I so need to get some pictures of myself taken and up, so I can show off!
I'm back on the wagon after my holiday lapses. Cor's hospital stay and my return to work have both made it easier to control my eating.
Posts: 1112 | Registered: Jan 2003
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pooka, the cravings are *mostly* clearing up, finally, though I'm still having some for the chocolate. Still not sure why. I'm trying my best to ignoooooore them. hehe!
Woot! I've been good about excercising lately, and I feel great!
Does anyone know any good hip excercises? I have one hip with a little more bulge on it than the other, and it's driving me crazy! I've been doing side-bends, but it doesn't seem to be working. Any ideas?
Posts: 4174 | Registered: Sep 2003
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Eruve, sorry I never saw this. What is the nature of the bulge? Just fat or is it structural?
I've completed my first week of no sugar or chocolate (I gave it up the day after Easter.) I haven't been totally perfect- I found myself at a BBQ Friday and there wasn't anything to drink but soda, so I just had a half cup or so. The important thing is I didn't say "Whoa, now I'm off the wagon, I might as well have a s'more". The toughest part is remembering not to pop stuff in my mouth as I'm clearing the table. Maybe I need to quit thinking it's okay to eat the kid's leftovers Posts: 11017 | Registered: Apr 2003
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I never posted on this thread. I think my chief problem is not that I'm overweight, it's that I can't see the good in my body.
Posts: 4816 | Registered: Apr 2003
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For the sake of sharing happiness, I thought I'd say that I'm down to 130 lbs. When I last posted in this thread (early October) I weighed 143 lbs. My starting weight was 170. So now I've lost a total of 40 lbs. Only 5 more to lose until I reach my goal!
Granted, I don't expect to get there for another 3 or 4 months. But as it's only 5 lbs, I'm not in all that much of a hurry.
My next rank test in martial arts is in a couple weeks - moving is much easier now.
The bad news is, of course, that half my office pants are getting *very* baggy.
And the weird part is that people have started lifting me. Because they CAN. Dunno how I feel about that yet.
Posts: 188 | Registered: Dec 2002
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Ryuko, I am so sorry you feel that way. Do you exercise or play sports? Dance? Sometimes, it is easier to love your body when it does something fun.
Posts: 10890 | Registered: May 2003
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I weighed myself today (still not having most sugar, though my sister sent me some marzipan from spain last week. I rationalized that it said "at least 50% almonds" so went ahead and had it in small batches. It made my stomach distress point on my arm hurt.
But the good news is I've lost about 12 pounds from where I think I started. I don't have a scale at home, so I had to go downtown with my husband to his office. He has like a doctor's scale.
Posts: 11017 | Registered: Apr 2003
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Well, I lost some weight earlier in the year, but seem to have gained it back and then some.
In fact, yesterday, I tried to put my shorts on to go to a ballgame and they wouldn't close - not even close - couldn't even force them closed.
I am desperate. I am NOT going out and getting a whole new wardrobe.
I am desperate enough to be thinking of trying Slimfast, or something like that. Even though I have considered Slimfast in the past, and was always dissuaded after reading the ingredients label.
I had one of the shakes yesterday, and I had mealbars for breakfast and lunch today, but I doubt I can keep that up. They are too sweet and cloying. I don't have that much of a sweet tooth. And I don't feel like I have "eaten" a meal. Nor do they give me the energy I need to exercise - but maybe that is just getting over my cold, still having a residual cough, and lack of sleep, I can't really tell.
I am drinking a ton of liquid, mostly water.
This is so depressing. Posts: 5771 | Registered: Nov 2000
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I actually really like nutrigrain bars. They fill me up enough that I don't feel hungry if I have 1/2 liter of water too. And they are only 140ish calories each. So you can eat 2 and only be up to 300 calories on the day. And that in conjunction with a morning multivitamin is enough to give my body a kickstart. I have a large salad for lunch, and am conservative on the dressing, and then have a large dinner. I've been losing weight slowly but steadily for the last month.
Ela, I've been there. You might look into Weight Watchers. It's simple, it's healthy, and it's something you can do for a long time. Not good for fast weight loss, the most you're supposed to lose after the first few weeks is 2 pounds a week. But it adds up, and it's the "right" way to do it if you want it to stay off.
In related news, I just got back from my first aerobics class! I was totally clumsy next to all of the coordinated people who have been doing it forever... but we're on the home stretch for the wedding, and I'm only halfway to goal! Posts: 2220 | Registered: Jun 1999
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I'm still being pretty good, though my sister in law made some bars that she said were "really healthy". I'm such a sucker. So I have had some chocolate. But I think an important element of success is not giving in to the black and white thinking that says "I might as well go whole hog" if I make a little mistake.
"If you spill a little milk on the floor, do you say, 'Well, so much for that!' and empty the rest of the gallon, too?"
Posts: 2220 | Registered: Jun 1999
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Actually, though, if I am doing that, I think I'd rather just go back to my daily oatmeal.
Those Slimfast bars were awful. I guess they are loaded with fiber to make you feel full, but all they did was make me feel bloated and unsatisfied, and gave me a stomachache. Maybe the shakes are better, but I think I can safely say that the Slimfast experiment is over.
Ayelar, I am familiar with Weight Watchers, as my mom has been on it a few times over the years. I have had a few friends on it, too. My impression has always been that it is not particularly well-adapted to the type of mostly vegetarian diet that I eat. I have looked at my mom's materials from WW each time she has been on it, and that still seems to be true.
I guess, for the moment, I will go with my usual "diet" - trying to eat sensibly, cutting out snacks, fats, and sugars, and controlling my portion size. Plus some daily exercise. (My daughter and I went walking last night - she is a great walking partner, then I did my exercises on a mat in the living room.)
Maybe I need Icky's calorie counting plan, after all. Hey, Icky, you there? Posts: 5771 | Registered: Nov 2000
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quote:trying to eat sensibly, cutting out snacks, fats, and sugars, and controlling my portion size. Plus some daily exercise.
That's exactly what the current WW plan is. I know that, in the past, they had a weird focus on liver and other kinds of meat-based protein, but now it's wide open for what you can eat, as long as you make healthy choices most of the time, control your portions, and count calories (using their Points system). I'm not vegetarian, but I don't eat much meat with Mark around, and I have no problem finding the Points for tofu and seitan and counting them along with everything else. The program's huge focus on getting your fruits and vegetables makes a vegetarian diet pretty compatible, I think.
Posts: 2220 | Registered: Jun 1999
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Ela, I'm not sure if the Nutrigrain bars are kosher or not. (I'm looking at a bar right now and I can't find the circle K or U but there are two serial numbers that begin with K that look suspicious.) Honestly they aren't the greatest tasting things in the world, but they are palatable, and fill me up. With oatmeal, I can't eat it plain, I have to add stuff to make it taste decent and that is where the extra calories come in.
And do you think some of wieight gain might be a metabolism change in reaction to NOT being under stress anymore at that awful job? Yet at the same time I would imagine that you may not being as active as when you were running around in a hospital ward working. Proabably you were eating more to keep your energy up then, and you just need to start decreasing portion sizes everywhere slightly.
Oh yes, and I think I've honestly lost about 4-5 pounds in the last month. So it isn't coming off as quickly as if I'd made more lifestyle changes, but it is coming a bit at a time.
I still need to get my butt in gear and start biking to work. Problem is that I have to get up earlier to do it and I *hate* getting up in the mornings with an unrivaled passion.
Hey, if any of you want, I could tell you my diet. I doubt most of you would stick to it, though. Still, tt's quite effective.
Posts: 3060 | Registered: Nov 2003
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Something I never would've thought to do before gaining 20 b/c pounds...actually writing down what I eat. It makes me think a bit more before I start having random late night snacks...because once that starts, before I know it I've finished off a bag of potato chips, four cookies, and a pint of ice cream.
Posts: 9057 | Registered: Nov 2000
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quote:And do you think some of wieight gain might be a metabolism change in reaction to NOT being under stress anymore at that awful job? Yet at the same time I would imagine that you may not being as active as when you were running around in a hospital ward working. Proabably you were eating more to keep your energy up then, and you just need to start decreasing portion sizes everywhere slightly.
Yeah, I definitely think that all of the things you mentioned are factors. Running around all day at work, running up and down stairs at work, missing meals and breaks due to too much work - and then quitting right before Passover and enjoying that Passover food a little too much. That's when I notice my weight kept up, but I really didn't realize how many inches I had gained on my body till I tried those shorts on Sunday.
Posts: 5771 | Registered: Nov 2000
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quote: Ela, I'm not sure if the Nutrigrain bars are kosher or not.
They are. Kellogg's doesn't like to put the O-U on their products (I don't remember why), but they are supervised by them.
Posts: 32919 | Registered: Mar 2003
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I actually bit the bullet and weighed myself and measured myself yesterday.
I'm not too heavy (61kg = 135 pounds ) but it's ALL FAT!!!! I'm about two sizes above where I feel most comfortable, and on a fairly short (5' 3") and slight frame, that's a lot.
My measurements prove this.
I even have above a .8 ratio waist to hips and an above 80cm waist - so increased risk of heart disease. and
The good news is I exercised yesterday *and* the day before that. Now to just keep it up...
6'3" is fairly short? Is this some weird Australian form of measurment? Or are you all just really tall down there?
Posts: 9866 | Registered: Apr 2002
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I lost about 65 pounds. I am 5 feet 11 inches. I used to weigh 220 pounds. After lots of gold old fashioned diet and exercise I got down to 155.
Posts: 12 | Registered: May 2004
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Wow Erick. 155 pounds at 5'11" is pretty thin. That's cool. I wish I only weighed that much, but not exactly the "skinny body type."
Posts: 4229 | Registered: Dec 2002
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I have given up. Again. I find that when I get to the panic stage, I just eat more, so i have learned to back off and just let it be, and try to gte in shape.
Posts: 10890 | Registered: May 2003
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I don't know if I've actually lost weight, but this is my 64th day of eating very little sugar. Though last night I dreamed that I went down the slippery slope of a little kids cereal, and then some cookie dough, and finally just saying "chuck it". I felt very unnerved about it for a while but there's nothing like hatrack to loosen you up. Next thing you know, hatrack will be available with a prescription in California.
Posts: 11017 | Registered: Apr 2003
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Well I biked to work again today. It may rain but Steve said he would pick me up. And if I stopped riding every time the forecast said "possible showers" like I did last week, I realized I'll never ride. And I have errands on some days so I can't ride. But I got a second pair of biking shorts, and rear panniers so that I don't have to wear a backpack which keeps me cooler. And a camelbak knock off so I stay hydrated.
Guess when it starts getting colder I'm going to have to buy winter leggings like the football players wear.
I'm getting back on the exercise wagon too. My walking buddy tried going with her husband instead for a while, but now we've decided to have her run and me rollerblade. I'm kind of logey in the morning, so me walking was not intense enough for her.
Posts: 11017 | Registered: Apr 2003
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Just want to let you all know, maintaining your weight once you've lost it seems almost harder than trying to lose it in the first place. You are so happy with how you look after you've lost it that it's easy to start slacking off without consciencely realizing the impact it'll make later. Anyway, about 4 years ago, I had lost 75 pounds. Got on the scale this morning, and looks like I've gained 20 of those pounds back. I gotta get my butt in gear!!!
Posts: 1015 | Registered: Aug 2001
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NdRa, good to keep in mind. 75! Wow, that's impressive!
I have been trying to exercise 6 days a week, and doing a pretty good job of it most of the time. I am also trying to eat healthier in general and less.
I can almost "feel" my body being in a state of shedding the weight, but the process is very slow despite all the effort I am putting in. I wish it would happen faster.
I do feel strong and healthy though, which ain't bad all on its own!
Posts: 7050 | Registered: Feb 2004
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well i still haven't got rid of any of those eight pounds that ambushed me a couple weeks ago.
i am moving this weekend and have a month of absolute hermitude planned.
sandy, emily and i are going to be walking to the beach from her house a couple mornings every week, you should join us for a healthy waterfront frolic
i feel comfortable around you, you may socialize with the hermit
p.s. in case you haven't met her, sandy is blazing hot no matter how much she thinks she needs to work out.
And this is coming from sizzling-so-hot-you-could-fry-eggs-on-her-ass Sara.
I'm down to walk with you guys whenever. Just give me a holler when you are ready to go for that beachfront walk. I'm so sedentry right now, it's not even funny. I really REALLY hate the gym and need to find someone that likes to do something interesting and active. Yay for Emily and Sara!
Posts: 1015 | Registered: Aug 2001
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i refuse to join a gym once i move (plus i am still paying for a membership up here) but once i find a decent job i am planning on taking a few classes. i'll probably start with ballet and african, as well as kungfu and aikido.
and i am up for going to a few yoga classs with you, especially if you want my semi-experienced critique.
i plan on going to the beach to exercise weekly, and then i am just going to do free weights and other such non gym activities at home. i think after a month i should be up for public partying again Posts: 3936 | Registered: Jul 2000
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I'll put in a plug for Aikido. My husband has done (an taught some) Aikido for the last 7 years. I did some myself, though not nearly as much. I highly recommend it. It is a graceful, gentle, yet very effective martial art.
Posts: 7050 | Registered: Feb 2004
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Still not eating desserts. Have been rollerblading for several weeks and the thighs are feeling less jiggly. But haven't weighed myself in some time.
Posts: 11017 | Registered: Apr 2003
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How do British people stay so thin?? There is *so much* rich food in England, it's unbelievable. I *never* had a problem with my weight before, and all of a sudden I've gained like 7-10 pounds and I'm going to end up having to buy all new pants if I don't do something.
At least I'm going home soon-ish, that should make it easier.
Posts: 1784 | Registered: Jun 2001
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Over the winter, I put on about 20 lbs that have stubbornly refused to come off, regardless of how much exercise I did. I've been eating healthy, relatively low fat foods for the better part of a decade now (with the occasional pizza or coconut based curry thrown in every now and then--moderation in all things, right?), so I knew that the quality of the food I was taking in wasn't a problem. It was quantity. In my recent move, I didn't have time to snack much, and was pretty much constantly carrying boxes up and down stairs for a solid week and a half. The exercise probably wasn't much more intense than what I'd been doing at the gym, so the only real difference was that I was eating much less--and the weight just started melting off. Now I'm done with the moving, but I'm consciously maintaining the eating pattern that I had during the move. Plus, I'm making a point of eating exactly half of what I usually used to eat at any given meal, and then allowing myself to have the other half if I find that I'm ravenous in an hour or so. Generally, though, I've been fine, and have been having the second half of whatever it was for my next meal. I haven't had time to get back to the gym and weigh myself, but I can see a huge difference.
Oh, and my clothes have become a little bit too loose, but I'm not complaining.