I don't think so. There must be more to how they track elo. Maybe after being placed it's initially easy to move.
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I'm still playing normal games, but oh man, the people playing there are so bad even compared to 1200 ELO solo queue players! I had a Xin in a game who had 4 different item parts and no big item (not even level 2 boots), and of course kept dying in his lane. In another one had a Shen and a Twisted Fate that had no idea how to play those champions: Shen would never use his ulti and never split push, while TF would use his ulti to attack when our team was retreating and always ended up getting killed. I got the same TF in my next game, and of course him and another player couldn't decide who should go mid and who support, so they both went mid (TF + Zyra). They were pretty much useless, giving away first blood and ending up as the only ones on our team with fewer kills than deaths. Luckily their bottom lane was incredibly bad and I managed to hold it with Cait in a 1 v 2, ending the game with 10 kills and 2 assists. That should never have happened...
Last game we had a 4 player premade who never said anything (maybe they were using some voice chat?) and had no idea how to play together. I was Shen top by the way. I pretty much had to coordinate the team, telling them who to focus, where to go, when to get baron, etc. We did get baron after a won team-fight when their AP foolishly showed himself in bot lane, but instead of pushing, my teammates went around farming... I just couldn't believe it, it's like they never got baron in a game before... We got a few kills but no turrets until the buff ran out. The enemies got a free baron next (our "support" Cho'Gath had no wards, and I was the only one buying them and Oracles but was getting behind in my build), and then came to our open mid inhibitor. I managed to taunt their Kog'Maw and for once they focused him. We won the fight (5-3) despite their having baron and went on to win from there. But really, the fact that we had a 4-man premade was not at all apparent, it was worse than solo queue...
Anyway, I'll still play normals to test some champions and builds, especially after the mastery and item changes, but I can't wait to get back to ranked games. The atmosphere might be more tensed, but people communicate more and have at least a dim idea about what they have to do.
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In case anyone's interested here's a website that shows the new in-game shop and all the new items: http://s3.microtony.comPosts: 4519 | Registered: Sep 2003
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I'm quite new to this game I've only been playing for about 4 days XD, any of you can add my shitty skills to your list of friends even if you dislike me AgniToast. -Thanks for the link Corwin
Oh gosh. Apparently the first 15 games are all 40 elo games, and I lost games 11-15. Who needs 200 elo anyway? :\
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IPL 5 is going on right now in Las Vegas. M5 and TPA just finished playing out their group. That was an awesome game to watch. Rengar was just so tanky and mobile late game. I think TPA's Rengar is definitely going to be suppressed.
Sad to see Katarina and Ashe come out of M5 but not able to make a noticeable difference.
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I caught some of the games yesterday, but today I spent my free day playing boardgames with some friends of mine. I'll take a look now to see what's happening. It's a bit annoying that the tournament brackets aren't updated in anything close to real time though.
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It looks like they're getting better at updating them. I still don't understand why group B is listed with 1, 1, 1, 0 wins. o_O
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Wow, Fnatic just won game 1 versus TPA! That was unexpected. It's still just 1-0 in a winners' bracket game, so even if TPA lose the second they're not out, but still, quite a surprise.
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Is anyone watching WE vs CLG.EU? This is the most crazy match I've ever seen, including some previous CLG.EU turtling game. Wow... CLG down to 1 base turret but 2 inhibs up now and a 3rd one up soon, while WE still have a good few turrets, just their mid inhib is exposed. Rengar tried to backdoor once and almost finished that single turret, but it was not enough. I have no idea how long this will take still...
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Ez and Rengar (WE) try to backdoor, then CLG try to go back, Ez and Rengar run away, CLG stop their backing, WE's 2 people go at it again and finally 2 from CLG HAVE to get back to stop it! They take WE's players out and now CLG look to finally win this!
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Still not over, Oriana came back and stopped CLG! Lee takes Ori out, but Ez is now up again! 3 dead for CLG (one just reviving) vs 2 for WE. WE push CLG's base now, take mid inhib (bot is down too). Only WE's mid is down. WE take baron now! Frankly this looks like the final push for WE.
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WE are splitting CLG, hoping it will be enough to get all inhibitors! They miss finishing the bottom one! WE's Cho suicides in order to get the inhibitor (actually he doesn't even die!) and all 3 inhibs are down for CLG; wait, no, their middle inhib is up before bot goes down. In the meantime CLG do take WE's middle inhib again. By the way, CLG's "support" Zyra has Rabadon's, Zhonya's, Abyssal, boots, HoG and wards. Quite the support. Posts: 4519 | Registered: Sep 2003
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WE has FOUR Guardian Angels! CLG has THREE by the way. This is crazy... WE have baron but all 3 CLG inhibs are up. WE finally take them all down, and WE win this in 69 minutes! I'm tired just from watching and listening to this...
Posts: 4519 | Registered: Sep 2003
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Heh, that was definitely a highlight of the day. The next three games match-ups are going to be fantastic.
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I had to go to sleep after the second AB vs M5 game, and I must say I'm slightly surprised M5 won the series.
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Interesting, Fnatic are really dominating WE in game 1: 9-4 in kills, 3-0 in turrets, 2-0 in dragons (I think).
Edit: WE did get two kills on Eve and Shen after baiting them in a 2 v 5, but with some lucky Wriggle's procs the rest of Fnatic take a 17 min baron. Impressive.
Edit2: WE actually surrendered after a while. Great game by Fnatic. TPA is 3-0 up against M5, but M5 have 2-0 in turrets and 4k gold lead.
Just tuning in. I had to do some job search work this morning, and totally spaced on going to church. So I can actually catch it today.
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edit: It was Fnatic and TPA in the loser bracket final.
So it's going to be a Fnatic and WE again in the finals. WE beat up Fnatic just a few hours ago, but Fnatic has got to be feeling pumped about that dominating performance.
Picks and bans are going to be huge in this next game, but I still favor WE significantly to win this.
I only watched until the end of the losers' bracket final, since it was getting pretty late. Great tournament by WE, looking forward to watching the final games.
I was impressed by how much Amumu was picked in this tournament (19 times), more than Mundo (15) and Maokai (14). He's certainly a great champion, but was usually being outclassed by faster junglers.
Cait and Vayne were picked quite often too, and Graves was barely used (3 games), so now it's a holy "quadrinity" (Ezreal, Vayne, Corki, Cait).
Other than Graves, other champions that saw very little play were Shyvanna (1), Alistar (1), Yorick (1), Cassiopeia (1), Janna (2), Jayce (3), Ahri (4). Kennen was never picked... Oh, how the mighty have fallen...
Lee (42), Rengar (42) and Diana (40) were the most banned, and Ezreal (46), Lulu (38), Olaf (38), Nunu (32), Cho'Gath (30) most picked. It's interesting that Ez was never banned... I remember a commentator saying that Ez was considered a "luxury" (if you can get him, sure, go ahead) but not a necessity, which I guess explains why he's never banned.
And the most picked and banned overall were by far Diana (94% of games), Lee (90%), Rengar (84%) and Olaf (80%).
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Amumu is definitely slower in the jungle, but he sets up so many ganks, and down the road his ultimate changes entire team fights.
I noticed a few Leonas, but honestly I was disappointed with how she was handled. Ultimates missing left and right, getting ganked frequently. Obviously it's not the worst thing when your support is the one who dies, but there were quite a few scenarios where she could have gotten out. Or when she can't she should start pummeling somebody so the AD carry can lay some damage on. Didn't happen.
Yeah Lee, Rengar, and Diana were huge this tournament, as was Ezreal. I feel bad for Soraka, between Sona and Lulu, nobody wants her anymore. I remember when they called Vayne a "hyper carry" she was almost obliterated by Caitlyn this tournament.
I honestly don't get the allure of Nunu, and Olaf to a lesser extent. The champs must see something I don't.
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According to leaguepedia Leona was picked 10 times, 5 wins, 5 losses.
As for Soraka, I'm not even sure what Riot can do to make her viable again, without reverting to the healer meta...
Nunu is frankly just a walking buffer/debuffer. His ultimate will rarely see a good use though, and his Q just helps with camps a bit, but doesn't scale, so that sucks. But having a constant AS/MS buff on your AD carry and an AS/MS on an enemy is pretty cool. You just need a champion that scales very well with AS and this is not really the case with Ez, Corki and Graves. But when Kog was one of the top AD carries Kog + Nunu was a crazy comp. He's now just back with a different partner who got better because others got nerfed.
Olaf, from what I saw, has one purpose: beeline for the enemy squishes with Ragnarok popped. He has a skill that deals true damage, and an ultimate that give armor penetration, which means the squishes will be in big trouble if he reaches them. I think he's simply a better version of Mundo. Though both seem a tad boring to play.
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Anyway, I can't wait to see how Season 3 changes things. With so many new items and the mastery changes I frankly can't wait to play a Season 3 support! Especially someone with long range auto-attacks who can benefit a lot from the mastery that gives gold for AAs. Heck, Zilean has 600 range, he might become a support + second AP carry like most of the Zyra supports do now.
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I thought it was a pretty good tournament. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get press passes this time as it seems my email was having some problems.
Oh well, hopefully they will have IPL 6 here in Vegas as well
Corwin, are you on the Public Beta Environment? I've played around with many of the new items, and I honestly believe that the entire way the game is played is going to change. A couple of new items (I forget the names) are:
Upgraded Tiamat: Tiamat still exists, but only works for melee characters. The radius of the effect is larger. Tiamat now builds into another weapon that also has lifesteal. The lifesteal works on the AoE damage, and has an active effect that deals 100% damage to everything around you. It is basically a free auto attack every 45 seconds.
New Ranged Weapon: Gives a ton of attack speed. Builds off of one Recurve Bow and two daggers. Makes your ranged auto attacks split into 3 projectiles, the main attack doing 100% weapon damage and the other two projectiles deal 80% weapon damage. The extra 2 projectiles can proc on hit effects. Only downfall is that the extra two projectiles only apply if there are enough targets to hit.
There are a few new caster items, a new AD item with Magic resist that has a built in Cleanse, a few new tenacity items, some new support items, etc.
I believe rather than nerf / buff certain champions to be more viable in tournament play, these new items will allow some champions not usually played to become extremely viable.
Brand for example is extremely powerful right now on the PBE. There is a new caster item that deals 5% of a champions health in damage over 5 seconds. Combine that with Brand's passive which does the same, and you are dealing 10% HP on each ability you land, 15% if the enemy is slowed.
I'm REALLY looking forward to this patch Posts: 1937 | Registered: Nov 2006
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I'm a bit weary of the AS item, since it seems more useful with on-hit builds which I've never seen put to great use.
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Clawing my way back up to the 1300s. I really think the new utility tree is for Lulu/Sona type supports, not Alister, Leona, Nunu ones.
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Also, I tried to build a tank masteries page, and ended up with something like 27 in defense. I really like the new options in defense and utility.
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The conclusion is that Spellsword might be useful on certain champions, but that on-hit is still not a thing.
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Sure, but like he said on champs like Diana and Akali it can be good for more CS, and I think I agree.
There is of course going to be a lot of major shifting in the meta as the items and mastery trees lurch about, and numbers are crunched. If you find a great setup, go for it, but expect things to get nerfed quickly, with buffs later.
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Yeah, I'm sure there will be frequent changes for the next few patches.
I'm rather disappointed by the attitude in the patch announcement thread on EUNE though, but I'm not sure I should have expected any better. There were lots of cries of "Riot has ruined the game", "we can't jungle anymore", etc. Instead of saying let's try and see what new things work now.
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So, I just played my first game in a while (a few months.) It encapsulated everything I love and hate about this game.
As always, I'm as Ashe, and our team starts off with two champ take downs as soon as the minions spawn. Great! We have excellent momentum for 30 minutes and the score is ridiculous, something like 50 vs 22 in our favor.
And then, our momentum stops. We couldn't manage to turn our overwhelming advantage in money into anything meaningful. For whatever reason, the team wouldn't work together and kept going off in different directions only to keep getting ganked. Nonetheless, our advantage was still pretty strong and we still kept increasing our score. Seriously, the final score was 71 vs 52, in our favor, and we still lost.
So, what I hated was how I could feel myself getting angrier and angrier at the poor decision making of my teammates, and it was made worse by the fact that we all thought we had the game in the bag. What I enjoyed was that I actually managed to complete my Ashe build for once and was quite beastly.
Looks like Riot is moving League of Legends into a regular season / playoffs / finals format to some extent.
I actually like that idea a lot. Gets some unsponsored teams a chance to play professional teams, and demonstrate ability, which will get them into tournaments at the end of the season.
So does anyone play with a group of people? I'm getting really tired of playing pickup games with the festering cesspool that is LoL's general community. Plus, I figure if I play with the same people more often I won't have as much of a roller coaster record ("I won 10 games in a row!" *next day* *throws monitor out window because I just lost my 15th game in a row*)
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You can add me. Summoner name is Vaniel. Feel free to add me.
I have a large group of people I play with on a regular basis, and usually in the evenings we have 4 or 5 people, sometimes more.
I am liking season 3 so far. My 3's team is 7-1 so far, with an ELO of a little over 1400. We hope to get to at least gold though!
Posts: 1937 | Registered: Nov 2006
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I went 7-0 when I first started doing solo ranked for Season 3. Then I had one of those monitor throwing streaks where I got stuck with the troll team for the next 6 games straight. I hate LoL sometimes. Also, I'm BorisMKV on there. Don't ask what MKV stands for. It's a secret.
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Finally played another ranked Summoner's Rift. I was bottom lane as Leona with Ezreal, against Alistar and Vayne.
Their Lee Sin I think was bottom bush the entire time, and at level 2 they sprung their trap, but we still managed to pick up first blood, and get back to our turret without dying.
It was all EZ sauce from there. It's hard to describe, but sometimes, after a really good early game, you get into situations where say it's 2 v 4, and somehow all their players are dead, and your two players are left with slivers of health, and you know you should be dead, but that early game made the difference, and now you are going to go back home and buy, and it's that moment, the game slipped away for the other team.
I've never played a game other than LOL where I get that feeling, both when I'm winning and losing.
Posts: 14316 | Registered: Jul 2005
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Anyone have any good links to some sort of playing guides or strategy guides for me? I can usually pick up most games meta game after messing around a bit, but this game is so big with so many possible builds and nuances I feel a bit lost...
Posts: 15082 | Registered: Jul 2001
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If you are interested in support roles (and I am predominantly) Xpecials general guide is a great place to go. I suspect if you look up Saint Vicious, he's got a good junglers guide, SK Ocelot probably has a solo-mid guide, HotShotGG probably has a solo top guide, and here is a solid general AD carry guide for bottom lane.
Posts: 14316 | Registered: Jul 2005
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Kwea, if you're interested in champion guides, take a look at (mostly pro guides, updated quite often, site associated with Curse Gaming) and (already mentioned by BB, site associated with TSM; lots of guides, some pro, some not, but a lot of them are outdated so be wary).
If you're interested in jungling, you can find out more at, in Stonewall's articles. He's also posting a lot of jungle videos, from basic clearing times to full games with commentary (calls them team battles) or videos talking in lots of detail about one particular champion. He's not a pro player, but he's quite a good one and has in the past taken up some junglers that pros weren't yet playing at that moment (Maokai, Shyvanna, Nautilus, etc.). also has interesting articles on various topics, so take a look around.
On youtube other than stonewall you can find videos from colbycheeze, who provides commentary on his own games or sometimes on pro games. I find that sometimes he doesn't really pay attention to the right things when doing pro games commentary though, but then again, I've never done that so I don't know how hard it is.
You can also follow some streams, although pro player streams aren't always the most informative. You can find streams from all the sites mentioned before, or from (some of them are the same, just linked from different sites). I'd recommend Guardsman Bob's stream for a bit more friendly commentary.
In other news, I've been playing a bit of blind pick normal games with a couple of guys from work. God, I hated it. Nobody talks about team comp, they just lock in whatever they want. It's a marvel if someone picks a support or a jungler. Some of them have no idea how to zone out in a favorable bot lane match-up, team fights are a complete hazard, last hitting seems an optional skill, nobody buys wards, etc. Not sure how to tell my friends I'm not at all interested in playing with them again if they still do blind pick...
Now, draft pick normal games still see worse play than ranked, but frankly, not by much. It's just that I think that a lot of players play normals to test new champions, hence the level of play is slightly lower. Or it might be from all the changes in pre-season 3. But blind pick is just horrible.
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Xerath for CLG in the first game, and now Tryndamere for Curse in game two. This is turning out to be a fun day. Too bad I won't be able to see too many games.
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Curse are really dialed in right now when they play other NA teams. I would have really enjoyed watching both Xerath and Trynd. I haven't seen the latter especially in tournament play for a long time.
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