Well, those of you who were in chat last night, I'm sorry if I scared you! I have mild bronchitis. Thank god I went to the doctor again today, or I would have had the full thing, and it would NOT have been a good thing! But she gave me an antibiotic, so hopefully it'll go away. GO AWAY!
(((((Derrell))))) (((((rivka))))) (((((blacwolve))))) (((((Zotto!))))) (((((Kyrie))))) (((((Val))))) ((((((((((Everyone else, I'm so sorry you're not listed individually!)))))))))))
Posts: 7877 | Registered: Feb 2003
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(((((Derrell))))) ((((((((((Raia)))))))))) Yikes! Take good care of yourself, and feel better quickly!
Posts: 32919 | Registered: Mar 2003
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Need a hug. I've been on the Hatrack young writer's forum for a long while now but, well, it's losing a lot of its quality and I'm leaving. Need a hug.
Posts: 550 | Registered: Jan 2004
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((((((((Mayday))))))))) You are such a dear, thank you! (((((Eru))))) (((((Anthro))))) (((((rivka))))) (((((Derrell))))) (((((blacwolve))))) (((((Anna))))) (((((Kyrie))))) (((((Koga))))) (((((Val))))) (((((Everyone else)))))
Thanks guys.
(edit: I can't believe I forgot ((((((((((((((((((((Shira)))))))))))))))))))))) Sweetie, dearest, I'm here for you!!! I forgot you cuz you're the one who needed hugs most!!!)
::can't decide on or and shaking like mad::
I am so angry... A bit calmer now... I really need some hugs, I've had a really bad day. Let's just say that I was betrayed by someone who I thought was a friend (non-Hatracker, if anyone's wondering).
(((((Toretha))))) Thank you, dear for letting me borrow 'Crystal City'! (and I did go 'Mooooooooooooooooooose' in the middle of the book)
Posts: 873 | Registered: Apr 2003
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(((((Zotto!))))) (((((Starla))))) (((((Kyrie))))) (((((Shira))))) (((((Derrell))))) (((((Anna))))) (((((Raia))))) (((((blacwolve))))) (((((tt&t))))) (((((Marek))))) (((((Eruve))))) (((((imogen))))) (((((rivka))))) (((((BobbyK))))) Why do you put up with my moodiness? (((((Hatrack wizards who fixed the site)))))
My dad is back today. From Israel. When trying to find out about my grandfather, I didn't get a specific answer, but apparently my dad is going back again in april for a little while.
And he said we might go earlier this summer. Somehow, I don't take this as a good sign, but I may be overdramatizing.
(edit: alright, forget no straight answer... my sister asked my dad how he's doing, and he couldn't just avoid her, so he said "actually, not great..." *sighs* And I was hoping that I was overdramatizing. )
(((((Raia))))) I'm sorry, I hope things turn out OK. (((((Marek))))) I still think this SN is better. (((((rivka))))) (((((Everyone)))))
Posts: 4174 | Registered: Sep 2003
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((((Marek)))) I agree with ((((Eruve Nandiriel)))) ((((Raia)))) So sorry about your grandpa, your family is in my thoughts.
Posts: 2064 | Registered: Dec 2003
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I am still here, I promise! Just so, so busy! I've been working heaps, and my lovely boyfriend came over for the weekend, and I bought a car last night, and my sister wrote off her car yesterday afternoon (she's ok though thank God)... and, and... ::sigh:: I need sleep!
Take care and have fun you guys!! Look after yourselves, and I hope those of you who were feeling down are a bit happier now, I know life sucks sometimes but it always helps to have friends.
On a sidenote, Hatrack was broken??!!! I'm glad I wasn't here to see it!
Anyway, gotta run, please don't feel bad that I didn't type out all your names, you know I mean (((((EVERYONE))))), ok? And feel free to email me any time.
Posts: 1431 | Registered: Aug 2003
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(((((((((((derrell)))))))))) I hope your Mom is doing ok. Actually, make that really well. Lots of hope and good wishes. ((((((((raia)))))) I'm sorry about your grandfather.
[aside] I wouldn't mind some good wishes to my grandfather. He is diabetic (type I, which is the really bad type, - oldest surviving type I in Australia, having had it for 50 years) and came with us to France on our holiday. He got pneumonia there, not helped by the altitude on the ski fields, and was very sick. When we got back home he went to the doctor and we found out he had had a heart attack (type I diabetics are much more susceptible) and was still in fibulation. So he went to hospital for the night, came home when nothing else happened, went to a heart specialist who basically said his heart was stuffed, and he is now on 7 tablets a day. I think he is getting better, though he is still getting chest pains, and my mum (a doctor) is still very worried about him. So I really really hope he does get better, for his sake, and also for my mothers's sake. He is her only surviving parent (my grandmother died 11 years ago) and she has been going through a separation from my Dad in the last year, so she is really relying on him. When my other grandfather died last year, he was so sick and so tired of living at the end that while it was sad and horrible, it wasn't agonising. This would be very different. So... best wishes? [/aside]
(((((((((rivka))))))))) go the chocolate rivka statue! (((((((marek)))))))))) ((((((((BM)))))))))))) (((((((((everyone else))))))))))))))
Posts: 4393 | Registered: Aug 2003
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I'm sorry, I can't hug everyone right now, but quick: ((Imogen)) Hey, I'm BM, if ya don't know. Switched. ((Raia)) ((AJ)) ((((All of you)))) Especially those who pointed out it was irrational for me to keep nuking the hug thread.
Posts: 550 | Registered: Jan 2004
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((((((((((imogen)))))))))) i definitely feel your pain as of this past thursday i've had type I diabetes for eleven years and it is not that enjoyable...I hope your grandfather does well!
((((((((raia)))))))) i hope your grandfather is ok too...
Posts: 76 | Registered: Jan 2004
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I could use a hug. I'm feeling kind of bummed out. (The good news is that I'm not sick-I've managed to avoid the bronchitis that half of my family has right now.)
But...hugs to everyone 'cause I guess you could use 'em more than me right now, anyway. (((((Raia))))) (((((Marek))))) (((((BM))))) (((((rivka))))) (((((tt&t))))) oooh...what kind of car? (((((imogen))))) (((((Derrell))))) (((((drumsntolkein))))) (((((the vals))))) (((((kidyana))))) (((((Anna))))) (((((Mayday))))) (((((blacwolve))))) (((((everyone)))))
Posts: 4174 | Registered: Sep 2003
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*repeats tt&t's last message, excluding cars and boyfriends*
(((YOU!))) (((and ESPECIALLY all the people who've hugged me in the past, and MOST especially, those who have hugged me and gone without a hug in return from me, because they deserve better and the only thing I have to offer is a hug. So THERE! *hugs*)))
Hope everyone is doing good. (((Hatrack)))
Posts: 1595 | Registered: Feb 2003
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((((((((((blacwolve)))))))))) I'm assuming you don't mean, "You're so funny! You're just absolutely hysterical!" but rather, "I'm laughing/crying and I can't seem to stop!"? Hysteria, as I understand it, is an overwhelming emotional response (such as laughing or crying) that you can't stop, even after repeated tries. Linky (((((blacwolve))))) ((((((((((Shan)))))))))) ((((((((((Wonko)))))))))) (((((Derrell))))) (((((Valentine))))) (((((Kyrie))))) (((((Zotto!))))) (((((Eruve))))) (((((Anthro))))) (((((imogen))))) (((((tt&t))))) (((((Raia))))) (((((Marek)))))