Well, they're not trash. But you have to think of alternate uses of the word chest. They don't have anything inside them (except maybe some decaying organs).
Posts: 609 | Registered: Apr 2003
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The Sunken Chest is one piece of a Spooky Pirate Skeleton, which is a familiar. I don't know that it's really worth it to collect all the pieces. Only one of my characters has one, and I almost never use it.
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I just confirmed that the chrome helmet turtle is one example of an item that must be smithed by both a Seal Clubber (chrome + dense meat stack) and a Turtle Tamer (chrome meat stack + helmet turtle).
Posts: 1652 | Registered: Aug 2003
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Someone somewhere mentioned something about increasing one's MP, but I forget the method. Increasing it to match one's highest stat, is there a quest for that?
Posts: 17164 | Registered: Jun 2001
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Well, if you are the accordian guy or the disco bandit, you can buy a moxie magnet which bases your MP off of moxie instead of mysticality. I don't know about the other classes, though.
Posts: 1466 | Registered: Jan 2003
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This morning I discovered that I had missed an entire area. Since I never made a Talisman o' Nam, I never found the Palindome (located in the Plains, but only if you have equipped the Talisman). I had read about the Palindome, and knew I needed to go there at some point, but I had no idea where and when it was supposed to show up.
I finally got it. And the Palindome is a really, really fun place to adventure. I was able to collect everything I needed to complete the Hey Deze Map quest.
Now I just need to adventure at the Penultimate Fantasy Airship for a while longer and I'll be ready to move on.
(It's a shame I've never seen or played Final Fantasy, because I get the feeling there are a lot of inside jokes in the Airship.)
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If I want to buy some skills, should I only buy the expensive ones and ignore the cheaper ones?
The way I figure it, the more expensive ones are more powerful, so I won't even bother to use the cheaper ones anyway, right?
Posts: 181 | Registered: Aug 2001
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the more expensive ones also use more MP - I have a skill my turtle tamer doesn't use often because it takes 5 mp and my tt only has 12. So it's not worth using that skill at this point.
Posts: 2034 | Registered: Apr 2004
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On the subject of skills.... I found that some skills can be conferred on other players. For example, my "Canticle of Celerety". Also, the effect of the "buff" spans days and doesn't get reset when my HP and MP are reset at 0400Z. Finally, if I still have a lot of MP left but have to rest to restore HP, I cast the buff on my other characters rather than "waste" the MP rejuvenation while I'm resting.
My characters now have 100s of turns worth of Cletus' Canticle. If you'd like me to spend some of my potentially "wasted" MP on your character shoot me a message and I'll put you in my contact list.
Okay, I have a question...I'm supposed to have the skills Mancotti Meditation, and something else that heals HP...yet they never come up anywhere. I spent 3000 meat on one of them, can someone tell me how I can use it?
Posts: 3658 | Registered: Jan 2002
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Some skills you can use during a battle -- the option comes up on the battle screen in a drop-down list labeled "use skill."
Other skills you can use at any other time -- just click on "skills" on the toolbar across the top. These skills last a certain number of turns, and you can choose how many times to use them.
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I figure since I ask so many questions, I outta return the good karma people are givin' (not in the clan stash, though all my characters have good karma, I think)-but in terms of items the stash needs.
Anyone need a hard-to-find item? There are many things I have stacks of.
Posts: 17164 | Registered: Jun 2001
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How far are you in the strange leaflet? Have you found the chest? If so, then "look behind chest". I'll admit I had to cheat to find that one.
Posts: 143 | Registered: Apr 2004
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Re: strange leaflet -- I don't know what you mean by "words that you enter." Are you able to do anything at all in that quest, or is a particular thing in it stumping you?
Posts: 1652 | Registered: Aug 2003
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The Leaflet-- Try oldstyle words like "Go North" or "Cut Hedge" or "Light Fire"
Skills--Some classes use skill far better than smash and hit. Buy the skills, all the skills you can. Sure, the Cone of Something does 30 points of damage, but it takes 4 of your mana. The Minor Ray of Something only does 7 points of damage, but it only takes 2 of your mana. If you get a Brainy Skull it tells you how many hp each monster has. You can then best manage your mana resources.
How To Skills-- Human, the Noodle Bandages and Manticotti Meditation are useable from the "Skills" section, one of the small words on the upper left hand corner of your screen. While I haven't found a use for Manticotti Meditation, I live on Noodle Bandages.
Posts: 11895 | Registered: Apr 2002
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OK, here's the quick version of the leaflet. You have to:
Go in the house and get the sword. No north and cut the hedge, while getting the stick. Then go west and light your torch. Go back east, then go north into the cave. Kill the snake and open the chest, getting whatever's in it. Look behind the chest, and get what you can find back there.
Posts: 143 | Registered: Apr 2004
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Please don't waste the Sneaky Pete's Keys!! That is one of the last items I need to complete the Naughty Sorceress quest. I keep getting Jarlsberg's and Boris' Keys, but no Sneaky Pete's. If anybody has any they would be willing to sell/trade me, I would be most grateful.
Posts: 1652 | Registered: Aug 2003
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There were some "trivial" changes made yesterday that y'all might want to check out. One in regard to the use of familiars will affect most people and how they play the game. There's also been a change in how the gourd tower works that is pretty signficant:
quote:7/15 - lots of little changes today (and yesterday): The gourd quest now requires 5+x items, where x is the number of times you've done the quest. A bulk price-management feature has been added to Mall stores. You can now search for only the cheapest X instances of a given set of items, in the Mall. Some places (The Shore, the Hedge Maze, etc.) have been given "Last Adventure" functionality. Familiars will no longer act in combat if you're running away, or fail to select a skill.
(emphasis added to items I think are most significant)
I haven't been picking skills much up till now. That's changed. I'm sure as heck using them now to make sure my familiars get to do their things in combat. (I'm also using single ice-cold beers more, to restore mana points quickly with no loss of turns.)
Looks like for me, anyway, the fun with the gourd tower is over. Running back with 5 items was quick and easy. Running back with 8, then 9, then 10, etc. is another matter entirely...
Posts: 4344 | Registered: Mar 2003
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The change with the gourd tower doesn't bother me, because it (the tower) ceased to be an effective way of advancing some time ago. I can get a much more efficient boost to my stats by simply adventuring in higher-level areas.
As for the change with familiars in combat, I don't think Jick's explanation was very clear, but I suspect that it doesn't mean what you seem to think it means. I think it just affects circumstances in which it seemed odd that the familiars were taking action: e.g. when you have already elected to run away, and when you're doing nothing at all in the face of an attack. I think that if you are either using a particular skill OR simply fighting normally, the familiar will still do its thing.
Of course, I could also be completely wrong on what you are thinking this change does.
Posts: 1652 | Registered: Aug 2003
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Hey, I have yet another question for fellow the Pastamastery skill worth the 3800 meat it costs?
Posts: 3658 | Registered: Jan 2002
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Human: Pasta Mastery allows you to make Dry Noodles, which when combined with the right stuff, makes food that gives you adventures.
Posts: 11895 | Registered: Apr 2002
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Just had my accordion thief buy the "bejeweled accordion strap" - at only 1000 meat, it's great! Adds 25 to my hit points and mana points! Since I was limited to three accessories, I took that hippy piece of turquoise off my wrist so I could have my accordion strap.
We lovess our preciousss accordion ssstrap, yesss we does, precioussss. Posts: 4344 | Registered: Mar 2003
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Yeah, the bejeweled accordion strap rocks. I got it as soon as I could, and now at level 11 and in the final quest I still haven't found anything better to replace it. My other two accessory slots have changed several times, but that sucker is staying.
Posts: 1652 | Registered: Aug 2003
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What skill does the accordian thief have? I mean pastamancers can make pasta, seal clubbers can meat smith... If it is just healing others then, gah- I don't want to heal others, I want to heal MYSELF.
Is that it? Is that the best distinctive skill an accordian thief has?
Accordion Thieves play music for an audience, even if the only audience is the Accordion Thief himself. The audience gains beneficial effects from listening to the music, often boosts to their stats, hp, or mp, or perhaps increases in meat or items found.
If you ever want me to play you a tune, just let me know.
Posts: 1652 | Registered: Aug 2003
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I just started this. When you get fortitude, strengthliness, etc. points, are those being added up to get one muscle point?
Posts: 4625 | Registered: Jul 2002
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To be honest, though. Sometimes they throw meat and valuables at us when we play the accordion to try to get us to stop.Posts: 4344 | Registered: Mar 2003
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My Accordion Thief has the following skills right now:
Moxie of the Mariachi - By diligently practicing playing the accordion at your campsite, you can channel the Moxie of the Mariachi -- your Moxie and Maximum HP will increase for a period of time.
Hoojiwat's Hymn of Healthiness - This song makes you (or another player) feel healthy, increasing maximum HP
The Power Ballad of the Arrowsmith - This song will fill you (or somebody else) with passionate intensity, and great Strengthliness.
These are the skills I have not yet purchased, with their descriptions from the game itself:
The Polka of Plenty - This song will fill you (or somebody else) with greed, and make more Meat drop from monsters in combat.
The Moxious Madrigal - Hearing this song will fill you (or somebody else) with great Moxie.
Cletus's Canticle of Celerity - Upon hearing this song, you (or somebody else) will begin to move very quickly, and with improved combat reaction times.
The Magical Mojomuscular Melody - This song will attune you (or somebody else) with your (or somebody else's) spirituality (hippy) and increase your (or somebody else's) maximum MP.
Brawnee's Anthem of Absorption - Upon hearing this song, you (or somebody else) will gain a strange absorbency. Monsters will do less damage to you (or somebody else) in combat.
Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric - Upon hearing this song, the listener will be imbued with superior looting skills - monsters will drop items more frequently in combat.
The Psalm of Pointiness - And lo, unto the audience shall be conjured an aura of pointiness, and verily shalt those who attack the audience be poked as though with legion pointy objects.
Jackasses' Symphony of Destruction - This horrible song will make whoever hears it very angry. And anger, in this case, will correspond with increased melee damage.
Stevedave's Shanty of Superiority - This song will impart upon its listener a sense of righteous indignation. This indignation will manifest as a generalized combat superiority over monsters.
The Ode to Booze - This is the best song ever. Whoever hears this song will gain a remarkable ability to drink, and will gain more adventures from alcoholic beverages.
Posts: 1652 | Registered: Aug 2003
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zgator, you can click on the [character] button at the top of the screen to see how many more of those incremental "fortitude", etc., points you need to increase your stat points.
Posts: 1652 | Registered: Aug 2003
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Has anyone else tried making bat haggis? Supposedly, you're supposed to cook batgut and a meat stack together. Meat stack doesn't come up on my cooking selections though.
I've seen bat haggis offered at the flea market, so I know people are getting to make it somehow. Anyone got a clue? I know it's something ridiculously simple I'm missing.
Posts: 4344 | Registered: Mar 2003
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sndrake, you make a meat stack. Go ito your inventory. I'tll be one of the options you have, provided you have enough meat.
Posts: 4569 | Registered: Dec 2003
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