (((((Rhaegar))))) Thanks for backing me up, pal! (((((Corwin))))) Chin up. It's alright! We're here if you need to vent!
OK, everyone, what is wrong with this exchange?:
Mom: "Look into my EYES and tell me that you're not lying to me... that you actually did what you said you did." Me: *looking into her eyes* "Ima, I am not lying to you... I did what you told me to do, what I said I did, and what I've been saying for the last ten minutes." Mom: "Well, I still don't believe you. I'm sorry, but I can't trust you."
!?!? What the freak am I doing wrong?!
Posts: 7877 | Registered: Feb 2003
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((((raia)))) the time might seriously come for oporation RS. Seriously. you need to do something, you cant be around people like that all day. Prehaps we could start studying together after school (although i have rehersal, so it might be best to find someone eles). that way you would not have to go home till later. What ever you do, remeber we are here and we love you:) ((((anna)))) if your relitves dont know how to act decently to you and your husband then they are not worth your time or energy. . I hope things gett better soon. ((((tt&t)))) i sigh with you.
as for myself, things are at the moment a slight bit better, thanks to a non-hatracker i like to call (((muffin))) .
Posts: 150 | Registered: Dec 2003
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((((Raia)))) Hey, sweetheart, just remember as tough as this time is, it will get better. Also, know that you have friends who are thinking about you (not just in your home state, either ). Keep your chin up! (((((tt&t))))) (((((rivka))))) Is June still looking good? (((((Rhaegar))))) (((((Val))))) (((((Derrell))))) (((((Notorious Shira ))))) (((((Marek))))) (((((Stryker))))) Welcome! (((((Anna))))) (((((Ela)))))
(((((Xavier))))) (Special one for you, because you a girly-man now)
Posts: 3 | Registered: Mar 2004
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(((((Valentine))))) Yup! (((((Valkyrie))))) Yay for things looking up! Hope they continue in that direction. ((((((((((Raia)))))))))) I'm sorry, sweetie. ((((((((((Corwin)))))))))) (((((RtF))))) (((((Shira))))) ((((((((((Anna)))))))))) Take deep breaths, and imagine feeding the 'charming' in-laws to rabid wolves . . . (((((Anna))))) (((((tt&t))))) What's wrong? (((((Stan))))) Welcome! (((((blacwolve))))) (((((imogen))))) (((((Derrell))))) (((((Eruve)))))
(((((Raia)))))Remember, people are not only rational beings... Sorry for what you have to endure, hold on, our goods thoughts are coming to you. (((((rivka)))))'cause you noticed... thanks a bunch... (((((Anna)))))merde... Hold on there, we're with you, Frenchie
((((everyone else))))'cause this is home for me.
Posts: 4519 | Registered: Sep 2003
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Yeesh. I'm ridiculously sorry I haven't been here much lately, 'specially since kind folks like riv, tt&t, Raia and others were splendiferous enuff to even notice I was gone!
I've been rilly RILLY busy lately for a couple o' reasons:
1. I'm moving to Renton, Washington (a little south of Seattle) and me and mah pa are packing things up and taking care of assorted loose ends here in Portland.
2. I took a week and a half long visit to some buddies down in Ashland, and ah dind't have hardly no time for them computers.
In any case, I hereby profusely apologize for my lack of hug-thread lovin' lately. Heck, there even seem to be some newbs that've appeared while I was gone! *waves to the little 'uns*
(((everyone who hugged me, 'specially riv, Rai, tt&t and Marek (who I STILL owe a frequin' email to!) because you people are the best in the West and deserve more huggs than I'm able to give!)))
(((Hatrack, for always being a constant home, no matter how topsy-freaking-turvy life can be)))
Posts: 1595 | Registered: Feb 2003
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(((((group hug around Raia))))) Ok, for those of you who don't know what operation RS stands for, here it is: "when all hell breaks loose, i know what we could do all we need is our passports, silly string, a fast car and 2 plane tickets to New Zealand, and a good atorney for when we get caught. we could call it Operation RS"
Posts: 1094 | Registered: Mar 2004
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(((((Anna))))) Silly in-laws don't know what an amazing SIL/DIL they're getting. I'm happy to volunteer to be an honorary SIL who appreciates you. ((((Anna))))) (((((rivka))))) (((((Raia)))))) It will get better - I promise! ((((Zotto!)))) (((((AJ))))) For false accusations of - though I think she kind of enjoyed it... ((((everyone elsee))))
Posts: 4393 | Registered: Aug 2003
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(((((imogen))))) Happy, are ya? So I guess he did eventually get on his plane, after the four hour wait in Sydney. (((((Stryker))))) Glad to see you're planning properly! MUST have silly string! Several cans! (((((Kyrie))))) (((((RtF))))) (((((Derrell))))) *flying tackle (((((ZOTTO!)))))* You came back! Glad you had a fun trip. You're moving again? And you're not even coming in the right direction! Good luck with the packing and moving. (((((Corwin))))) (((((tt&t))))) (((((blacwolve))))) (((((Eruve))))) (((((Valentine))))) ((((((((((Raia)))))))))) ((((((((((Anna))))))))))
(((((all of y'all)))))
Posts: 32919 | Registered: Mar 2003
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((((((((((Imogen)))))))))) Your offer is just too nice ! I accept with great joy. (((((Derrell))))) (((((Raia))))) (((((Rivka))))) (((((Blakwolve))))) (((((Valkyrie))))) (((((Zotto))))) (((((Corwin))))) (((((Xav and Val))))) (((((everyone I forgot, and all Hatrack !)))))
Posts: 3526 | Registered: Oct 2001
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(((((Raia))))) I hope things get better for you soon (((((Marek/Koga))))) (((((Rivka))))) nice to know I wasn't forgotten (((((Rhaegar))))) (((((Anna))))) (((((Everyone)))))
(((((Valkyrie))))) Although that time may have come, Operation RS might be a tad extreme... since it does involve a flight to New Zealand. Not that I would MIND! (((((Xav and Val))))) Thanks, to both of you! (((((rivka))))) Extras for you, for always being such a sweetheart: (((((rivka))))) (((((Corwin))))) Wow. Thanks, Corwin, I really appreciate that. (((((Zotto!))))) Good LORD! HE'S BACK!!!! YAY!!!! We missed you, man! So good to see you around again! Now just Narn needs to show up, and it's complete... and I feel honored to be mentioned by name in Zotto!'s posts... Welcome back, pal!! (((((Zotto!))))) (((((Derrell))))) You have never once forgotten me. (((Derrell))) (((((Rhaegar))))) We'll see, if I have to take you up on that... but, um, for right now, I'd appreciate it if you kept them alive... (((((drumsnShira))))) I think it's just best if we keep you guys together from now on... Just because! (For those of you who missed the memo, they're dating) (((((Stryker))))) Thanks for the group hug. If it gets to Operation RS, then you might want to let me know, so I can get my plane ticket... and yes, rivka, the silly string is the key. (((((Stryker))))) (((((imogen))))) Well, if you promise, then I'm sure it's true! Thanks, imogen. (((((Anna))))) Are you doing any better? Besides here, I've been hugging you in the temple of ana kata. I really hope it's going better for you! (((((Eru))))) Welcome back, sweetie! Missed you! (((((tt&t))))) (((((blacwolve))))) I hope you're having fun in St. Louis!
Posts: 7877 | Registered: Feb 2003
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((((Raia)))) Btw, go to the Prom ((((rivka)))) Man, it's like playing chess here. Your turn ! ((((Anna)))) I second Raia's words for you: hope you're ok... Neh, better than ok ! I hope you'll have a great wedding ! (ditto for the following night) ((((Xav and Val)))) You're the nicest schizophrenic poster ever !
((((Everybody having a hatrack heart))))
Posts: 4519 | Registered: Sep 2003
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I don't have time to list tonight, I'll do it tomorrow. Waiting for it, (((((Hatrack))))) I don't know if I'm really better. We spent the week-end with some friends of us in Tours, and that was great. But we just phoned the the MIL and FIL, and it seems something is wrong, but nothing has been said. I feel quite uncomfortable. But, hey, as you remembered me so well, I'm getting married and that's still great ! Thank you. EDIT because I cant spell
[ March 14, 2004, 03:18 PM: Message edited by: Anna ]
Posts: 3526 | Registered: Oct 2001
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(((((Stryker))))) I've been known to do that before, so beware! (((((Corwin))))) (((((Anna))))) (((((All the rest of my usual suspects... you know who you are!)))))
Posts: 7877 | Registered: Feb 2003
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((((Raia)))) I know I'm a little late but I do know that parents can be evil at times. However I didn't realize Shira and I are a single item now....gee kinda like richandamy in that one comic strip?
(((((drumsnShira))))) But of course! Of course you're together, and you are too adorable for your own good, both of you! (((((rivka))))) (((((Rhaegar))))) (((((Stryker))))) Nice try... (((((Anna))))) (((((Xav and Val))))) Speaking of two who are too adorable... (((((Zotto!))))) (((((Everyone else!)))))
Posts: 7877 | Registered: Feb 2003
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Wow, this is my first trip in here and already I've been hugged hundreds of time. Of course it has always been a part of (((everyone else))) But it still makes me feel all warm and fuzzy in side.
But seriously...
(((Farmgirl))) - While travelling into the often ignored pages of the past I saw you mentioned me in a short lived prayer thread. Wow! that really is awsome. (and yes, although a very poorly practicing Catholic, I welcome all forms of prayer in my or anyones regards) To be in the thought of anyone right now while going through what I'm going through really rocks. Thank you!
Posts: 1294 | Registered: Oct 2003
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