So, I thought that my second draft was ready, but then I got a crit back from Annepin. My thanks are gushing over in uber-completeness and mega-thankfulness for her words of wisdom and suggestions. Suddenly, the pieces that were difficult are now no longer such , and my story is going to kick some tail. Anyhow, I'm in the middle of a chapter of the novel that I'm writing. Hope to get that done by the end of the week and then to get started again on my WotF entry some time next Monday. So I'm going to ask for a little stay in the deadline for myself, and will ask around for crits when my "third" draft is done. As far as crits for others, I haven't gotten anything recently from my group. I'm open for second round crits now. So, that means you arriki, and anyone else that wants it too. Thanks all. Get busy. And good luck.
Posts: 599 | Registered: Sep 2007
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arriki, I was planning on looking at your story this weekend, so yes, send the altered version. I'll replace it with the one I already have.
Posts: 626 | Registered: Mar 2007
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annepin -- do you mean you already did the critique? If so, I won't bother you with these slight changes.
I can't seem to stop worrying over the wording.
Does it read better as Cory could no more sleep than could the sea. Or that he could no more rest than could the sea. I feel sleep is better. The sea can rest at the time the tides change. Sort of. But sleep? That's a longer time and it doesn't ever, does it?
And I love the new way the ending works -- today. Ask me next week and I may pull a bag over my for shame at it.
Sigh. I'll be SO glad to get this thing in the mail. Although...I'm dithering over what to do next. Three stories are all jammed together in the doorway wanting to be next!
[This message has been edited by arriki (edited November 11, 2008).]
Just so everyone knows, I've run into some project deadlines so I've been, and am, busier than expected. Please feel free to keep sending me your stories and, hopefully, time permitting, I'll get them back to you. But I can't promise my reply will be swift in coming. I'm sorry.
Posts: 2195 | Registered: Aug 2006
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okay, Patrick James, I finished with your critique and sent it on. Let me know if you didn't get it, and I will resend.
Posts: 2185 | Registered: Aug 2007
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I haven't received any rewrites from anyone in my group, so this is just letting you all know that I'm ready for critiquing any time. I've run into a block on my own story, and it's probably won't be ready for this quarter. I might send in a different story that's in better shape.
Posts: 968 | Registered: Sep 2008
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So. what's going on with everybody? I haven't seen any second version critiques come rolling in nor any more stories for me to critique. JennifreHicks, you want to take a look at mine? I'll look at yours later, when you're ready.
Posts: 1580 | Registered: Dec 2005
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I am up to my ears in the final week of nano (32K). I will happily critique anything sent, but don't expect anything from me until after the 1st.
If I owe anyone anything, please ping me, I think I am up to date here.
JenniferHicks -- give me a few days. I just had a revelation on the story. Something definitely to fix. How could I have been so blind!
Posts: 1580 | Registered: Dec 2005
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So, it looks like I'm not quite going to be finished with my draft this week. From what I'm seeing, there are going to be a lot of people tied up with Nano until the end of the month anyhow. So, I'm shooting for a Dec 1st finish date. Which pushes back my submission date. Grumble, grumble. Wanted to get mine out on time this quarter. Oh well. I guess there's always next time. See you all in a week or so.
Ah, and I'm open for any crits between now and then. Unfortunately, I'm not doing a Nano this year. Just didn't think that I'd be able to hack it. And I was right. This month has been a killer without it.
Happy Thanksgiving peoples. And yeah, I know, this probably doesn't apply to everyone, but ah well. Happy End of November to everyone else. Posts: 599 | Registered: Sep 2007
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I'm getting awfully sick of dissing our traditional American holidays. I will not shop any store that has replaced Merry Christmas with Happy Holidays. It is not July the Fourth or Veterans Day or such. You want t make profit? Don't pretend it's not Christmas and Christmas presents that sends shoppers out in such numbers at this time of year. I go along with the secular side, okay. Good Taoists and Moslems and all can put up a pagan decorated tree and leave presents under it. Santa Claus and his elves aren't really religious, not any more. Posts: 1580 | Registered: Dec 2005
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I was just reading a book -- TALES FROM THE DAD SIDE -- where he quotes some anonymous person to the effect that there are three stages a man goes through. Believing in Santa Claus. Not believing in Santa Claus. And finally, being Santa Claus.
Anyway, our Dec. first launch date approaches. Everyone ready? ANYONE ready?
Who do I still need to critique? I'm presently interviewing old stories for candidates for the next WOTF. How about you guys?
Arriki, sorry I haven't got your critiqed story back to you yet, I am working on it. If you sill need it, I will get it back to you asap.
As for mine, I haven't looked at it since october, and plan to get back to it this coming week.
That aside, back in october, I had an idea for a story for next quarter, and as a result, have my next story almost finshed in first draft form. I'm happy about that.
So, I think that I'm going to be done with the next draft of my story tonight. I just have the final section to write. Already through the climax. That means I'll be ready to send out tomorrow. Is anyone willing to give mine another(or a first) read through? If no one is up for it, I'll jump over to the regular timetable and do some swapping there.
In general, who's open for giving out another round of crits? Leave a comment if you are. Maybe an updated list would be good... That way we don't have to go through the "asking" thing every time someone needs another crit for this quarter.
Later all.
[This message has been edited by WriterDan (edited December 02, 2008).]
The second round of HM's are up on the WotF blog now. Looks like we have at least arriki and tnwilz to congratulate. That is if I'm right in guessing that they're misspeled Tracy's last name on the blog. Semis and finalists were getting called today, I guess. That's the word anyhow. No calls for me. So, I'm gunning for an HM or it's back to a big zero again. Anyone else see their name on the blog? Check it out and let us know! Blog says that announcements for the rest of the honors of 2008 Q04 will be up in the next few days. Keep your eyes peeled for em. Later.
Posts: 599 | Registered: Sep 2007
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I'll read for anybody from our group. Whoever is left. I wouldn't mind haveing mine read either. Though I already sent it I am sure it is not perfect and would benifit from another look. Wish I had the time to make all the adjustments people here suggested.
WriterDan darklight Patrick James LAJD (Stop lurking. You're in too. I wanna read your story.)
[This message has been edited by Patrick James (edited December 03, 2008).]
I'm gutted. I just went to finish up the edit of my story that I started right before NaNo, and it's gone! I can't find it anywhere. Posts: 626 | Registered: Mar 2007
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Patrick: I'll send the most recent draft of my story over to you this morning. More than happy to read yours again. Did it change much from my last reading?
Patrick-I'm only kind of lurking! I will send it on I have been fretting over some of the motivation, and I am not sure its the kind of story that WoTF wants...AAARRRGGHH.
Patrick, thanks so much for sending a copy of my story to me. I only wish it had been the one with all my edits. I've lost a complete scene and a lot of work on that story. As a result, and a lack of good health, I don't now have time to re-edit, send out for critique and make my final adjustments before the end of this quarter, so I'm going to sit this one out, and keep this story for the third quarter next year (I already have a story almost ready for Q2 09).
Thanks anyhow for helping.
[This message has been edited by darklight (edited December 06, 2008).]
So has everyone gotten their entries off for this quarter? Unfortunately, I'm still trying to get mine right. Ugh. Quarter-end stuff is tight enough without all of the holiday stuff. Even if I do enjoy it a whole lot. Anyhow, let us all know where you are. Luck with the New Year and your writing goals.
Posts: 599 | Registered: Sep 2007
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Postmarked by Dec 31, right, though I suggest being careful with end of quarter submissions. Two quarters running now I've had a problem with mine...
Just sent mine off. It was so nice to not have to be watching the clock as I waited in anticipation for the printer to finish. Usually, I'm so close to the mail-in deadline that I develop a few ulcers over the course of that hour or so when I'm printing, packaging, and paying to mail my entry in. Granted, this probably means that I'm going to be terribly late with starting my entry for next quarter. Grumble, grumble. Ah well. This story sounded like a winner to me. Luck to everyone!
[This message has been edited by WriterDan (edited December 24, 2008).]
I hate doing this, but I'm not going to submit anything this quarter. I found that though I like my story, as written it needs too much work (and I've been too lazy). So rather than dash something off at the last minute, I'm going for getting things done early next quarter. Good luck, everyone!
Posts: 554 | Registered: Jun 2007
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I haven't submitted yet--I'm working on something now, hopefully will run down to the post office tomorrow. KayTi, I think you're rubbing off on me!
Patrick James, don't worry. It took me over a month to hear anything back.
Just sent mine today. I am really happy I won't be seeing that story for at least three months. I have gone over it so many times, when I close my eyes I can see sentences from the story .
Sorry my disease is catching, annepinn. LOL
Good luck to everyone. I'm annoyed that my last quarter snafu turned into a this quarter snafu, but another way to look at it is that I have two market-ready stories that I just need new cover letters for and can mail (my new year's resolution is to get my stories OUT there. )
Somebody didn't want me to do so. I had computer go out, printers -- twice. I was sick and then I got swamped with extra work (for real money). I couldn't believe how things came up. I know right before the end I realized there was a lot more subtle work to do on CORY. I think it would have made HM but nothing more. I want it to surpass REDLIGHT.
So, in a couple of months, think you can stand ONE MORE TIME on CORY? It will be better. I'm beginning to look at the higher levels of storytelling (heavens! I hope that's what I'm doing!) The sorts of story manipulation that pushes stories past the HM level.
Anyway, thanks for all the help so far with this story.
I submitted. I can't believe I actually got Faeries to a place where I think it may have a shot at an HM...8)....or maybe a late rejection? 8)
Anyway, I sat on it and read it, then edited (then repeated for about 3 weeks. got some local eyeballs looking at it and then it seemed to mesh. It will be very interesting to me to see if I get anything on this. I think it is my personal best. So, if it does not get an HM, I will probably ask for some help ripping it apart to see if I can figure out what is wrong with it.
OK, so I have some pretty odd emails with Joni. I don't want to be a pest so maybe you guys know what is going on.
She emailed me yesterday that the post office had found a stack of stories in the back, my story was in the stack, and that my story would be entered in Q4. But I thought that I had entered in in Q1 since I sent it late Dec.
I emailed her again but the response was still a bit odd, she just told me:
"The quarters are: -- 4th quarter ends on the last day of September. First quarter starts the first of October and ends on the 31st of December. "
So, if I did get the story in by the end of Dec, then it should be entered in Q1 not Q4? But if the post office lost it, I would expect it to slip no later than the Q2 round not the upcoming Q4, but if it was entered in the last Q4 then it was entered too late to be scored. That does not seem reasonable. My head hurts.
I don't want to be a pest to Joni so I thought I would post here and see if you guys have any notion of what is going on.
Confused, Leslie
[This message has been edited by LAJD (edited February 06, 2009).]