How did Sylar appear? What happened? I missed that part's details, and why didn't the Haitian block his powers?
Posts: 3060 | Registered: Nov 2003
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Since when does the Haitian need to try so hard to use his power? And the reason? Arthur is too powerful, yet the Haitian had no problem nullifying Peter. I thought that was kind of lame, but since it didn't really change anything (like let Arthur live) I'm fine with it.
Posts: 1287 | Registered: Apr 2006
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quote:Originally posted by Phanto: How did Sylar appear? What happened? I missed that part's details, and why didn't the Haitian block his powers?
Sylar used "script-teleporting". Didn't he have new clothes on too? And the Haitian was a bit exhausted after battling Arthur. He wasn't blocking Arthur's powers anymore either, Sylar was in charge.
quote:Originally posted by Elmer's Glue: Since when does the Haitian need to try so hard to use his power? And the reason? Arthur is too powerful, yet the Haitian had no problem nullifying Peter. I thought that was kind of lame, but since it didn't really change anything (like let Arthur live) I'm fine with it.
Arthur had several powers that Peter didn't, had more powers than the last time he and the Haitian "fought", and had more experience using the powers and "developing" them as Peter. I think what happened is actually a good thing: unlimited powers of any kind suck, it's good they put a limit to the Haitian's power.
And Sylar might have overpowered Arthur simply because Arthur was already exhausted from fighting the Haitian.
Anyway, I can come up with reasonable (for me) explanations for that part, so it doesn't bother me a bit.
Posts: 4519 | Registered: Sep 2003
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I was referring to when they killed future Peter. And present Peter was there too... But yeah, I wasn't much bothered by it, I just thought it was a little lame.
Posts: 1287 | Registered: Apr 2006
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Also, while Peter didn't have anything Sylar wanted, wouldn't Sylar want the ability to nullify someone else's power? That would make him nearly unbeatable in a one on one fight.
Posts: 368 | Registered: Aug 2007
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That's a very good question. But I still don't understand what Sylar's plan is. Past, current or long term. Is he against Arthur's "team" now? Is he also against the "good" guys? (unlikely, since he didn't kill Peter and the Haitian) Is he going to act on his own? Is he going to throw a dice again?
Posts: 4519 | Registered: Sep 2003
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Sylar is already nearly unbeatable, although he might want to kill the Haitian anyway since he could still be used to take him down.
Posts: 1287 | Registered: Apr 2006
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Are you actually trying to make sense of Syler's motives? I'm pretty sure the whole point of his character is semi-amusing one-liners.
Posts: 2392 | Registered: Sep 2005
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quote:Originally posted by Christine: Are you actually trying to make sense of Syler's motives? I'm pretty sure the whole point of his character is semi-amusing one-liners.
And that high-angle big-fuzzy-eyebrow evil look.
Posts: 636 | Registered: Apr 2002
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Um... stoopid question: How did Arthur get back n time to confront Claire & Hiro - or was that a younger Arthur? (Either way, it was dumb.)
Posts: 353 | Registered: Sep 2003
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Well Wonder Dog, We know Arthur stole all of Peter's powers and we know that Peter had absorbed Hiro's time traveling ability and had in fact time traveled both to the future and from the future this season. Arthur had teleported to Africa a couple of episodes ago so it isn't much of a stretch to presume that Arthur can time travel. In fact I thought it had been fairly well established.
Posts: 12591 | Registered: Jan 2000
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It still doesn't explain how he knew to be on that rooftop at that moment in history to get the catalyst.
Posts: 2392 | Registered: Sep 2005
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Blayne Bradley
he has the ability to see the future?
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Isn't that HIS rooftop? It's Arthur Patrelli's flat. Or wait, is it that other dude's flat who Peter took care of...
When is Peter gonna get his powers back? They already finished the whole "I'm still a hero without my powers" bit. C'mon I wanna see some major powers action!
And WHEN are they going to kill Mohinder already? Isn't that something that EVERYONE agrees on?
Posts: 1604 | Registered: Mar 2003
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Good point Rabbit - I don't know why I forgot about that... maybe someone has been tampering with my memories... :0)
I think I felt that scene was "dumb" because it finally seemed like the show had a soul again - Claire connecting with her parents as a confident woman, ditto for Hiro, we're wondering at what the catalyst really is (besides an After Affects plugin that was tweaked for 5 min) and enjoying meeting Hiro's Mom... and then we have another Random Plot Twist. Shocking or surprising us works when used sparingly, but when it happens at least 3 times an episode... it's dumb. (In this case, "dumb" is a technical narrative term for "*sigh*, here we go again...')
Posts: 353 | Registered: Sep 2003
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They could have saved a vial of formula for Hiro.
I actually liked that episode, for the most part. There's no way Syler's actually dead and it's too bad that Mohinder still is, but all that aside, they've set up a good lead in to the next half season.
But they have to give Hiro his powers back. It'll ruin the whole show if they don't.
Posts: 2392 | Registered: Sep 2005
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This episode made me alternately laugh and cry for all the wrong reasons. Every scene that was decent I had a hard time enjoying, because at this point it's clear that "good quality scenes" have less to do with the writers' skill and more to do with random chance.
They had the opportunity to be really clever with Speedster girl. At first I thought it was really dumb that she went back in time, then realized it actually DID make sense, if her power was actually based around slowing down time to begin with. That would explain how she was able to interact with Hiro when he had stopped time. So amplifying that power could very well lead to her going back in time.
But if that were the case, she shouldn't have been able to go forward in time. At least not that easily. They should have been stuck back in time for a while until she figured out that her power had to do with time manipulation and then learn to reverse engineer it or something.
Posts: 4136 | Registered: Aug 2008
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quote: There's no way Syler's actually dead and it's too bad that Mohinder still is,
Um, what?
quote: But if that were the case, she shouldn't have been able to go forward in time. At least not that easily. They should have been stuck back in time for a while until she figured out that her power had to do with time manipulation and then learn to reverse engineer it or something.
We can just pretend that's what happened, I mean it was time travel and all.
Posts: 1287 | Registered: Apr 2006
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*sigh* Why, oh why, do I continue to watch this stupid @%#$ show?
Gabriel, you're our son. Except that you're not. So I guess it's good that despite my long and acrimonious separation from Mrs. Patrelli, we managed to get our story straight.
Sylar's learning to overcome his ruthless hunger. In fact, he's become such a saint he can allow himself to be used as a human Tesla coil for half an episode without lashing out in return. Whoops, just kidding!
(So... Is there anything of the struggle with Sylar from Season 1 left that the subsequent seasons haven't urinated on?...)
But, take heart- Sylar's a lot more fun as a ruthless killing machine; we only have to write two or three funny lines for him a show, rather than trying to write all that wordy, sticky stuff that attempts things like character interaction and development. And we can use him to kill off annoying characters!
Like Arthur Patrelli, the diabolus ex machina incarnate, and another fine example of how we can undo multiple episodes of plot in seconds.
Incidentally, Daphne, should we just assume that all the characters can extend their powers to others by touch now? I'm still rolling my eyes that Micah can suddenly change traffic lights at a distance...
"I've seen the future. You choose Dad!" "Peter, that's not the sort of decision I'm going to make for at least another episode."
"I hate you, Dad! You were never there for me! Hold on, now I see how much you really care about- no, wait! I hate you again!"
Puppy called it. There's dice at work here.
quote:Originally posted by Raymond Arnold: Molly was put on a bus.
I was torn. It's interesting watching things actually moving towards some of the futures we've seen. Nathan working to round all the mutants up, Peter as public enemy #1, etc.
But... Noah says, "Claire, we have to get out of here." No, Noah. What you have to do is cut Gabriel's head off. <sigh> How many times do you have to kill someone before you realize that they just aren't going to stay dead without some fairly extreme measures. And leaving a splinter of glass in the back of his head is not extreme enough. Hell, Claire should know that.
And the whole thing with Meredith just really irked me. Okay, a shot of adrenaline got her going out of control. Fine. Knock her out. That's all. Whack her on the head and put her to sleep. The adrenaline wears off, and everything's good.
The fight scene with Peter and Nathan and Meredith's brother (whatever his name is) was kind of cool, but mostly because all I could think of was, "Claire's uncles all trying to kill one another."
And yeah, Raymond is right. There's no way that enhanced speed stuff should have been able to bring them back to the present. They should have had to live through the next 16 years to get back.
And... paradoxes. Hiro tore up the formula. Does that mean that Ando's new powers (and Peter's and Mohinder's) are going to fade away now? Because the formula never existed for them to use? Gah.
Posts: 12266 | Registered: Jul 2005
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Hiro ripped the paper in half, but did not destroy the formula. They showed his father piecing it back together.
Daphne could go back in time because Ando helped her go so fast that she went faster than light. This is a common explanation for how would could travel BACK in time in scifi. It doesn't explain moving forward. They should have been stuck 16 years ago.
Posts: 2392 | Registered: Sep 2005
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quote:And... paradoxes. Hiro tore up the formula. Does that mean that Ando's new powers (and Peter's and Mohinder's) are going to fade away now? Because the formula never existed for them to use? Gah.
Paradoxes already got extensive treatment in the Terminator thread. I'd like to apply logic to their use of Time Travel but at this point it's clear the answer is "whatever the script wants to happen."
It is my professional opinion as a nerd that Time Travel does not produce paradoxes. It just produces bewildering situations that leave people scratching their heads. If you go into the past, kill your Grandfather and then return to the future you'll be just fine. Objects do not REQUIRE linear causes, it merely looks that way because we normally perceive time as linear.
Posts: 4136 | Registered: Aug 2008
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I don't think Peter got flight back when he injected himself. I think he got his ability to absorb powers back. And Nathan was standing right there.
Posts: 12266 | Registered: Jul 2005
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Great, my first post in three months and I have to settle for a tie. Although...strength in numbers...
Posts: 413 | Registered: Apr 2003
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Neither, he's Klingon. I feel much better with President Worf on the case.
quote:But they have to give Hiro his powers back. It'll ruin the whole show if they don't.
Are you kidding? NO MORE TIME TRAVEL! I didn't mind Hiro teleporting from place to place, but his time travel meddling was the most disruptive influence on the show. With Arthur dead, if he stays dead, and with Peter not having the power, the only person who can do it is a Daphne/Ando team up.
I like this new dynamic. No more time travel, no more super powerful characters for a little while, and a good old fashioned round up. The show might actually be enjoyable for a little while.
The only thing that REALLY pisses me off? A friend of mine and I were working on a story together that involves people with abilities, but not like heroes or X-Men, and one of the abilities one of them had was to amplify the powers of others. Cursed Heroes making my idea less cool than it was!
Posts: 21898 | Registered: Nov 2004
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Do you really think Hiro not having his powers will mean the end of the time travel nonsense? No way. There are still a lot of characters who can do that, not to mention characters who can see the future. The only thing that permanently removing Hiro's powers accomplishes is to remove from the heroes dynamic the one true hero...the one guy I could like without reservations.
For the record, though, i don't think his powers will be gone forever. They created the serum to fix it and now there's no reason to suppose that it can't show back up, even if the building did blow up. Or they could come up with another way.
Posts: 2392 | Registered: Sep 2005
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So... I hope the next season explains why Usutu is alive and well. Is that Matt just going crazy? Is african Isaac just checking out his new snazzy bachelor's pad in New York? Only the writers know!
And yea, when Claire jabbed the glass into Sylar and DIDN'T finish him off was just stupid.
Posts: 80 | Registered: Jun 2007
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Why didn't Clair send Noah off and stay to save Bio-Mom?
If heat could weaken that class that much, why didn't Flint (?) escape a long time ago?
What did Sylar kill Puppeteer with?
For that matter, why does telekinesis require hand movement? Doesn't that sorta defeat the purpose? I always thought the hand motions were aesthetic.
What was it that REALLY happened between Future-Ando and Future-Hiro? If it wasn't just red lightning, then what was Ando doing to Hiro? Maybe to people without abilities, it IS just red lightning?
Assuming Peter has to get his abilities back one at a time, where did Future-Peter get Time Traveling from if not from Hiro? I guess Daphne/Ando take him back to see himself, or at least back to Past-Hiro?
When Peter was cut in the presence of the Haitian, he still healed after the Haitian left; why would he then retain a scar, even if it was gotten when he didn't have healing?
For that matter, why would Arthur stay dead? Haven't we seen Regeneraters come back to life a few too many times to be satisfied with that?
Apparently, even Time Travel is accounted for in The Future; after all, the Formula was whole in the past, but ripped in half (and subsequently separated) in the present due to Hiro's trip back. Why then can they SOMETIMES change the future via Time Travel, but not other times?
At what point during this season might Sylar have branched off to become the Good-Sylar from the future? More to the point, was Sylar directly effected in any way by any Time Traveling that might have changed his path? The Hiro/Ando/Parkman/Daphne story-line never really touches Sylar again after Hiro takes him and Elle to the beach. Are we then to believe that Sylar would have ended up good had Hiro let him have his way THEN?
The Peter/Nathan/etc story arc seems to follow the track to Peter's Future pretty nicely up to the point of Peter knocking out Nathan. Why should it have changed then and not The Very Second Peter Returned?!? Shouldn't his foreknowledge of the future have been enough to change it immediately? Why did Arthur/Nathan's plan come so close to fruition after so much resistance? I thought the Future might have been more delicate than that.
The writers can't seem to decide between Destiny and Free-Will. Either Changing Time is impossible, or it happens the second you know about it. There really isn't room for anything in between.
Maybe it was only headed to a very SIMILAR future in which people had Powers- except that Sylar was evil this time, presumably at the flip of a coin.
Posts: 636 | Registered: Apr 2002
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Wow. I knew one of the main screenwriters had left Heroes after Season I. I did not know that that writer was Bryan Fuller, creator of Pushing Daisies. And now that Pushing Daisies is cancelled, he's coming back!
Holy crap. As long as Pushing Daisies gets a satisfying conclusion I think I will be amazingly happy-fied by this.
Huh. Sorry about that. I just heard it now, so forgive me if I'm excited and needed to share my glee with the world.
Posts: 4136 | Registered: Aug 2008
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I just finally watched the most recent episode.
Wow. All I can say is wow. Hopefully when the "break" is over, they can go all "Superman Returns" and ignore the fact that the first part of the season even happened, and just rewrite it from the beginning.
Or maybe all the first episodes were just a dream, and Angela Petrelli wakes up in the first ep in February. That'd be nice. Turns out she had a bad bit of cheese before bed, and it was simply a fever dream.
The nice thing, though, is that once Bryan Fuller comes in, there's nowhere to go but up. I mean, seriously... a test pattern is even up from this point.
Sorry for resurrecting this thread, but.. man. Just wow.
Posts: 3960 | Registered: Jul 2001
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When is this starting up again, anyway? I thought I'd give it another couple of episodes to see if the new writers can salvage it.
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