Not exactly. The character doesn't know, and I was hoping to keep it as close to human+ as possible (He's a Martial Arts/Regeneration) scrapper.
And I know that ultimately MMORPGs are really MMOGs with DnD-esque hit tables, but it's kind of annoying that it requires concessions to be "useful".
I may take super speed (super jumping is not defensible at all, IMO)... I dunno, I don't necessarily want the most efficient path to lvl 50 (I don't care that it takes me longer to get there without a travel skill, it's not like I win or anything once I get there), but I don't want to be ignored from groups later on just because I don't meet some perceived "ideal template".
I'm not a powergamer (and Kwea, yes, you are officially one, ), I get online 3-5 hours a week, if I'm lucky. I just want to group with some folks and beat up some bad guys, not be ultra-efficient and get to lvl 30 X times faster using "The Approved Method"(tm).
Can this game be played with reasonable enjoyment for Bok's 3-5 hours a week? I tried MMORPGs a couple years back and while I found it enjoyable, I couldn't keep up. I would meet a few cool folks but since they played way more than me, I found myself hanging less and less with folks as I watched them lvl past me so quickly and moving on to bigger things. CoH is the one that has tempted me the most (after Galaxies tanked). Is there an ongoing story or is it just a giant city filled with bad guys to beat up. I mean, is it better than playing "Freedom Force" over and over until the new one comes out?
It _can_ be, moreso than just about any MMOG, but the issue is of playstyles, I think, as evidenced by the stealth discussion above. I have no issues going online for a couple hours (or even a single hour) and completing a mission or two.
Maybe a group could form a team of part-timers? You know, heroes who do this a few hours a week as a second job or something.
"Tremble before the might of... The Temps!"
I'd be interested since I'd never play more often than that myself.
I haven't bought it yet but I've tried it, sort of. My son saw me looking into it and got interested himself, finally buying it yesterday and making slasher characters. I borrowed his discs and account and set it up on my computer so I could a) make sure it worked with my setup, b) make sure I could play it, and c) make sure it was anything I would be interested in.
I suspect it would end up being like Sims for me -- more fun making the characters than actually playing them. But I'll probably jump in soon. I had to cut my tutorial short to go to work, but I'll see what happens next and let you know when it does.
Posts: 7790 | Registered: Aug 2000
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I could live with this! I am playing some online stuff with Neverwinter Nights. This is a perfect online game for me. Great character creation, endless stories out there (Some even worth playing) and it has a beginning, middle and end. I get on for about 3-5 a week with some buds and all is well.
Playing Temp heroes would be hilarious...
"You have just caught a faceful of justice from...
Or we can do what we discussed earlier, adn hold a hero reserved just for the purpose of playing with "The Temps", as I have done. I haven't used Logan for anything since I played with Bok two weeks ago, so we will be close to the same level when (if) we play again.
I like to play a lot, but I don't want to go so far ahead I can't play with my friends.
(giggling at "The Weekend Warriors," imagining a superteam of slightly potbellied heroes lunging at villians, missing by yards, then bouncing up and high-fiving each other before getting another beer...)
Posts: 7790 | Registered: Aug 2000
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Ok, I made a controller (guess the name) on Virtue this morning. I'm level 6 now. Send me a tell if you see me on.
Posts: 7085 | Registered: Apr 2001
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OK...I'm thinking about finally starting up a new character too, probably a controller/healer.
My plan for Hatrackers United was for it to be a place for all levels and character types, as long as they were from here on hatrack, or with someone who brought them in. That way if someone neededa lower level character to help them out they could find some there, and if you got higher in level there would be some of those there too. Sort of a meeting place for anyone on hatrack, reguardless of level or of how much time someone devoted to it.
I play a lot...I don't think I qualify as a power player, but I'm probably closer than I want to admit. That doesn't mean i am trying to get to the end, because there really isn't an end. I'm just trying to see what works best for me in the game, and to keep up in level with some of the people I game with on a regular basis. I love the different missions, and the TF missions seem really cool, and you get a lot of cool, unique stuff in them.
I have a nunber of new characters I haven't worked on in a while, I was holding on so that I could play them with people from here who can't spend as much time on it as I do. I am a night owl, always have been. Because of my stupid retail schedual I can play late at night fairly often, and sometimes during the day if it's during the week. Weekends I play later, adn the only day I don't play usually is Monday, which I spend with my wife- it's our only day off each week. I can still play on Monday after she goes to sleep, after 10:30 pm.
*sniffle* Sadly, "The Weekend Warrior" is already taken. By someone with a much lamer character concept, I bet.
Posts: 37449 | Registered: May 1999
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I had the character all designed by the time I found the name taken -- red beret, baggy camos and cargo pants, black lines under the eyes. *grumble* They should really put the name bit FIRST.
Posts: 37449 | Registered: May 1999
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Do players on the game have a sense of humor for the most part? I would be so happy to play in a world of Flaming Carrot, Madman and The Tick vs. Spawn, X-Men or Avengers. Just wondering.
Tom, look for me on Liberty. My current favorite character is Joe Medic on Liberty. Chris and I have a couple of friends we run into fairly regularly and I don't mind SK'ing if you wanna join us. (My character just made lvl 18.)
Posts: 6394 | Registered: Dec 1999
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I'm pretty darn sure I'll be able to show up Kwea. It'll be summer vacation, and I will have graduated High School. Chances are I'll be pretty giddy. too
Posts: 84 | Registered: Feb 2003
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KarlEd and Chris were on-line today, and we teamed up. I put a really good team up, and we did 5-6 missions, and Karl and Chris did 3-4 with us. I had a blast, and Rangar is almst to lev 23 now.
I want to play tommorrow night with any hatrackers who can join in. I can use Rangar and SK someone, or I can use one of the other characters...but it has to be on Virtue as that is where all my characters are (except one)at. If I don't use Rangar I'll probably log as Logan Lyendar, my lev 8 (or 9) def. She has Kinetics and Electrical balst, so she's not a healer, but isn't bad as a backup healer.
Would anyone be interested in meeting KarlEd, Chris, Toes, and myself? Karl and Chris aren't sure they can make it, but they said they would try. We are meeting up between 10-10:20 pm, EST.
I think it's $15 a month, but the first month is free.
I think it is worth it...I use to spend that on one hour at the club. Now I haven't been clubbing for years, batchlor party notwithstandind, but I get a lot more value from CoH.
I don't know. That's about $20AUS plus the cost of the game.... This whole subscription model seems a bit whack when you also have the initial layout for the software....
Posts: 2245 | Registered: Nov 1998
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I agree, but it's always changing....if it was a regular game, then that would be true. Since it is dynamic, and changing, it seems to me to be fair. They have already added TF missions which weren't availible in the beginning, and increased the max level to 50, not 40. They are constantly tweaking the game specs to remove nefs, or to nerf things that were originaly too strong.
As I said, I use to spend that on beer without thinking by staying in and playing I SAVE money in the long run.
Well, it's true...and no hangover in the morning. At least not usually....
Rangar has made it to level 24! I did a TF mission with a pickup group since no one got back to me but Toes...and it rocked. I've been sitting here so long that my butt hurts though.
Sorry Chris and I missed you. We did have a lot of fun with you and the others. Unfortunately (for my characters on Virtue) Chris and I have a really great Supergroup on Liberty and my character there (Joe Medic) just made lvl 21. Our group there is pretty active and I rarely log on without finding a couple of people to instantly team with. I haven't retired the other, "younger", characters I have on other servers, but the game is more interesting to me now that I've got a character big enough to explore parts of the city I'd have been quickly killed in previously. (Did a couple of missions in Talos and Independence Port last night.)
BTW, 10:00-10:30 is usually my quitting time during the week. I have to get up at 5:30 to get ready for work.
Posts: 6394 | Registered: Dec 1999
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Damn! Sorry Bok, I did a TF mission the day before so I was burned out. I didn't even log on to check my e-mail....figures, then one time you make it on is the only time in a week I haven't been
KarlEd and Chris: Yeah, it was a blast. I am glad you enjoyed it too. I only knew one person on the team other that you two (and I just met Chris then) so I was glad they were cool. It was a pretty smart team too, we did some fairly difficult missions without dying too much. If I can just remember to TP the mentors last...
Well, maybe we can get together on a weekend sometime and game a little later. I usually work until about 10pm EST, so I have trouble getting on until after 10:30 when my wife goes to bed.
Hey, Kwea, can you think of a reason why a door mission initiated by a level 14 character, in a team of six people in which the highest level was 15, would have on average level 17 minions and level 19 bosses?
Posts: 37449 | Registered: May 1999
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Yeah, I think I can. Usually the size of the team factors in as well.
When you get a door mission most of the time the mobs are a level or two higher that you are, which is why I like them. They are great XP for that very reason. The Bosses usually are a level or two higher than the usual mobs, and sometimes even higher if you are a large team.
What level was the mission-holder when he recieved the mission?? Teams can access any mission from any member, but the missons set themselves based on the level that the hero is when he recieved it.
So, if the mission was initiated by a hero that was lev14, then the usual mobs would be lev15-16, 17 if accompanied by a strong team.
Did you reset the mission? You know, kick some members off, all of them except the mission holder and the leader (is they were one and the same, keep one other player on and boot the rest); have the mission holder (or spare) go in and stay in to set the difficulty level to a bit easier, and then have the leader re-invite the other members outside. Since there is a team member inside, he acts as a bookmark of sorts...the mission opens at an easier level, and the hero inside holds it there even as you add team members. That way the mobs are smaller, and sometimes lower leveled. Still good XP, but not instant death...
Also, it is posible to advance too far too fast because of the people you are teaming with. I got 2 Terra Volta missons 2 levels before I could even enter the Zone because I put some really good teams up and finished the missions before I would have been able to do so otherwise. I had a healer friend Thurn who was a level or two higher than I was....and he designs games for a living, specializing in AI, so he is really good at picking missions apart bit by bit. He would team with me and we would almost always the point that the missions i was getting were several levels ahead of my actual level. So I would try them with other teams, and we would have a hard time with them....often needind to reset the missions as I told you.
I had 3 missions active, and couldn't even get into the Zone where 2 of them were located. Perhaps this mission had a "bottom level" that it wouldn't go below, and the same thing had happened with that hero..he/she was just too far ahead of the learning curve?
The chief will probably give you a "kill 10 Circle of Thorns" mission. In my experience, a lvl 7 hero can survive in a group pretty easily in Perez, although you don't want to wander too far away from the entrance unless somebody in your group has Teleport Friend. Entering Perez at 7th level can be humbling, because almost ALL the mobs will con red or purple to you. You'll still be able to take 'em in a good group, but you might want to consider sidekicking if you need to hunt specific targets.
You do NOT want to solo Perez until you're around level 11.
Posts: 37449 | Registered: May 1999
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No, it isn't...I believe it is now lev7. They raised it from level 6 to level 7 in one of the first patches.
agre with Tom about soloing in PP, but I did it at your level and survived. Not because I'm good, just because I found a trick...
If you just go in and pick on the stuff near the gate, you can run away once you are hurt, and hide in the gate and let the Drones kill off the rest of the mob while you heal. Make sure you hide inside the gate out sight though...I dided a couple of times by skulls shooting me while I stood near the drone.
They fixed it so that you don't get XP from any kill the drone makes (wasn't that way when i did it... ) but if you pull and run to the gate you can thin out the mobe, and then kill the remainder a few at a time.
You should really make sure you are careful though....PP is tough at your level, even with a team. TP friend is a great tool for recovering bodies to rezz them, so if you are lucky you will find a teammate who has that power. Also, it is hard to get around under the trees, so I would think twice about going into the forest until you level up a few time.
Good Luck!
P.S. Stay away from Hydra until you are at least lev10, unless you find someone to SK you up to that. Hydra are GREAT xp, and I hunted them a lot....they are always spawning, and they are actually better xp than the missions are at that level, but the aggro easily and usually are in large mobs. You can look at the map of PP and see a big lake....that is where the Hydra are, and a lot of clocks.
Getting lost in Perez is the big danger, because you can wind up in an area completely unsuited to your level. I fondly remember the time I emerged from the trees, desperately looking for a way back to the Atlas entrance, only to stumble onto the clockwork-infested bandshell and, moments later, the Kraken of Everett Lake.
Posts: 37449 | Registered: May 1999
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I STILL haven't fought the Kraken, or even seen it yet. I had forgotten about it.
I was on a TF mission, and as we came out of the next to last mission in the series Babbage spawned right on top of me! I watched him appear, and I was the only one out I threw a Tesla Cage and ran, and the Tesla held him! Only for a few seconds, but still...prewtty cool! Then my team caught up with me and we turned him into a toaster oven...
Just goes to show that SO's are worth what they charge.....I have 15 of them now. Tesla has 5 slots now, with 2 Acc SO's, adn 3 Hold SO's....and they are worth every penny.
Bok, I still have missions in KR and I'm up to lev24...there are some tough misions there, but usually door missions.
Sorry man, by the time I saw your message last night it was already 11:PM, and I must have missed you. I will put all of your characters names into Logan's Friends list...there isn't any more room in Ranger's list, and he is a bit too far ahead to play with most hatrackers now.
See you on Sunday maybe?
Oh, check out the WMASS picnic thread this Monday...the date will be posted, and i will be making the reservations for the sites this coming week.
Even though this thread has shown up on the first page several times, I just scanned the title and thought it said "City of Herpes, hatrack contingent".
That is all. Slinking back into the shadows of lurkdom.
Posts: 43 | Registered: Nov 2003
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I wish this game would be like guildwars. I love the idea of a MMORPG, especially this one and World of Warcraft, but I just don't like the idea of paying for a game after I bought it.
Posts: 238 | Registered: Jun 2004
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As for paying for a game after you bought, you have to change your thinking. It isn't like you bought a chess set and then have to pay every time you play chess. It's more like you bought a chess set and now you pay dues in a chess club. (or something)
Anyway, has everyone seen the new features page? When I logged off last night, the game started a download and gave a message that this download was for features that would be active soon but are not active at the moment. The download was so when the features go active there won't be a wait for eveyone to download the new stuff (it's a pretty large download (114 Mb). Anyway the new additions looks pretty cool.
So far, I don't mind this "pay to play" model. The game isn't even 2 months old yet, and already they are adding what looks like a pretty significant expansion. And they aren't charging extra for it. I'm sure it costs a lot to keep a dozen servers running smoothly. I think it's only logical to expect to have to pay something for a service that costs the providers monthly as well. If the money I pay monthly goes partly into cool new development, too, it's even better.
Anyway, I hope some hatrackers break out of the Virtue cage and come join me on Liberty. Joe Medic is lvl 22 now, and he's willing to Sidekick ya.
Posts: 6394 | Registered: Dec 1999
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I'm just thinking that if Guildwars can do it by only charging for the game, then x-packs, it would be worth it. Their idea is that not everyone wants to pay for added things, and it should be their choice: if they can afford it, they'll buy the x-pack. As for server costs: ESO, Bnet, and MSN Zone all provide free online play, granted, I think MMORPG serves have to be a little better, I can't imagine it being enough to charge subscription.
Posts: 238 | Registered: Jun 2004
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