Awww. What a cute baby. And yay for not being pregnant anymore!
And not to steal your thunder, but we're expecting another little bundle of joy and sleeplessness somewhere around May 30.
Posts: 1903 | Registered: Sep 2003
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Congratulations on the adorable baby, divasefani! I'm glad you and baby are doing well.
What exciting news, Brinestone! I can't remember, did you have bad morning sickness with Lego? It will be interesting to hear from you how your two pregnancies differ.
Posts: 1635 | Registered: Aug 2002
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Light brown spotting, vaginal wall pain, lower back left side pain. Going to hospital as soon as hubby gets here to drive me. Will post update ASAP, will call kq if I can't leave hospital.
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Congrats divasefani!!! What a cutey!!! Your other son is adorable too!
Congrats Brinestone!!
I hope everything will be ok Boon!!
As for looking pregnant, most people (except maybe my family) didn't think I looked pregnant until I hit my 3rd trimester (when I had to start wearing maternity clothes). Even just this last week, a woman I see only occasionally at work commented that she hadn't realized I was pregnant because she'd only seen me from behind for the last couple months.
Posts: 5879 | Registered: Apr 2001
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I'm fine, baby's fine, and this episode's reinforced WHY I am not going to the hospital this time unless I HAVE to.
Wow, lots of news on this thread since I last posted. Congrats all round, for healthy babies and impending arrivals!
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Okay, has anyone tried vitamin B6 for nausea? My sister-in-law tried it and swore that it was like a miracle drug for her. I've noticed that I have no nausea in the night at all, and I'm wondering if that's because I'm not eating at night or because my I take my B6-containing prenatal vitamin at night.
Posts: 1903 | Registered: Sep 2003
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I have heard great things about it and my doctor recommended it. When I started taking it my nausea got worse, and I only stopped throwing up every day when I stopped taking B6.
Posts: 9866 | Registered: Apr 2002
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Mazel tov, divasefani! He looks so mature. And handsome.
Whoo Hoo, Brinestone!
Boon, I'm so relieved to hear that you and the baby are fine. I've been on that ride to the hospital and it's so scary. You were very much in my prayers and will continue to be.
I started to show almost immediately. It was a combination of being pregnant with multiples and my body type - I'm short and I've never had much of a stomach. People could tell I was pregnant by 10 weeks. Plus, I had to wear maternity clothes very early because my na-nas got even more freakishly huge.
Posts: 3037 | Registered: Jan 2002
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And yeah, I'm in maternity clothes (what I can find) and in-between clothes now, and have been for a while. Almost none of my "regular" clothes fit anymore.
Posts: 21182 | Registered: Sep 2004
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I'm in in-betweens now, though some of my bigger pants still fit. I have a pretty prounounced little stomach, but since I'm so slim anyway, I doubt anyone would notice it but me. Especially if I'm wearing a belt and a shirt that falls below my stomach.
Posts: 1903 | Registered: Sep 2003
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At 20 weeks this week, no stranger would look at me and guess I was anything but tubby. But I have just begun to notice a visible difference if in my skivvies, so perhaps soon everyone else will too?!
Posts: 3 | Registered: Oct 2007
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After I just looked a tad chubbier than normal and was still wearing my pre-preggo pants with Boo until well past 30 weeks...
I've been in full fledged maternity clothes since kq came to visit, and I was, what? 12 weeks?
Had my "20 week US" today. It was a riot.
First of all, my midwife came to this one, along with hubby and our three kids. So I go off to pee in a cup and get weighed (up 1.6 lbs from 4 weeks ago, but still down 17.5 overall) and then we all pile into this tiny exam room, with two kids sharing a chair, Midwife holding Boo in the other, and Hubby standing by the wall.
The nurse comes in and seems startled by all the people. She asks me about headaches every time I go in, and not much else...but whatever. Then she goes to take my blood pressure.
I'm NOT a small woman, by any stretch of the imagination. She gets out the regular cuff and seems a bit confused. She goes to put it on my arm, and then decides to put it on my forearm. Now, this isn't the best place to take a blood pressure, and they do have bigger cuffs in the office, so I ask her, "Don't you have a bigger cuff?"
"Yeah, but it's faster to just do it this way. Besides, it saves me the trouble of going to find the other one." Laziness. Pure laziness.
I sort of snicker at Midwife while my pressure is taken (shows normal, if it hadn't, I would have *made* her go find the right cuff).
So she leaves and then Doc comes in. He, too, seems startled to see all the people in the room. Midwife has told me she's worked with him on a number of births, both as a doula attending hospital births and as a homebirth midwife when the mom develops complications, so I expect them to know each other. "Hi, Doc. I believe you know Midwife. She's gonna come play with me while I'm in labor." LOL. No, we're not telling him our plans until much later.
He kind of does a double take. "Oh, yeah, how are you?" But still looks like he has no idea who she is. LOL
So he asks how I'm doing, and I have to remind him that I'm the one the freaking hospital called him about Saturday evening. We visit about that for a minute, and then he asks what I'd like for him to do today. Just like that. Like, he doesn't have my chart in front of him? Like, he doesn't know what he should be doing at "20 weeks"? I guess he knows now that I've educated least he's not assuming anymore that I'll just comply with whatever he wants. LOL
"Well, you said last time we were gonna do the big ultrasound today."
"Okay, we can do that. Come on!" and leads us down the hall to the US room. "Did you want to know the baby's sex?"
He spent about a minute measuring head, belly, thigh...then gets this confused look on his face. He goes over and checks my chart and looks even more worried. (Remember the due date confusion of a month ago? It's biting him in the butt!)
"Um, I think I might have measured wrong at your last US. Baby's measuring almost a month ahead of where it should be." Really? NO WAY!
"Actually, Doc, you didn't do the first one. Your PA sent me to the lab, and they were pretty thorough." Laughing on the inside.
Midwife (aware of what is happening) says, "Huh. Maybe you caught this one in a big growth spurt."
Doc looks confused again for a few seconds. "Okay. Well, you're eating well and not gaining too much weight. I'll see you in four weeks."
So, uh...yeah. My official due date is still February 27. The "correct" one from the first US puts it at February 2. I think I'll keep using February 14.
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Boon, sounds like a lovely time. At least you have your midwife to snicker with! (Always more fun when you have someone there to roll your eyes and giggle with.)
I never want to know the sex and Jeff always does.
We finally came up with "when we have at least one boy" (since we already have at least two girls) "the next one can be a surprise."
Of course, I don't really trust him not to peek. I'm pretty oblivious when viewing ultrasounds, I just want to see the baby's face, fingers, and heart; he is really good at reading them and will probably know and have to keep it a secret from me (and everyone else.) And he'd better.
BTW, for kicks and giggles, I am now taking gender predictions for this baby. I have a few already, we will see what everyone thinks and compare with what it actually is. I have three "boy" predictions and one "girl" so far. Guesses?
Posts: 21182 | Registered: Sep 2004
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Sorry, sweetie, no gender dreams yet, for either of us.
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Good golly, Boon! No wonder you're going for a homebirth with a midwife if that's the level of care you get from an OB and his nurse. That's really shocking to me. Am I just very naive and lucky with my doctors? I always tended to think not, because I had wonderful doctors in NYC and Georgia, too, but I'm starting to wonder as I hear more horror stories. My OB called today to see how I was holding up with Aerin's surgery.
I was wondering, have we gone even a month in the past 3 years without anyone being pregnant?
Posts: 3037 | Registered: Jan 2002
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I don't think so... It's a bit of a constant here, isn't it?
Posts: 21182 | Registered: Sep 2004
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Yeah, and I didn't even post what actually happened (or didn't happen, as the case were) at the hospital. "No wonder" is right on the money.
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I couldn't believe that was how your doctor treated you. That is pretty outrageous. Can you get a better dr?
Posts: 1001 | Registered: Mar 2006
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IIRC, this is the "better" doctor...
Posts: 21182 | Registered: Sep 2004
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Oh, I don't mind talking about it here, if everyone wants to hear my whining.
I called my midwife first, but had to leave her a message. I actually wanted to talk to her about something else, and thought with the spotting I'd go ahead and chat then instead of waiting until Monday. Well, then I made the mistake of posting about it on BBC, asking if anyone else had symptoms like mine.
So then I wound up calling the doctor's office, against my better judgment.
First I have to listen to a recording that said if I had "significant bleeding, [my] water had broken, or [I] thought [I was] in labor, [I] should go to L&D and my doctor would be notified." Well, I don't know that 3-4 tsp of brownish blood over 24 hours is "significant" KWIM?
Then, I get the answering service. She kinda made me cry, telling me that she couldn't page a nurse unless it was an emergency. I'm thinking if I thought it was really an emergency, I'd be at the hospital already, but by now I want to talk to a nurse about it, so I say it is.
So the nurse finally calls me back, after I've called hubby and told him what's going on. I told her my symptoms, including that baby was still moving like normal and I was having NO contractions. (I know by now what they feel like, and there was nothing like them going on.)
She berated me for not calling when it started, told me how dangerous a bleed can be at 20 weeks, and told me to get to L&D immediately, but not to drive myself, because I might be starting to hemorrhage.
Now I'm bawling, and can hardly get the words out when I call my husband to come get me, and my mother to send my dad to watch the kids.
Then I call my midwife back and tell her what's going on. She did a great job calming me down, said it was probably just a bit of the placenta coming away from the uterine wall, not to panic, etc. She said they'd probably do a quick US to determine where the blood was coming from and then put me on bedrest at least until my appointment Monday.
So, we finally get to the hospital, go up to L&D, and the nurse puts me in a room. She has me pee in a cup (I'm starting to hate that) and change into a gown. Blech. Once again, I'm a big woman and the gown doesn't fit butt, my ENTIRE BACKSIDE, is hanging out, so I grab a towel to cover it while I waddle back out and get up on the bed.
I tell her my symptoms and she runs through the entire admitting routine. Then she goes to take my blood pressure. Guess what happens? LOL, yep, she put it on my forearm. She did go get the other one later, she said she just wanted a quick initial reading.
So, then she says the baby is very small and I'm rather "fluffy" (her word) so the EFM wouldn't do very well getting and keeping baby's heartbeat, so she got out the doppler. She spent about 10 minutes searching for the heartbeat before she found it: right where I'd told her where it was. She argued with me that it couldn't possibly be that high, and looked FOREVER! Anyway, once she "found it" she listened for about 20 seconds, announced the rate as 146, hooked me up to the contraction detector, and left.
I sat there on that stupid machine, watching for nonexistent contractions, for almost 45 minutes. Then the nurse comes back in and says she's talked to my doctor and that, since it was such a small amount of brown blood, that it was probably nothing to worry about. That with no contractions and a good heartbeat, I shouldn't worry, and here's a list of things to look out for and when to come back if something's wrong.
I asked about the possibility of the placenta coming away like my midwife had told me about, and why wasn't I having some sort of diagnostic procedure done? She said that the doctor didn't feel it was warranted since I was seeing him on Monday, and that we'd talk about it then.
So I came home knowing NOTHING I didn't already know, after being panicked by the nurse on the phone, scaring my entire family, and my fears then completely dismissed by the L&D nurse.
Oh my glory be!!!!! That's so appalling. There's just so very much wrong with that. I'm flabbergasted. And disgusted. Bless your heart, Boon.
They didn't do an ultrasound to check for a placental abruption?!? That's unbelievable. This guy is the medical director? That is so negligent that I'm blown away. I had an ultrasound for every single episode of bleeding with Aerin (though my blood was scary bad bright red). Even if these people don't want to give their patients the very best care for its own sake, you'd think they'd at least be motivated by a fear of lawsuits.
I hated the contraction monitor, btw. I was hooked up to one for about a week total, over the month I was in the hospital with Aerin. It would spike every time I moved and even though I knew that, it freaked me out enough to stay as still as I could for as long as I could. The resulting muscle pain was epic.
Posts: 3037 | Registered: Jan 2002
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Unfortunately, this is my third hospital and second OB, and I've never been treated better by the medical establishment here with regards to pregnancy and childbirth.
I'm incredibly thankful we found our family doctor. She's wonderful. She'll even come to the house right after the baby's born (or as soon as the office closes for the day, if it's during business hours) for the "newborn exam" (though I really just think she wants to see the new baby).
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Hello everyone, I'm sure most of you won't remember me since it has been about 9 months since I posted here but I was a regular before that.
I just wanted to take a second to hijack the pregnancy thread to introduce the newest member of the M family, Sophia Jane M, born 9-14-07. Baby Sophie
I hope you don't mind me butting in. I have been wanting to get back to Hatrack. I have missed being on a message board with smart people. Mandy
Posts: 1319 | Registered: Jul 2005
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Congratulations, Mandy! Your little one is so pretty!
I felt kicking for the first time on the weekend. I've felt it occasionally since then. It's so COOL! I'm only 20 weeks, so it's pretty light right now.
I sneeze a lot and when I sneezed in bed last night, it tensed up my stomach so bad that I had sharp pains in the lower part of my belly. My husband was worried that it would hurt the baby, like tearing the placenta or something. That couldn't happen, right? It's just a sneeze, albeit a violent one.
I had a dream last night that my baby insisted on being born RIGHT NOW and would not listen to reason that it would be much better if he just stayed put for another 20 weeks. I tried to explain that he'd be crying and would have to be fed and changed, and all of that would be taken care of if he just stayed in the womb. Well, he insisted on being born, and he was something like 26 pounds (but regular sized--dreams are weird.). I was trying to nurse but he wouldn't open his mouth wide enough and he had these baby vampire teeth. It was getting painful, then I suddenly realized that babies don't have teeth and took out the fake vampire teeth. Little scamp!
Posts: 2880 | Registered: Jun 2004
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Ewww Boon!! I'm so sorry you're having such a horrible experience with hospitals and doctors! Ugh! No wonder you want to be at home with your midwife (who sounds excellent)! I'm so glad the baby is ok.
Congrats Mandy!! Sophie is beautiful!!!
Kat - Yay for getting to feel the baby move! It's a lot of fun (though if your little one is anything like mine, you'll eventually get tired of all the constant moving ). When I sneeze or cough I quite often get twinges of pain in the various ligaments and muscles in my belly (good old "round ligament" pain for you). It often helps me if I can support my belly with a hand/arm as I sneeze/cough (and drive over speedbumps ). Aren't pregnancy dreams weird? I remember having one a few months ago where the baby was moving around everywhere (like crawling down my legs, etc.) and I kept trying to push her back up to my belly where she belonged.
I'm starting to get tired of being pregnant. According to my mom this is a good thing, because by the time I get to the end I should be so tired of being pregnant that I'll do anything to get it over with. I guess overall I feel pretty good (I'm lucky to not be having much back pain), but I'm just can't ever get comfortable (and am annoyed that I still occasionally have problems with nausea and vomiting even with the meds). Good thing I'm 3/4 of the way done! I'm hoping that since I'm still measuring "just perfect" (according to the doctor), that my glucose tolerance test will come back ok. Now to just wait for the results (and cross my fingers that I'm not diabetic). It's been fun lately to set up a baby registry (even if there are way too many choices) with hubby.
Somebody asked if I had bad morning sickness last time (I'm too lazy to go find the post, sorry). I did feel sick for most of my first trimester, but I never did throw up. So . . . yes and no.
It's a bad combination right now: I have a heightened sense of smell (I don't remember that from last time), nausea, and very specific tastes. I can't stand the thought of eating a lot of my "staples," and I'm craving a lot of stuff either that I don't have or that takes too long to make. Stuff like fish. I did break down and bought some sole fillets yesterday, but I felt too sick to make dinner and ended up putting some bagel bites in the oven. Nutritious, I know.
I keep wondering how women who have worse nausea than I do manage to get through it. I mean, if I were lying down on the couch all the time, not cooking, not cleaning, not doing dishes, I'd get seriously depressed, and Lego would not be happy. Also we'd go broke from eating out too much.
Posts: 1903 | Registered: Sep 2003
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When I was at my worst (nausea wise) it really was depressing. I only made it to work about half the time and a good day was when I could eat a cup of applesauce/mashed potatoes/yogurt and keep it down (it was sad, but I developed lists of foods to eat/not eat based on how easy/horrible they were to throw up). Hubby does ok fending for himself foodwise, so that was a good thing. I guess I am lucky in that I haven't had a significantly more sensitive sense of smell and I haven't really had many cravings. I am also lucky that, since this is my first, I don't have another child I must provide for when I'm feeling horrible.
Hopefully you'll be past the worst of the nausea soon! It isn't fun if it continues (but at least there are medications that can help).
Posts: 5879 | Registered: Apr 2001
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quote:It's a bad combination right now: I have a heightened sense of smell (I don't remember that from last time), nausea, and very specific tastes. I can't stand the thought of eating a lot of my "staples," and I'm craving a lot of stuff either that I don't have or that takes too long to make. Stuff like fish. I did break down and bought some sole fillets yesterday, but I felt too sick to make dinner and ended up putting some bagel bites in the oven. Nutritious, I know.
At least you can eat bagel bites.
This baby won't let me eat anything that my mother would classify as "junk."
quote:I keep wondering how women who have worse nausea than I do manage to get through it. I mean, if I were lying down on the couch all the time, not cooking, not cleaning, not doing dishes, I'd get seriously depressed, and Lego would not be happy. Also we'd go broke from eating out too much.
I gotta say, I am SOOOO thankful that my pregnancy with Bridey was not like this (mine with Emma was, but she was my first, so it was better.) Jeff picks up most of the cleaning and cooking dinner; we make sure that we have bread, cheese, and yogurt, all of which the kids can feed themselves with no preparation on my behalf other than opening a package. I just kind of sit and watch while they entertain themselves and only get up when I have to intervene or go to the bathroom or they demand food or drink or a diaper change (which, btw, are HORRIBLE right now, and almost always result in more puking.)
But I know it will pass. Even if not for a while, it WILL pass, at least by the end of the pregnancy.
Posts: 21182 | Registered: Sep 2004
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Thanks for all the well wishes! We're doing great and, so far, Tyler loves being a brother.
The best news is: so far I have been able to feed Brayden without supplementing at all! I was really nervous, since it didn't really work last time, but so far we're doing fine.
Boon, I wish you so much luck throughout the rest of this pregnancy. I'm so sorry the medical care in your area sucks. Thank goodness for your midwife. I don't know what I'd do if I wasn't supported in my decisions by the medical staff. You're a real trooper!
Congrats, MandyM! She's beautiful.
And to all the morning sick gals, I'm so sorry! I understand. Keep pushing through!
Posts: 161 | Registered: Jul 2002
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I finally have a doctor's appointment! It's next Monday!
I'm excited to see and hear the baby. (I know they are gonna want to date me by u/s, they always do.)
My card better come soon (I got a notice on Thurs. saying it should arrive "within the next few days.") If it doesn't, I'm calling to get the number because I am NOT going to reschedule my appointment!
Posts: 21182 | Registered: Sep 2004
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