My daughter once glued her foot to the floor...with superglue. (A stain in the shape of her foot is still on the linoleum.)
Posts: 3687 | Registered: Jan 2007
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When I was young we used to jump from a second-story balcony at a friend's house. We threw rocks into an above-ground pool. We gathered flowers for our mothers for Mother's Day--from neighbors' yards and the local greenhouse.
One time my friend's older brother terrorized us with his shotgun, pointing it at us and threatening to fire it. It was unloaded, but what an idiot.
I used to be afraid there was a demon in the attic--down the hall from my bedroom. I had to pass its hiding place on my way to bed. And sometimes I imagined a group of them on the roof above my bed, sawing a circular hole so they could drop in (they were a smaller variety). What a pleasant childhood memory.
Enough randomness for one post...
[This message has been edited by MrsBrown (edited June 12, 2009).]
One day when I was a kid, a long time ago it seems, the neighborhood gang of kids, of which I was one, took turns jumping off one set of kids' second-story back porch. We had a good time until their mother caught us and made us stop.
Sometimes I think about the shenanigans we all pulled when we were kids, and wondered that any of us made it to adulthood... :P
Posts: 715 | Registered: Nov 2007
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The 2003 director's cut of Alien 3 was significantly better than the 1992 theatrical version of the film. It is amazing how changing a few scenes here and there could change an entire picture.
I wonder if I should give the director's cut of Highlander II a chance? I found the theatrical version painful during the one and only time I ever watched it.
Bertolucci said the "director's cut" of The Last Emperor was just like the theatrical releaase, except longer...and more boring...
Posts: 8809 | Registered: Aug 2005
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From the lack of posts I can only guess that there was no randomness today. There's always tomorrow.
Posts: 968 | Registered: Jul 2008
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Call off the search I am not lost I have just been locked in the loony bin. I am getting med boarded from the army due to the fact that they drove me nuts. Everything from the neck down works just fine except my back, hips, and knees, the army broke them too. I am looking at getting 50 to 60% of E4 pay for the rest of my life.
News good or bad? Is that the world not ending, or Rommel Fenrir Wolf II's return and / or disability?
Posts: 8809 | Registered: Aug 2005
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The best can opener I ever had broke yesterday, after about fifteen to twenty years of use. What happened is as follows:
(1) It took me twenty minutes to find my older one (which didn't work as well, and I occasionally cut myself on the ragged edge) and carry on opening the tunafish cans.
(2) When it broke, I got vegetable oil all over one of my good work shirts; I washed it right away but the stain didn't come out; I washed it again this morning, hoping for the best.
(3) I searched the online store of Brookstone, which is where I got the can opener in the first place. Near as I could tell, they don't carry that particular model (something I knew from going in their retail stores), but their online store doesn't carry any manual can openers. ('Tisn't the first time Brookstone stopped carrying something I wanted to buy: I had to get new Mindfolds direct from the manufacturer. But I have no idea who made these particular can openers.)
(4) I'll have to go out and buy a new, and maybe inadequate, substitute can opener right away.
Tonight I'm going to see the directors cut of a play put on by aliens that are on disability. It's about a transgender group of Australian geriatric can openers and there search for the randomness of tomorrow.
Posts: 303 | Registered: Oct 2007
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I just saw "UP" this afternoon...excellent movie, all the way 'round...the montage sequence in the beginning was just about the saddest thing I've ever seen on film...
Posts: 8809 | Registered: Aug 2005
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My heart bleeds to hear about Robert's can opener. There are a lot of things that you get used to using over the years, then it breaks and replacements aren't available.
I had a popcorn bowl that was perfect. It was dropped and a crack developed (it was made out of melamine), ruining it.
I didn't even buy it in the state I currently live.
It's a pity when the things we love die, even though they didn't live in the first place. Like I remember when I invented the electric toaster . . . last Tuesday . . . and I came out of my workshop hungry for something buttery. So I went to the kitchen put some bread into the silver shiny thing that came with the house and turned on the tv. As I munched my victory lunch a program came on about inventors. Needles to say when it started talking about the electric toaster being invented in 1893 I started crying.
Tears of Joy! This meant that I would also, someday, invent a time machine. Nobel prize and caveman wife here I come.
On an unrelated note I once stuck my tongue to a spoon full of dry Ice. On a related note try pressing dry ice onto a piece of steel.
My grandparents have a household of appliances from the 1950s and 1960s that are still going strong; gramps repairs then whenever they break down, which isn't often. Of course, it helps that he designed them when they were first manufactured...
My other grandparents had a philosophy that I am currently clinging to: the easiest way to keep your home decluttered is to throw away everything that breaks during a move. <ommm... summoning the decluttered home...>
I bought a new can opener at the market yesterday. It's of similar design...but will it work as comfortably in my hands as the other one did?
(My mother uses a can opener, that, when I tried it, I always cut myself on the protruding lid.) main TV blinks on and off for up to twenty minutes after I turn it on and the colors are all off when it settles dishwasher seems not to be cleaning the dishes as well as I think it cable TV signal seems to lose certain digital channels as the sun goes up and the cables and connections get warm...and my DVD recorder seems to be filling up the disks after only a couple of half-hour programs.
Ah, well...I'm actively shopping for a new TV, what with the old one being technologically obsolete besides the cable TV problems will wait until I get that new TV 'cause they may be connected to the old TV breakdown...I have another DVD recorder I can move to the other room...and I added some rinse agent to the dishwasher yesterday, which may improve the situation.
I used to have a microwave that was made back in the late 70's. It was large enough to put a medium size pizza, including the box, in it. My wife insisted I get rid of it after we got married - it did take up quite a bit of space. However, it helped me survive college and my early to mid twenties.
Posts: 2003 | Registered: Jul 2008
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Is the Keep Alive talking to the computer, the OS, or the custom software? I wasn't born a tech writer...
Posts: 785 | Registered: Mar 2007
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Still searching for some randomness. Here's 2 minutes of my life on summer vacation:
My daughter: I've got a good idea for dinner. Can I make my good idea? Can you make mashed potatoes? Could you look up a recipe for me? Oh yeah, I know, all I've got to do is peel mashed potatoes, put them in a pot, wait for them to boil then dump the water out and mash them.
Me: OK. If you go get the potatoes you can make them.
My daughter: Yes! You said I couldn't cook til I was 10. (She's 6)
Me: Well, I'm going to help you, of course.
My daughter: NO! It's not fair. *Stomp. Stomp. Stomp.* Can Grammy and Grampy eat with us tonight, cause tomorrow they're leaving.
Me: I think they're already gone.
My daughter: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You are so mean! 5 plus 2 equals 7 OR 4 plus 3. Or 1 plus.... I got them. Now I'm going to peel them. Mommy where's the peeler? I can't find the peeler. MOM! Ooh...what's this drink? Can I have a taste of it?
She's the only child who was supposed to be outside. Of course, she's the only one inside.
My daughter came to me while I was on the computer. She had been playing with her cousin and little sister. She told me they were playing a game she made up and was called "I am in Charge."
Posts: 968 | Registered: Jul 2008
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A day or two after my wisdom teeth were removed, I rested at my parents-in-the-law's house. The list from the oral surgeon said I could eat eggs that day. I was ecstatic at the idea of eating something other than jello and pain meds.
Only my father-in-law was home. From his old reclining chair in the family room, he smirked at my glee and gave me permission to use the kitchen.
I bolted to the stove. I opened a cabinet. I stared inside.
Their posts are grouped in clumps. They participate then go away. Sometimes they return for another peek. The curious thing I found about the other five names is that you see them everywhere else on hatrack. Full time members they greet, comment in F&F, and offer opinions in the Writing section. Just not here.
Here's 14.
Do you really think I want to leave proof I'm not being productive?
Anyway, prairie dogs are cute. I wish to transform into one of the old, fat dogs that sits on a mound. That's after I finish a novel, of course. (2029?)
"I know a joke! A squirrel walks up to a tree and says, 'I forgot to collect nuts for the winter.' Then he dies. It's funny because a squirrel dies at the end." - Dug the dog (Up)
No guarantees on accuracy. It's a great example of what a dog might think is funny, though.
The cast of "Welcome Back, Kotter"... what are they doing now?
(because you wanted to know. You just didn’t know you wanted to know)
Gabe Kaplan (Mr. Kotter): champion professional poker player and does stand-up comedy gigs.
John Travolta (Barbarino): Movie superstar
Robert Hegyes (Epstein): Teaches screenwriting and acting at colleges and high schools in California.
Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs (“Boom Boom” Washington): occasional movie/TV appearance, and writes movie/TV theme music. As a keyboardist, has released a couple of albums. (I would’ve thought he’d play bass, not piano...)
Ron Palillo (Horseshack): Illustrates children’s books and still gets the occasional acting gig.
Marcia Strassman (Julie Kotter): TV and film actress. Involved with numerous causes (AIDS, cancer, children’s).
John Sylvester White (Mr. Woodman): passed away in 1988 (cancer).
Gabe Kaplan had a book out the other year...s funny collection of his letters, replies to when somebody wants him to do some kind of acting or reality-show gig, and so on, and so forth.
Posts: 8809 | Registered: Aug 2005
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I was reading a newspaper and I heard some whispering--from my foot.
I am fairly certain that the cells of my body have had enough of 'working together as a community', as they said, and have decided to all go their seperate ways.
What's to become of me?
[This message has been edited by skadder (edited June 19, 2009).]
Secretly isn't just another adverb. It's a super adverb. It is in fact the greatest adverb ever invented. So..
It so totally counts. ~Sheena
P.S. I'm aware that totally is also an adverb. It is Secretly's super friend. Have you not heard of the secretly totally awesome group of super words, with their amazing super powered awesomeness? Frankly, I'm surprised.
My toe says you are making it up. I tend to believe my body parts above adverb users like you.
Posts: 2995 | Registered: Oct 2007
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