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Author Topic: I'm just the right size - or, the pregnancy thread
Member # 1772

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[Frown] I'm so so sorry. Hopefully you're done puking for today!
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Member # 6877

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Well, as long as I do all my eating and drinking between now and 11 PM, I probably won't puke again until early tomorrow morning. (If I break the 11 PM rule, I'll throw up immediately afterwards. *sigh* This baby is very strict. I'm getting to the point where I can't even stay hydrated. I can't wait to get my insurance so I can go into my doctor and talk to him about anti-nausea meds because I'm becoming concerned about dehydration and fainting.)
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Member # 8594

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Originally posted by ketchupqueen:
I have had a rotten day, puking-wise. Thankfully, it is now past 3. *drinks horchata*

I'm sorry. [Frown]

I haven't actively puked, but my upset stomach won't let up. I pulled out the pork chops I planned for dinner, took one look at the raw meat, and ran to the bathroom. Then I called my husband to inform him that I wouldn't be cooking. He was fine with it, but I feel kinda guilty.

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Member # 6877

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Yeah, Jeff has been doing a lot of dinner-making. I'm so exhausted after puking all day and getting the kids' food (they eat a lot of cheese, bread, yogurt, grapes, and lunchmeat lately because those items require no preparation on my part) that he gets to come home and figure out what he can make that we'll all eat. Then clean up the mess the kids have made while I was too weak to even bend over and pick things up (I pass out.) Poor man.
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Member # 6877

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Okay, I so have pregnant brain.

I made Jell-o yesterday. I went to check it today-- it's not jelled right.

I must have absentmindedly put too much water.

Thankfully, Emma is still willing to eat it.

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Member # 1772

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[Frown] I really, really, really hope you don't get dehydrated. I did (and had to go to the hospital) and that is seriously the worst I have ever felt in my life. Try sucking on ice chips/cubes. That sometimes worked for me even with the nausea/vomiting. Let me know if you need a recipe for pseudo-gatorade to ensure you get enough electrolytes (my mom has problems with dehydration and can't drink normal sports-type drinks, so her doctor gave her a recipe to make her own version).

I'm really glad I'm not the only person with what I refer to as "stupid pregnant brain". [Smile] Hubby and I have quite a list going of really, really stupid things I've said or done the last few months.

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Member # 3264

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I think it was rivka who refered to that phenomenon as "brain cell donation." I mean, the baby's got to get them from somewhere, right?

My doctor also had a nice way of putting it: "The baby eats your brain."

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Member # 8594

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So babies are zombies? That figures. That would definitely explain the severe headaches. I guess my brain doesn't like being eaten.
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Member # 9232

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I remember reading in Scientific America that they did a study and found that during pregnancy, woman's verbal IQ does actually drop. I don't have a link though. [Frown]
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Member # 5003

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You can't remember it? [Big Grin]

I'm reading stuff and thinking "I'm ill, but I'm not that ill." I just don't want to eat anything much for about a week now. And I used to be really tired. But it still might be just general illness.

The timing would not be great for a pregnancy now. My resume is dotted by employment of a year or so that ended in a maternity leave.

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Member # 5124

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Originally posted by ludosti:
Let me know if you need a recipe for pseudo-gatorade to ensure you get enough electrolytes (my mom has problems with dehydration and can't drink normal sports-type drinks, so her doctor gave her a recipe to make her own version).

Oh! Can I have it, please? I'm easily dehydrated and get heat exhaustion, so of course I have to live in a tropical country. We have two flavors of the rehydration stuff here - orange and lemon lime. The lemon lime is good, but difficult to find at times, and the orange is horrid.

I would love a recipe. Pretty pretty pretty please with a huge mound of cherries on top? And if you hate cherries or they make you nauseous, then whatever you're currently craving? [Smile]

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Member # 6877

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Yeah, my problem is I can't even drink water, much less water with stuff mixed in!

Once in a while I can get down an ice pop (like Otter Pops, you know, but generic.)

Usually, though, NOTHING goes down and stays down from 11 PM until 2:30 or 3 PM. And only certain things from 3 to 11.

I really want some anti-nausea meds. They helped a lot with Emma.

Dang overloaded system. I have up to 3 1/2 more weeks to wait before I'm covered and can go to the doctor.

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Member # 5124

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[Frown] I'm sorry you're having such a terrible time, kq. [Frown]
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Member # 8594

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I'm getting my migraines back. [Frown]

Right now it's just a dull ache. I guess sleeping helped, but last night from about 8:00 on I was curled up under a blanket trying to block out the agonizingly bright streetlights and moonlight. I couldn't fall asleep until after 11. I have a feeling that this is going to be a lot like it was last time, which means the headache will gradually progress throughout the day until it turns into a full-fledged migraine sometime this evening.

I hate being pregnant. Nice end result, but the process sucks.

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Member # 1772

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quid - I'll check with my mom on Monday and get it from her.

[Frown] kq - Have you tried ice chips? I could do that even when I couldn't drink anything. Hurry up insurance so you can get anti-nausea meds!

Christine - I'm so sorry you're getting your migraines back! I've had very few since being pregnant and I've been able to catch them early enough that I can drink a caffeinated soda to stop them or keep them low-grade (worst case, my doc said I could take my dissolvable Excedrin I have - it has only caffeine and acetametaphin in it). Do you have any luck with caffeine?

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Member # 6877

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Ice chips don't stay down, either. If the ice pops don't go down, nothing does.
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Member # 8594

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ludosti: I almost never drink caffeine...a soda once in a while, but I don't drink coffee and I even drink decaffeinated iced tea. I used to, back in college, then gave it up for lent and never looked back. I don't know, I suppose I could try. The thing is, I'm not normally a migraine sufferer. The only migraines I've ever had in my life are pregnancy related and then my options are so limited because I'm pregnant. [Smile]

I suppose it couldn't hurt to try a soda. I'm still in a lucid enough state right now that it might work.

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Member # 9232

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The key to migraines is stopping them before they get full blown. Caffeine helped mine a lot, but I know others who have worse migraines when they drank caffeine. Try it, but be prepared either way. Also, you might want to talk to your doctor about other pain killers. I think vicodin in small amounts was ok- the big fear is the baby getting addicted and going through withdrawals. Luckily for me, as long as I am on the pill or pregnant, the migraines go away. Of course, knowing that going of the pill will lead to all that pain is a huge deterrent to having a second baby
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Member # 5124

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Originally posted by Christine:
I'm getting my migraines back. [Frown]

Right now it's just a dull ache. I guess sleeping helped, but last night from about 8:00 on I was curled up under a blanket trying to block out the agonizingly bright streetlights and moonlight. I couldn't fall asleep until after 11. I have a feeling that this is going to be a lot like it was last time, which means the headache will gradually progress throughout the day until it turns into a full-fledged migraine sometime this evening.

Christine, have you considered getting eyeshades? I have a couple of pairs, and I always use them when I'm migrainous, and they make a huge difference. I sometimes have to play with how they sit on my face to maximize blocking out light - I'm thinking of making myself a pair that's larger or something.

There's one type that's available at luggage / travel shops, but for me, they don't work as well. At any rate, if you go that route, try them on to make sure they'll work for you. Also make sure that, at the very least, they're backed with dark fabric - that makes a huge difference, in my experience.

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Member # 3763

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I'm really hoping to not be pregnant tomorrow. Any prayers or good vibes to help send me into labor would be appreciated!
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Member # 10525

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Congratulations and good luck!
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Member # 3763

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I didn't go into labor. We'll be heading for the hospital in the morning for a c-section. Tomorrow by noon (mountain time), there will be a new baby! Yay!
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Member # 2943

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How exciting! Praying for a happy, healthy momma and baby.
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Member # 5309

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Good luck divaesefani! I just said a prayer for you and your child.
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Member # 5485

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Best wishes divaesefani. [Smile]
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Member # 4142

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Hope all goes smoothly for both of you! I'll keep you in my prayers.
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Member # 6877

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I can't wait to hear about the new baby! [Big Grin]

In other news, my total loss from my pre-pregnancy weight is now 6 lbs.

Not that I mind, but the reason I'm losing is not very healthy.

I want meds. [Frown]

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Member # 6877

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I realized today that I am now 1/4 of the way through my pregnancy.

Not much, I know, but I've always found long waits more manageable as I counted off fractions. [Smile]

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Member # 350

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I've been putting it in fractions as well, kq. Definitely more manageable. Now I'm a few days away from 36 weeks, though, so I imagine I'll start counting down the days pretty soon...if only I knew which day to count down to...

In other news, ow! Everything hurts. And I'm about to lose my calm, zen-like unconcern at people's stupid comments - I can feel it coming on, the next person to make an insensitive comment might really get it! [Smile]

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Wow, you look like you're about to a*SPLODE! Are you sure it's not twins?!?


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Member # 6877

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"Haven't you had that baby yet?"
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PSI Teleport
Member # 5545

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I think it was rivka who refered to that phenomenon as "brain cell donation." I mean, the baby's got to get them from somewhere, right?
I know this is a joke, but it feels SO true. I had two kids very close together and by the end of it I could even remember a phone number. I felt like they were sharing my brain between them and I had nothing left.
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Member # 6659

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Okay, I am seriously considering getting a device that helps women pee standing up. I refuse to sit on a public toilet, and squatting is getting harder and harder to do as I get bigger. It will also help with the urine samples I have to provide at the doctor's office.

Here are some links:

TravelMate Urinary Device
SheWee (USA Site)
Whiz (UK Site)

I just don't understand how the SheWee will fit in the right way. Also, I read some reviews that complained of leaking.

The Whiz looks okay, but I don't want to have to have it shipped from the UK and mess with exchange rates, etc.

The TravelMate looks kind of small on the "cup" end, but I think it might work. I also found fairly positive reviews online.

I think I'm going to try the TravelMate. If I like it, I'll get the deal they have on three and give them away to my two sisters-in-law and my mom. Interesting Christmas presents... [Wink]

So, what do you all think? Would you use something like this? It seems it sure would be useful, especially during pregnancy.

Edit: I've started a separate thread on this, as I'd like thoughts from non-pregnant women, too. Feel free to comment wherever you'd like. [Smile]

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Member # 6877

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I answered in the other thread.
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Member # 350

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OK, I did kind of set myself up for that...

I think pregnancy doesn't just affect YOUR brain, actually, but the brains of everyone around you, making them think it's ok to say things like "You look like you're about to pop" or repeat four times that "Wow, your stomach is SO BIG!" (making it very hard to keep my true nature hidden by not responding "Wow, your breasts are SO SMALL!"). I mean, in what world is that appropriate?? I vote for mass IQ reduction around pregnant women, don't y'all think so??

And no, it's not twins OR triplets, my stomach is big because I have a human being hidden inside it, and you'll be the first to know when I do have the baby. [Big Grin]

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Mama Squirrel
Member # 4155

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I hate getting asked what my due date is when I am *not* pregnant (like I got asked today).
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Member # 6877

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ROFL, Lissande!

Next time someone says "Your stomach is so big!" I am now going to have a really hard time not saying, "Your breasts are so small!"

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Member # 350

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Do it! At least I'll have company in BadPersonLand. [Big Grin]
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Member # 8594

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Lissande: I had the opposite problem. In my last trimester with my son, people kept telling me, "Wow, you don't look pregnant at all!" or alternately, "When you are going to start showing?" Yeah, I know I didn't get that cute pregnancy belly like normal women, but I did gain like 45 pounds and if I didn't look pregnant, there was only one other way I could possibly look -- fat. I ran off crying a couple of times. The worst thing is, I've tried like a hundred times to explain to people how I felt about those comments and they always ask me what's the big deal? They were complimenting you by telling you that you didn't look pregnant and you took it the wrong way. Well, maybe people should just not say anything at all.
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Member # 9232

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Originally posted by Christine:
Lissande: I had the opposite problem. In my last trimester with my son, people kept telling me, "Wow, you don't look pregnant at all!" or alternately, "When you are going to start showing?" Yeah, I know I didn't get that cute pregnancy belly like normal women, but I did gain like 45 pounds and if I didn't look pregnant, there was only one other way I could possibly look -- fat. I ran off crying a couple of times. The worst thing is, I've tried like a hundred times to explain to people how I felt about those comments and they always ask me what's the big deal? They were complimenting you by telling you that you didn't look pregnant and you took it the wrong way. Well, maybe people should just not say anything at all.

That was so me!!!
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Member # 3264

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And me. Six hours before I went into labor someone (who saw me pretty much every week) came up to me at a church dinner and said that she'd just heard that I was pregnant, congratulations.
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Member # 5003

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Well, I've been feeling pretty much fine. [Frown] [Wink]
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Member # 9232

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I was nine months pregnant and talking to a co-worker about my upcoming maternity leave. He looked at me and said, you're pregnant?! Congratulations. How far along?

edit to add- I had gained around 45 pounds by that point (The last 2 weeks I didn't gain any weight).

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Member # 350

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Christine, scholar, dkw - ouch. [Frown] I felt self-conscious when I started being noticeably pregnant, but I was glad at the same time for just that reason - before that I just looked overweight.

Well, maybe people should just not say anything at all.
I think this is the key. You should never ask when someone is due or comment on how she looks/doesn't look pregnant - either she isn't pregnant, and you just really crushed her, or she IS pregnant, and already feeling delicate and hormonal and having body image issues. I don't comment on people's pregnancy unless they specifically tell me about it. Or if they actually go into labor.

I got my first random stranger "So when are you due? Any day now, huh?" comment when I was four months pregnant - the very first day I wore maternity clothes. Yes, I had just started showing, but in NO WAY did I look anywhere close to delivery. I really think something explodes in people's brains when they see a possibly-pregnant person and they just blurt out the first thing that comes to mind without regard to whether it has any bearing on reality. [Smile]

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Javert Hugo
Member # 3980

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There's a student in my class who is very pregnant. She was supposed to be on maternity leave by now, but the baby hasn't come yet.

When she walked into class with her stomach seriously arriving about 10 inches before the rest of her, there were a number of tasteless jokes. She started them ("You're still here!" "Yep, unless you want to deliver her yourself on the seminar table.") and didn't seem to mind.

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Member # 3763

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Brayden Charles was born on Monday, October 8th at 12:01 pm. He weighed 7lbs 8 oz and was 19 1/4 inches long. He's doing great, and mom's exhausted!!

Some pictures:
Baby Brayden
Family of 4

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Member # 5309

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Congratulations divaesefani ! [The Wave]
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Member # 6877

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Liz B
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Yay! What a beautiful baby!

Six hours before I went into labor someone (who saw me pretty much every week) came up to me at a church dinner and said that she'd just heard that I was pregnant, congratulations.
OK, so my situation isn't quite that bad. I'm just about to enter my 3rd trimester and I can't tell you how many times I've heard "You're finally starting to look pregnant!" I have two shirts my coworkers prefer because I look more pregnant in them. You can practically see the disappointment in their eyes when I wear some of my looser shirts. [Razz]
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Member # 8594

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Congrats! What a cute baby! And I'm not just saying that -- not all babies are cute. [Smile]

Liz -- mine was pretty close to that bad. I guess the best way to describe how I carried my son is to say that normally I have a very pronounced hourglass figure. Rather than poking out the front, my son poked out the sides, filled in my usual hourglass, and made me look rather square. Not my normal figure so I definitely felt like I looked pregnant, but it looked like a plausible non-pregnant figure to many others. Finally, in the last month, I started getting a little round in front. But I still got looks of absolute astonishment when I told people I was due any day. [Smile]

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