Ender's Beginning Ender's Valentine Ender's Trinity Ender's Second Chance Endeavor Ender's Voyage Home Endurance
These titles are based on Ender's new friend and sister being his closets family and/or his need for encouragement and courage to complete his quest.
If we knew more details about that other guy... like does he betray Ender, is he compassionate, self-sacrificing, or embittered, we could make the titles more significant. But I suppose that's something you'll have to decide yourself, Mr. Card.
Posts: 6 | Registered: Jan 2003
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Should I even bother trying this late in the thread? Surrre! Let me go through the dictionary and I'll get back to you.
Posts: 1236 | Registered: Mar 2002
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I think I'm going to have to throw my support to 'Ender Adrift'. either that or my own 'Ender's Reflection'. But I think Adrift just sounds right.
Posts: 26 | Registered: Aug 2004
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I don't think that it's just my perverse nature that makes me think that would be a good title( but probably only if there was going to some boating in the book. However, considering the antipathy OSC feels for the reference, I don't think that'll happen.
Posts: 10177 | Registered: Apr 2001
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I have given up all hope that this post will be useful to anyone. Unless you're looking for perhaps the longest list of synonyms you could ever find.
Posts: 1480 | Registered: Dec 2004
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Two Wiggins, a Beanlet, and a Pizza Place (self-explanatory)
Much Ado About Ender (The Beanlet, who being a bastard is necessarily evil, tricks Ender into thinking that Valentine was conspiring to ally with the Hive Queen to destroy the human race. In reality, it was a man in a dress and wig wearing a name tag that said "Hi, my name is Valentine" and a hologram of a supermagnified ant. Valentine pretends to die when Ender accuses her and...yeah, that's all I got).
The Illustrated Ender (After a night out drinking with his old Battleschool chums, Ender wakes up with tattoos covering his entire body. Then he walks around and tells people the stories of what his tattoos are about, but gets arrested when he refuses to put his pants back on during a particularly involved story about a helium balloon, a sad clown, and the girl who loved them both.)
Foundation and Ender (The expanding Earth colonization comes across a star system full of people talking about their great Encyclopedia and trying get the colonists to worship atomic energy as a god. After starring at them quizzically for a little bit, then exlaiming "Oooh wow. You've got atomic energy!" Ender Doctor Devices them out of existence, bringing a different meaning to the name of the planet Terminus.)
Posts: 10177 | Registered: Apr 2001
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Ender's Aftertermath or The Aftermath of Ender(uhh duh it's the aftermath of Ender's battles.)
Ender's Elba (Napolean bonaparte was exiled to the island Elba and Ender is sort of being exiled when he's sent away.)
Ender's Propaganda or The Propaganda of Ender (People are now putting the word out about how ENders was a bad person because he kiled off an entire race of beings. He's the Xenocide.)
(I also like Ender the Xenocide. Idk who came up with it but yeah. It wouldn't work though because Mr. Card said how we couldn't have words in it from other titles because people might be confused so yeah like Xenocide couldn't be in the title.)
I can't believe that there's been 8 pages and this hasn't posted yet;
Ender's Student
It could be a perfect description of the plot, I mean, Bean's son, who thinks he's the son of the nemesis Achilles being taught by an unsuspecting Xenocide.
Ender's Friend
If we're going to require the Ender's Noun formula then we might as well use just that, Ender's Noun.
Anyway, I hope Mr. Card is still watching this thread, at least in passing...
Posts: 9 | Registered: Mar 2005
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Ender's Name(the story of his name going from Ender to Andrew)
Ender's Shame (the story of how his shame, over being the xenocide, keeps him from loving this women until he finds a home for the HQ
Posts: 2 | Registered: Mar 2005
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A new trilogy Ender: A New Bean Ender: The Bean strikes back Ender: Return of the Bean Food for thought Ender: Not just for breakfast anymore Ender: He's whats for dinner
Nautical Theme Ender's Reef
Drug reference them Ender's Reefer
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Mar 2005
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I have actually read *all* 8 pages. Y'all have serious issues - and I guess I do too because I'm laughing myself sick. My co-workers think I have finally snapped.
Suggestions I really like: (for what it's worth) Ender's Passage Ender's Flight Ender adrift
an idea I developed from another poster's suggestion: Phoenix: Ender in the ashes
and can i just add that the Doobie Brothers has been going thru my head since page one... "Ender is just alright with me.." Posts: 262 | Registered: Jun 2004
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Maybe something with "Ender" is the wrong idea. Some of you should try that, if only to see how it sounds. I would, but I SUCK at things like this.
Posts: 29 | Registered: Sep 2004
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Mr. Card said, "What I don't have is a title. The only rule is that it must have the name "Ender" in it. My first thought is: "Ender Voyaging." My most hated title so far is: "Ender: Spaceman!" There's such a fine line between good titles and hideous ones."
quote:(I’m looking for a word. I know what it means but I can’t think of it. It’s something like the government influence’s us to think some way. Like if we control the press then we can control this stuff or the way we think. I can’t think of it. If I do then I’ll edit this post)
That would be 'fnord.' However, "Ender's Fnord" would have to be about the time before Andrew founded the new religion of Speakerism and flirted with Discordianism. "Ender's Slack" would obviously be about the ten minutes he investigated the Church of the Sub-Genius.
However, this is all irrelevant. I have the title to the new Ender pre-SftD novel: Ender and Val's Excellent Adventure.
Make sure you spell my name right in the acknowledgements.
Look, I signed up for this forum just to post that!!!
Seriously, and I think these have been mentioned, I think that Ender's Legacy or Ender's Shame would be better.
It would be the time frame when the Xenocide was still looked at ambivilently, since there would still be many people who would remember the Buggers as a horror and a nightmare, but the Hive Queen and Hegemon would have started to make an impact. I think that Ender would choose to go to a world that wouldn't have anyone from his jeesh on it. He would have heard about everything they went through from Peter, and would probably think that they resented him leaving right after the Bugger War was over.
No references to Demosthenese's Heirachy of Foreigness can be made, as some have done, because she wrote that on Trondheim -- the planet where she married Jakt.
Actually, I think that the title could not have 'Ender' in it. In some ways it feels forced and it is certainly something of a silly cliche. Let's face it, Speaker for the Dead did pretty OK, and it didn't have 'Ender' in it. I say, write the book first and THEN decide what to title it.
The title should be what the book is about, the book shouldn't be written around what the title is about.
From what I gathered in reading the third chapter in the preveiw for SotG is that the mom is going to try to raise the child to be like Achillies and try to conquer (I haven't read SotG yet but from what I have gathered from this forum, that's the mother and child that leaves). So if this child is raised and is of that age to try and conquer and with Bean's genetic brilliance.....the conflic of the novel is easy to see somewhat-a conflict between Ender and this child. So what about.....
Mr. Card said, "What I don't have is a title. The only rule is that it must have the name "Ender" in it. My first thought is: "Ender Voyaging." My most hated title so far is: "Ender: Spaceman!" There's such a fine line between good titles and hideous ones."
I read that. I'm just brainstorming.
Posts: 29 | Registered: Sep 2004
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I would also like to add that that name would attract alot of actual enemy of Ender that could pose as a leathal threat to the colony or greater and a formatable opponent to Ender himself....something so disasterous that he would never mention it in the future books (but obviously not as bad as the Xenocide preformed by ender). Such a book would attract alot of attention. And this child could also use Ender's Xenocide status against him in alot of ways. Ender has only had one real enemy other than himself and that was the Buggers so let him have another enemy just as dangerous. So let the name be.....
Hmm. I was expecting Beany Boy to show up about the time his dad & siblings get pulled out of relativity, have a modified descolada fix their genes, maybe Father Bean becomes Peter/Ender's right hand man (again, for both) against Beany Boy, maybe a new Petra springs from someone's mind, thus averting an unfortunate love triangle, etc. A Randi-and-son book would kill some of that. But as long as Randi goes up in flames at some point, I suppose justice will have been done.
Posts: 1 | Registered: Mar 2005
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Ender's Colony, Ender's Fleet, Travel with Ender, Ender Ends Here, The last days of Ender, Away from Ender, Ender's Star, Ender's Planet, Ender Came, Speaker for Ender, The Peace of Ender, Ender's Speaker, Ender's Legacy, Ender and the Hegemon. Ender and all Ramans. From Ender to Varelse.
Posts: 4 | Registered: Mar 2005
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Anybody but me thinking that all the superintelligent people in Children of the Mind is descadents to Bean (with some modifications)?
Posts: 132 | Registered: Mar 2005
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Here I was thinking that Bean’s Achilles baby would be the bad guy in the linking novel. Guess that’s still not ruled out through this novel idea. Ender could inadvertently somehow help the kid figure out how to track Bean or something like that.
I like the Ender’s Way title too though
Posts: 2845 | Registered: Oct 2003
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quote: Anybody but me thinking that all the superintelligent people in Children of the Mind is descadents to Bean (with some modifications)?
This has been asked before, and I'm going to answer with one of the classic questions: How do Bean and Petra's kids turn chinese?
Posts: 1547 | Registered: Jan 2004
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And I'll answer it again. One of their kids, let's say Andrew, marries a Chinese girl. Their kids marry Chinese, as do their kids, as do their kids. In just a few generations, those descendants will be Chinese.
edit: I don't think this will happen in the books, but the answer is just so obvious.
The reason for including Ender in the title is precisely because the Speaker books did NOT "do all right." Now, we all know that the reason for the steadily decreasing sales of each book in the series is that (a) they are more demanding, more adult books and (b) each book is of a different subgenre of sf, with each subgenre increasingly less popular.
But it is also true that one must have a resemblance among titles in a series in order for them to give each other the maximum boost in sales. And titling is about communicating to the reader something of the experience that reading the book will provide. If we want readers to instantly grasp that here is a book that include the original Ender character, the clearest, simplest way is to include Ender's name in the title.
That's why Ender's Shadow was titled as it was - and why the later books kept the word Shadow, but NOT the word Ender.
Ender Adrift ...
Meanwhile, those of you who fret that this thread is too long and it will be useless must realize THIS IS HOW BRAINSTORMING WORKS. Even if the title that is eventually chosen was in the first ten posts, you still go through a vast quantity of possible names, INCLUDING THE JOKES, in order to satisfy yourself that you have really chosen the best one.
Settling too soon on one title, or failing to make suggestions because there have already been many suggestions, defeats the point of brainstorming. so does self-editing, as in "i won't suggest this because it is 'dumb'" - especially because people who think this way are usually depressive personalities who define "dumb" as "thought of by me."
Posts: 2005 | Registered: Jul 1999
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I agree with the statement about brain-storming being usefull, but this seems more like a category 5 brain-hurricane. Posts: 1480 | Registered: Dec 2004
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Ender, After Ender and the Next Generation Ender's Flight Ender Magister (he becomes the teacher)
Posts: 1163 | Registered: Jan 2005
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I know that thie title was supposed to have "Ender" in it but I just thought taht this was to great to pass off of. I thought this title rocked the world. Srry it probably isn't that great. But yeah.. I like it.